Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas is Over, or is it?

It seems like this day and age everyone cannot wait to put their Christmas decorations away. Some even do this Christmas night.  Now I know everyone has their own traditions, their own schedules, their own reasons for when they decide to end their Christmas season.
My observation is those that cannot wait to take down their decor are those that put them up before Thanksgiving. Then they are tired of them even before Christmas.  I am not trying to criticize anyone for how and when they decorate. I just wanted to share my perspective of the Christmas season.
When I was a child my Mom would leave the tree up until January 6th, the 12th day of Christmas.  I never understood the meaning until I was an adult.  More of that later. But my Mom would put all of the decorations up after Thanksgiving, and my Dad would decorate the outside with lights and outdoor decorations the same time. I know my brother and I would love when they did this. However, the Christmas tree, we went as a family and picked it out.  Then on Christmas Eve my Mom and Dad would put the tree up, they would do the lights, then my brother and I would help do some decorations on the tree.  Then it was bath time and time to go to bed.  When we were asleep my parents would finish the tree and place the gifts under the tree.  When my brother and I would get up Christmas morning the tree was all finished and beautiful, and the presents under the tree.  We were always so surprised.  We enjoyed our Christmas vacation, many times visiting family in Pennsylvania or Virginia. Then January 3rd we would return to school. On the 6th my Mom would take down all the decorations and the tree.
Even though I like to put our tree and decorations up right after Thanksgiving, I do not tire of them. I love the lights and pretty things of Christmas. It all depends on my husband's work schedule as to what day we take it all down.  Either New Years or a day or two near there. I have only waited until January 6th a few times, mostly because Paul would be working.
With that being said, I still think about the 12 days of Christmas. The celebration of Christ's birth for 12 days. The 12th day was the epiphany day, a day of feast. This is really a time when Christians in the early church would reflect the importance of Christ in their lives. If we do not, who will teach our children and grandchildren about these important things about the birth of Christ?
I am not going to try to list all of that here, but that would be a good Bible study if you so desired.
Christmas is so very important for Christians. So let me ask, why are we in such a hurry to put it back in a box? Can we not take the week of Christmas and New Years to relax and enjoy the season. Can we take this week to remember who we are celebrating.
 I know it is hard for a lot of you with your schedules.  And remember, I am not condemning anyone.  What works for me may not work for you.  This is just an observation I've experienced this year.  More than years previous.
With all of this said, I'd like to encourage you all, take time to reflect what Christmas really means to us. We do not need decorations, or gifts, or toys, or even a feast to do this. Although when I am looking at a Christmas tree it helps me reflect a bit easier about this most special time of the year.
So for me and my home, my decorations will remain up as long as they can, depending on Paul's schedule.
My prayer for you all is that you can find some time these next 9-10 days to reflect a little more on Jesus and how He has impacted your life and your family's lives. 
Merry Christmas for another several days! 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you all.
As I was pondering what to write this week I wasn't getting anything particular. It wasn't until this morning that I realized why. The reason-because it is not about me or you, it is all about Jesus. It is Jesus' birthday, it is all for Jesus.
OK so I will say that familiar saying-"Jesus is the reason for the season".  We all have heard that a bunch of times. But think about it, this week before Christmas many of us are running around frantically getting last minute gifts, preparing for Christmas dinner, and so on.  We tend to forget why we are celebrating, and whom we are celebrating.
So I do not have a new revelation to share with you, but just encouragement. You know I like to look at things with a positive aspect rather than the negative. I remember a time when I was busy baking, shopping, and all the other busyness that goes along with Christmas. But being "challenged physically" has forced me to do things in a much more simpler way. I cannot spend all day shopping, or even baking. So I have been able to sit back, enjoy the Christmas shows on TV, have tea with a friend, and just spend time praying and dwelling on that first Christmas when Jesus was born.  It has been refreshing.  Sure I miss doing all those things, but I must admit, I would not trade those special times praying and talking to Jesus for anything.
Please know, I am not trying to condemn anyone. I totally understand work schedules and how it is hard to get everything done that you need to. I just want to encourage you, tomorrow on Christmas Eve, set aside some time, whether it is an hour, or even 15 minutes, sit back and have a nice talk with our Savior. Give Him a birthday present, you.  He desires that more than anything. A little bit of time with you. Having a nice chat, listening to our stories, Jesus desires time with you.
I promise you, this will be the best part of your day.
I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas with your family and loved ones. Have fun building memories that you will have forever. And most of all, I pray you will have your special time with Jesus, this will be the best gift of all.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Christmas Time

It is Christmas time. I love Christmas, the true meaning of Christmas, the family time, the traditions, and the enthusiasm of folks all around.
This time of year it seems everyone has a little more generosity in their hearts, a bit more of forgiveness towards others, and kindness.
There is also a lot of sadness this time of year. People are missing loved ones whom they have lost, or family far away, or their spouse(or Mom or Dad) overseas serving our country for our sake.
It would be easy to fall into a deep depression for so many. But we have a choice. A choice to dwell in the faithfulness of our Lord Jesus and let the peace of God fill your heart.
If you have been reading my blogs all along you know I am all about the hope we have in our Lord Jesus. No matter how dark it may seem to you, or how desperate your situation may be, there is ALWAYS hope.
My Dad loved Christmas and everything about it.  He especially loved our Christmas breakfast. The last year we had him with us, somehow I think he knew it would be his last. He was very ill with cancer, but he asked Paul and I to take him to a special store to get the items for breakfast. Even though he could no longer eat, he wanted to do this.  That was December 23. He went down hill very quickly the next day. But Christmas morning he was determined to be at our home for our family time and breakfast. He slept mostly on the sofa, but he was here with us. Daddy went to be with the Lord January 12.
Why did I share this? To show you that everyone, at some time or another, has had a very sad occurrence, maybe even at Christmas time.  And we all have the same choice, to dwell in the sadness, or to grab hold of the hope we have in Jesus, and live in the gladness and joy He has for us.
Yes, I still remember my Daddy, but I dwell in the joy he had for Christmas and his family.  Those traditions.  I really think that is where I get my enthusiasm for Christmas.  I love decorating, and baking(Paul has to help me with that now), visiting with friends over tea, and the overall joy this holiday brings.
So I'd like to encourage you all, find your joy this Christmas. If you know someone struggling with sadness or depression, invite them over for tea. Share about all the fun memories as a child at Christmas time.  Most of all share with them the hope we have because Jesus was born this very day for us all.
I pray that these next two weeks before Christmas are not filled with crazy shopping days or the hassles that rob your joy, but instead filled with the time to sit back with that special friend over tea and dwell in the goodness and faithfulness that Jesus has for you.
Until next time my friends,

Thursday, December 1, 2016

It's beginning to look like Christmas!

Hello to all my readers out there. I hope you all had the Thanksgiving you were hoping for.
Now our focus has turned to Christmas. I absolutely love the Christmas season. The true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, is everything to me. It brings me so much joy to see the happiness and anticipation in the children's faces, the excitement of family members coming from afar, the pure joy of knowing I have a Savior who loves me.
Then comes the other side.  The "black friday" mayhem and confusion in the stores. The violence because someone wants what the other has. This is absolutely ridiculous and horrible. Is that 1 item the department store has that important that you cannot live without? Really now, that is a disgrace. That is not what this season should be defined by.  Whether you want to admit it or not, this season is all about the birth of Christ.  It has nothing to do with fighting over an item in the store.
OK, so I said my thoughts on that.  So what do I do during this season? It has changed over the years.
My Mom and I used to do a lot of baking and we loved that time together. She is now in heaven so it is different for me now.  Due to my disability I can no longer do the baking I used to do. But my wonderful husband will help me do some cookies.
My Mom and I used to go to the mall during the week when crowds were less. We would take my son when he was a toddler.  He loved seeing the decorations and lights. We would take our time and stroll through and Matthew would sing throughout the mall to the Christmas music in the background. What is more precious than a little toddler singing happy songs. But of course my son is now an adult. And as I mentioned before, my Mom is in heaven.  I could use that as an excuse to be sad and depressed.  But you should know me by now, I will not do any such thing.
These days I do things in a very simple way.  Being that I am home a lot, I love watching the Christmas movies.  Yes, I am a Hallmark gal.  My decorating is not as extensive as it used to be, but I still decorate.  I love this season, and the celebration it should be.  That is what I do as far as that type of preparation.
Now the important part.  How do I prepare my self spiritually, mentally, emotionally for Christmas?
You may be thinking why do I need to prepare. You see, many may be hurting inside and you have no idea.  Some are facing very serious health situations, some are financially strapped, some are missing loved ones for various reasons, some may not even have very nice memories of the Christmas season. I want to be sure I am sensitive to others needs. Therefore I try to spend extra time studying the Scriptures.  I like to concentrate on the story of Jesus" birth.  The miracle God did through His own son to give us the chance to have eternal life.  I don't know about you, but the older I get, the more I like to be reminded I have that assurance of eternal life.  But how uplifting it is to read of the hope and joy we have because of Jesus.
When I come across someone who may be sad, or lonely, or just plain needs a friend to lean on, I like to feel I am prepared to be able to encourage that person. If we are "dried up", or grumpy, or totally focused on shopping and busyness, then how can we be that one to sit down with the friend who may need us? And if you are that person who needs the friend to listen, seek him/her out.  Do not be afraid to ask someone to spend some quality time with you without the focus on "busy stuff".
I encourage you readers, take some time for yourself, and prepare and absorb the goodness the Lord has for you.  Remember why we celebrate Christmas.  Most of all, let us all think of others needs as important as our own.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

HAPPY THANKSGIVING (I dedicate this to my "whole" family)

It is Thanksgiving week. I love this holiday because it remains one of the "purest" holidays of all. Commercialism has taken over the true meaning of many of our holidays, especially Christmas.  But Thanksgiving remains as the true family day.  We all gather together as families, enjoy a feast of all times, great family chats and reminiscing with one another.  There is no other agenda except the family gathering and perhaps football.  I really love this about Thanksgiving.
I often remember the times growing up when the "whole" family was together.  I mean ALL, grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins.  We would have a wonderful time as kids listening to the old stories our parents, aunts, and uncles would tell. That is one thing I truly miss about those days when we were kids.  For us, our parents have moved on to their eternal home with our Lord Jesus, as well as most aunts and uncles. As for the extended family of cousins, we have moved on to our own families and we live hundreds of miles apart.  But I will say, I remember those days and miss being with them all.
My husband and I have our brothers and sisters, whom we cherish, and our son and daughter-in-love, along with our nieces.  Our son and his lovely wife are in Texas with their family that live there.  So we truly miss having them here.
Our sister Carol and brother-in-love Don are still down in NYC while Don recuperates from the stem cell transplant.  Incidentally, Don is doing amazing.  We thank you all for your prayers.  They will be truly missed but we are all especially thankful for his health.
So while we all have our own traditions on Thanksgiving, I know we all share one thing in common, the love for our families. But now I'd like to challenge us all.  Let's not stop there.  Let us remember why we have Thanksgiving.  The original founding Fathers of our country were thankful for God, and His protection over them and their families, and the supply of the harvest to supply their food for the coming winter.  And for the freedom we have in this country to worship God the way we choose.
This country just went through an election.  So many out there have criticized one another, hatred has seemed to return, along with racism. I challenge you all, put aside your differences, especially for Thanksgiving.  Join your family, whether you agree with their views or not. And give thanks to our Father God for allowing us to be free, for providing the food to nourish our bodies, the jobs to provide for our families.
There is so much to be thankful for, I truly pray bitterness does not ruin your day.
So faithful readers, I pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Don't feel guilty about how much you eat, it is the one day of the year we celebrate "food".
God Bless You,

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Do you believe God can use you, or believe that you have a specific gifting from God?

Hello to all you readers out there. I know I have written similar blogs before, but I was reminded about how God chooses to use me. In other words, what are my strengths?
You may recall me telling you in previous blogs that I am a nurse, but can no longer work due to my disability of having Spinal Cord damage. For most of us we seem to feel that what we choose for our profession is what defines our identity. I always felt that to some degree. But I also have always felt God has a purpose for my life, and it may be different than my nursing career.  I have shared about areas of ministry the Lord used me in.  And the fact that I had to stop serving in some of those areas as my spinal cord damage progressed, and the leukemia that has invaded my life became more of an issue.
With that said, guess what?  God still has a plan for my life, and He can still use me for His glory.  I can still serve Him. I firmly believe that when 1 door closes, another opens up. God knows my limitations more than I do. And He knows my STRENGTHS.  Wow, I am so thankful for that.
This week during my devotional and study time I was reminded of this very fact.  He clearly showed me how He is using this blog to minister to others. God took me through a journey that morning.  He reminded me of the areas in my life that He used for His glory.  Whether it was door greeting, sending encouraging words in a greeting card, or drama that encouraged the Church Body. God reminded me that whatever season we are in, whatever physical condition our body is in, or whatever emotional status we are in, He can and desires to still use us for His glory.
At this time in my life I am very limited.  But I have been obedient and stayed with this blogging.  God has blessed me in so many ways, and taken this blog around the world. You see, we may not see ourselves useful in certain areas, or even at all, but God does.  He can send His anointing down on you in an instant. God has a purpose for each and every one of us. If He has a task for you to do, He will enable you to do so.
You may be thinking you don't feel like being used for God's glory, your plate is full, you don't like this time of year, or the fact that you had your feelings hurt by someone.  God is bigger than any of those things. He has given us His written word, the Bible, to encourage us.  He has given us a direct line of communication with Him, called prayer.  And He has given us His Holy Spirit to anoint us and enable us to do His will.
So readers, please do not feel like you have let God down if you did not do something He asked. Our Lord Jesus is a faithful, loving God of 2nd chances.  Ask Him what He would have you do for Him.  I know He will show you.  And it will not be more than you are able to do.  He may stretch us, but He will enable us.
I pray that you all will find your purpose, your calling in our Lord Jesus.  It is one of the most fulfilling things you will ever do.
Thank you faithful readers. I pray that I have encouraged you. We have our faith, our hope, and our trust in our Lord Jesus.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Living a Dream

This weeks blog is going to be a little different.  This is about dreaming dreams for your family, your children. Some may think it isn't right to dream about your future, but instead to let things fall as they may.  If you have read my blogs all along you know I am all about faith and trust in our Lord Jesus. I also feel God is OK with us dreaming and having goals for our future.  There is a scripture in Joel that speaks of dreaming.
"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.  - Joel 2:28
Now I will get to the meat.  When I was pregnant for our son 33 years ago my husband and I would always pray and lay hands on my belly.  My husband would play his guitar and we would sing and worship the Lord.  That precious baby inside of me would be very active during those times.
This was the day when we did not know if our baby was a boy or girl. Only our Lord Jesus knew. But still we prayed, "Lord use this child for your glory in whatever way you desire".
Our son Matthew was born.  We continued to hold worship a very high priority in our home, and in our family.  Matthew could barely walk, yet he had some crazy rhythm going on.  He had a little guitar he would play and he made effects sounds with his voice.  He would serenade my Mom and I whenever we were in the car.  So Paul and I continued to pray that God would use Matthew and gift him in whatever way He desired.
As time went on it was evident Matthew had an ear for music and a desire to play that guitar.  He began learning, officially, at the age of 4. He had times of taking a break when other interests took his time.  But his guitar was always there for him.
Then the DREAM. Matthew began to dream of playing before many for the glory of the Lord.  My husband continued to teach him. He told Matthew if you want to excel in this you have to practice everyday.  So he did, so much so that he would fall asleep at night with his guitar still strapped on him in his bed.  As he got older he went to college for more instruction. Matthew also played on the worship team as well.  He has always kept that dream in front of him.  Never giving up.
Today Matthew has been living that dream.  He has traveled the world.  Played before many.  His desire was to be known as an excellent guitar player and gain respect from others for that.  He has that this day.
You may be thinking why am I sharing this, what does it have to do with hope, faith, trust.  Matthew, Paul, and myself have always recognized Matthew's talent as a gifting from God.  He did not sit back and wait for it to fall out of the sky, he worked hard for it everyday.  Paul and I never took that for granted.  We continued to pray everyday that God would have His way in Matthew's life.  And we still do everyday.
What ever dream you have, whatever goal or vision you have, you must always keep it before the Lord Jesus. He will hear your prayers. He will bring it to fruition as you follow Him, and remain a faithful servant to Him. I believe that as we truly seek Him for His will in our lives, He will reveal those desires to us.
I encourage you today, seek the Lord's will for your life.  If you have a dream or a vision, pray, ask Jesus if this is legit or the pizza you ate.  Look for the confirmation in God's Word.  Ask Him to show you and guide you.  I am confident He will show you.
Our son Matthew never gave up on his dream. He pressed on, he stepped out in leaps of faith, moving to Colorado and then a year ago to Nashville with his beautiful wife.  God has shown His love and faithfulness to Matthew and Mel over and over.  How much more encouraging can it get.
Keep dreaming your dreams for yourself and your family. Trust in our Lord Jesus that He will guide you. Stay in His word for encouragement and confirmation.  Our Lord God loves you with all of His heart, and He has a desire to use you, all of you.
Thank you for reading faithful friends. I pray this blesses you.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

How do we keep a positive attitude in the midst of our troubles?

Hello readers, as I share with you this week I pray I am encouraging to you. I have shared similar thoughts before with you all, but this past week I have had this very same topic come up in my devotions and a sermon I heard this week. It has been on my heart everyday.  So here it goes.
How do we keep from getting discouraged, or depressed, or just plain feeling down in our spirits?
We all face trials everyday. Some small, some huge. But whatever trial you are going through, it has the capability of bringing us down. That is the goal of the enemy, to bring us down to a place where we lose hope. I tell you today, we all have the power within us to overcome the enemy, kick him right back to hell where he belongs. Wow, harsh words! Yes they are, but when it comes to defeat, I get very intense to be sure I have the victory.
Even when Jesus was facing death on the cross, His Father God sent an angel to Jesus to impart strength into Him, to empower Jesus, and recharge Him.  It was a very difficult time for Jesus in the garden. The disciples could not seem to stay awake to encourage Jesus, to intercede for Him. So God sent an angel to help Jesus.  See Luke 22:43
If Jesus needed strengthening and encouragement, how much more we must need it when we face our trials?  God wants us to be victorious.  He is faithful to give us what we need to get past this trial and onward to victory.
With all this in mind, do you think we have a responsibility on our end? Of course we do.   Romans 12:2 says (ESV):  
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
This is a verse I like to keep in my memory bank. It reminds me that I have to do my end and everyday fill my mind with the Word of God, with positive things. It may be a particular song for you, or a specific book.  For me it is this verse and also another one.
2 Corinthians 10:5 (amplified version):
 We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ.
This is another verse that has always helped me keep my mind in the right place. Take those bad thoughts, discouraging words and kick them out.  They do not belong in you and have no right being there.
So you see we all face things that try to bring us down. But lets turn it around, and send it right back out the door.  It doesn't matter the size of your trial, if it is yours then it is a big deal to you.
Don't feel badly if you find yourself struggling.  It happens to all of us.  During a specific time that seems extra hard to you, call someone who might have some encouraging words for you.  Find your outlet to your "happy place".
And most of all never, ever let the devil tell you that you are a loser!  Because you are not! Jesus fought the ultimate battle for us. He defeated the devil and now it has no authority over you.
Faithful readers I pray that I have encouraged you all in some way.  My husband likes this saying: "tough times don't last but tough people do".
Be blessed friends.  See you next time.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Those Aggravating Hurdles !

Hello faithful readers.  It seems as though everywhere we turn these days someone is arguing about who you should vote for.  Guess what? I am not going there.  Instead more of my own personal journey.
I have been feeling ok these last few weeks.  Sunday I was so excited to get to church and have some fellowship.  I did go to church, then all of a sudden I felt like I had the flu.  I thought gosh I haven't even been around any sickness.  By the time I got home I had chills, fever, headache, and so on.  I was feeling quite ill.  Monday I went to see my Oncologist(the PA). Sure enough a sinus infection. I just had a sinus infection a month or so ago.  I was baffled, where did I come in contact with these germs.  Well it seems I have no ability to fight anything. I am very immuno-suppressed.  I may need to receive an immunoglobulin IV boost at times.
OK then, what do I do with this info.  That little negative thing inside me wanted to creep up and give me a very wrong attitude.  Wrong you say, yes, wrong!  I have no room in my life for a negative, woeful, pitiful attitude that wants to lie to me and tell me how badly I have it.  Because I do not have it badly.  I am a blessed woman of God who has the promises and the hope in my Lord Jesus Christ.
Sure I have these hurdles at times that I will face. But there is not one single hurdle that can rob me from the blessings the Lord has for me.
Now you may ask, how can you keep that positive attitude? It takes work and commitment on my end.  It just doesn't come natural. You may think so, but trust me, it is easy to get tested.  I make sure every morning I spend my time in the Word of God, my Bible. I read, I ponder, I concentrate on the Lord's promises, and I pray.  My husband can study the Word for hours. I am not that gifted in that area. So I use helps.  Study books or study plans, things like that.  I am not a huge fan of reading. That's just not my thing. I also prefer to get most of my knowledge from the Word, and not necessarily from some one's book.  I am not saying reading a book is wrong. Just for me this is what works.  And then I journal.  Every single day I journal what I've learned and read, and what God was saying to me, and I journal many of my personal prayers.  For me, by doing these things, I can keep that positive, hopeful attitude.
Some of you will think "but you are still sick".  Yup, but I still hang on to God's promises.  And I have always asked God to use my illness to help someone else.  But that is a whole other blog.  For a later date. Back to attitudes and hurdles.  We can be victorious and get through our trials. It isn't always easy but you can do it.
So whatever trial you are facing, what ever hurdle seems like a mountain, trust me, you can get over to the other side.  Keep that faith, that hope, that trust in our Lord that He will help you. He will carry you when He has to, hold our hands, and guide us.  That my friends brings me peace and comfort everyday.
I would also ask you my friends, please pray for my brother-in-law.  He is going through a very battle right now with a serious health situation.  Pray for God to touch him and bless him everyday.  Thank You all.
Until next time, be encouraged and hopeful.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Do you believe in miracles?

Lately I have heard so many talking about miracles. Some that have received a miracle and recognize it for being truly a miracle from God. Others that are talking about an unexplained occurrence they have encountered or heard about, but deny that it could be of God. That has spurred some thinking in me.
If you have read my earlier blogs you see that I mention the miracles in my own life. Just in my life alone, I have received many miracles, and I give all the credit to God.  I know that the only reason I am alive today is because of God's hand on my life. I have had medical occurrences in my life that cannot be explained by a physician. Usually the answer is we don't know why you are better, but you are. Or we don't know why you are better but someone is on your side.
My husband has had a very major miracle in his own life.  He has an aortic aneurysm that ruptured.  His heart was barely beating, 1 beat per minute. He was being flown by helicopter. The paramedics had evidence he was bleeding to death. It was visible on ultrasound. He arrived at the hospital barely alive. They prepped him for surgery. But they wanted another set of Cat Scan films.  They whipped him out of the machine just as he regained consciousness.  The doctor was yelling, "where did the blood go"? God at that very moment returned the blood from his abdomen back to his heart, which was beating normally. There was no longer any blood seeping into his abdomen. There is also visible evidence of this occurrence in his abdomen.  The blood pooling bruised a portion of his small intestine. This was physically seen by a surgery that was done. The drs explanation, "we cannot explain it".  the paramedics visited my husband in the hospital and at home.  They told us they had all of the medical equipment tested.  There were no problems with the machines. They have the evidence on film that he was bleeding to death. This was truly a miracle.
So this raises the question, when you have a major event occur in your life, to whom, or to what do you give credit to?  I am a nurse, I know how things occur.  But folks I have to say, when it cannot be explained, there is no other explanation than it was a miracle. However, for some of you, you find it so difficult to admit that God can do miracles, or that there is even a God who loves us so much that He would do such things for us.
I want to encourage you today readers, there is a loving God who not only created you and this very universe we live in, but He loves you.  An unconditional love from our Heavenly Father who will do whatever it takes to help His children.  He is real, He desires to have that personal relationship with you, and more than that, He wants you to trust Him, and trust the love He has for you.
We all have trials in this world, we all experience times when we need that divine intervention.  God is here for you this very minute, and every second of every day.
There is hope, there is love, we just need to have that tiny seed of faith.  A seed the size of a mustard seed.  Trust in our Lord Jesus Christ.  He will not desert you.
Matthew 17:20- ..."For truly I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say move this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you."

Friday, September 23, 2016

Are we in neutral, or are we moving forward?

I was reading my devotions the other day and it spoke of slothfulness. Slothful in the Greek is NOTHROS.  It means something that has lost its speed or momentum.  The  writer was using the Scripture reference Hebrews 6:12. so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.  It was a different version. But my version says " SLUGGISH".
This is speaking of our inward condition.  We may look like we are full of energy on the outside, but inside we are struggling with focus and momentum.  We are stuck in neutral.  The above Scripture tells us we can inherit the promises of God. But at times we face hindrances because of our slothfulness or sluggishness.  We are stuck in neutral. This made me examine myself. Am I slothful in my walk with the Lord.  I have to be honest, at times it seems so to me because of the way I physically feel.  But after reading this and praying, I remembered it isn't about my physical status, it is about my spiritual status.  Am I zealous for the Lord? Do I go after Him with zeal, and seek all that He has for me?  I can say, without a doubt, I do run after God with all that is in me.  Am I perfect, of course not!  I can easily get into that slump like anyone else.
We all have obstacles or mounds in front of us. Do you have the perseverance to push yourself over that mound and run your race?  Can you see that reward waiting for you?
I know that our Lord Jesus has so much grace and mercy for us. If we slip, He is there to help us up.  We don't have to feel guilty about that. He has promises for us all.  And I definitely want to receive my promises.  I know without a doubt, someday I will walk without assistance, I will no longer need a wheelchair, I will no longer endure pain, I will have a wonderful life of eternity.
That, my faithful readers, gives me the push, the zealousness, the perseverance to keep going.
I pray I have encouraged you all to run your race with all you have. Our Lord God is right there with you.  He will help you.
Thank you for reading.

Monday, September 12, 2016

What is your identity?

Hi Folks,
I know I've shared a similar blog before, but this has been heavy on my heart this past week.  What is our identity? Who am I? When others see me, what do they see me as?
These are all legit questions.  When we start out in our adult lives we all have a vision. At least most of us do.  What do we want to be when we grow up was a common question when we were young.
My answer was always a nurse.  I fought hard through illness, the beginning of the spinal cord damage, to become a nurse.  And I truly loved being that nurse.  I was helping others. I knew I was not going to focus on being a "career nurse".  My ultimate goal was to be a wife and mother.  I even stopped working for some time to stay home and be with my son. I home-schooled him,
and my husband and I were very involved in his sports activities and scout activities when he was young.  Then came time for college.  Back to work I went.
I will refresh your memories, I also was dealing with major illness at this time. But I needed to help with college costs, etc.  But, even though I went back to work, I was still 1st a wife and Mom.
So life moves on. Our son became an adult. In the meantime, my illness became so much more severe and I had to once again stop working.  This was a very hard decision to make. I cried, telling my boss and coworkers I had to stop.  This was breaking my heart. I loved what I did as a nurse.
I then asked myself, what next.  Lord how will you use me? Can I be useful to You, Lord?  I also shared in earlier blogs about being in drama ministry. I had to give that up earlier.  What was left, Lord?
For a few years now, exactly 5, my concentration has been on being healthy. Fighting through every setback, every hurdle. Even still today, I fight hard for every victory.  Often I would ask God, how am I being useful to Him? What am I doing for the sake of the Gospel? It was back in December of 2015 when God put this blog on my heart. I thought I was hearing things. Lord, what, I am not a writer.  His response,  you don't have to be, I will tell you what to write. And He has.
I tell this because I have heard some say lately that they do not feel useful to God. They wonder how can God use them.  He can use any person He wants to for His glory. We just need to be open to that and be willing to obey.
I want to encourage you readers, you can be useful. Your life matters to God. And He will use you.
You may be thinking what if He asks me to do something I do not know how to do or do not want to do? He is not a big, mean God! He is a loving, caring God who will guide you.
I have had many people respond positively to this blog.  It has reached many countries.  Did I do this? No, God did.  How much more rewarding can something be.
Do I miss being a nurse, of course I do.  But I'm very content being used by God.
So for now readers I will leave you with those thoughts. I pray that each and everyone of you will hear your calling from God. It is the most rewarding thing you will ever do in your life.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

When things start piling up...

Hello faithful readers. I do pray that my blogs have been encouraging to you all.  That is my heart. 
I think we all have times in our lives when we feel "the mound " is getting higher and higher.  We often think if one more thing is added on to the pile it will erupt like a volcano.  But somehow we find that extra strength to keep going, keep breaking through that pile. And before we know it we look back and the huge mound looks like a mere ant hill. 
We all have those times.  I'm having one this week. I'm having some complications at the port site with a blood clot.  And then we have the beginnings of another mound. Or so it seems.  
We all have a different perspective when we look at something.  I have always tried to keep a positive perspective.  There is always something we can focus on that is good and uplifting.  With that said, I am certainly not perfect. And think about it, I've had many years to work through these issues and practice being positive. 
Seriously folks, we all have those "down" times. But it is what we do with them that matters. We can sit alone and sulk in our own misery.  Or better yet, we can have fellowship with someone who can lift us up and encourage us.  We all have the same choices.  One of the best helps I have is going to a favorite scripture.  I have a few, it depends on the situation.  God's Word will never disappoint us.  Even if it is just a few words, read it over and over.  Pray that scripture over you and your circumstance.  You may be surprised at how comforting that is.  
So whatever mound is in front of you, however big that pile may seem, it still cannot stand up against the Word of God. God's Word is filled with the hope, faith, and trust we need.  And I know if you ask Him, He will supply. 
Be encouraged friends, our hardships or difficulties do not define who we are, God defines who we are.  And that includes being victorious. 

Saturday, August 20, 2016


How many disappointments do we go through in a lifetime? Oh my, that is a loaded question.  I would say many, probably too many to count.  Think about when Jesus asked the disciples to stay watch and pray with Him in the garden that night of His arrest.  Do you think He was disappointed when He went back to where the disciples were and He found them asleep? And then how many times have we disappointed Jesus?  
We all face disappointments.  The key factor here is we can move on and learn from those experiences.  Jesus is the first one to forgive us.  We certainly can forgive those that may disappoint us.  When you think about it, so often we have "exaggerated " the circumstances.  
Whether it be something we did, or something someone else did, or disappointments in your life, maybe health, or your job, all of these things we can overcome and conquer with the help of Jesus.  We can be, and we are overcomers with Jesus' help. It doesn't matter what the circumstance is, our Lord Jesus went to the cross, died, rose in 3 days for us. He went to battle for you and me, He fought every battle, and He won the war, for us, for our freedom.  
So when you face disappointments in your life, let it go, give it to Jesus.  There is no reason for you to carry that heavy burden by yourself. That heavy load can affect you peace of mind, your physical well being, and your spiritual well being. 
As I battle this leukemia, fight to keep my ability to walk, and fight through the pain I endure everyday, I can have that peace in my heart knowing Jesus has taken those burdens from me.  I am not fighting these things alone. 
That thought alone fills me with the hope, peace, and faith I need everyday.  
Be encouraged readers, you too can have that same peace and comfort from Jesus.  He waits with arms opened wide for you to give it over to Him. 
We are all OVERCOMERS!  

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Just thinking...

    Hello readers.  I've been pondering some thoughts for a few days, however, they have been sort of scattered.  Meaning they didn't seem to follow the same path. That is until I read my devotions this morning. Now if I can make sense of  it all.  
    As I mentioned in an earlier post, since beginning the chemo I have felt so much better.  Then we had a few busy days, the humidity and heat were quite high, and I battled an infection.  One day I was experiencing the fatigue again, the overall general beaten up feeling. I figured I was going to have those "off" days. But then it turned into 4-5 days. Oh boy, Lord help me stay positive and upbeat. One of my verses in my devotions one day was Ephesians 6:10-20. The "Armor of God". Oh boy did I grab ahold of that. 
    Then I had thoughts about this election season. ( No I'm not going there). It is so easy to get discouraged, angry, fed-up with it all.  The negative it pours into your mind is insurmountable. I thought how can I escape this without being unaware of the circumstances.  Again, my verse was Ephesians, put on that armor.  
    Ok, so I'm managing to keep myself in the Word of God, I'm praying, I'm journaling, and I'm staying encouraged.
    Yesterday I had my checkup with my oncologist.  My blood work is still crazy. I'm still battling an infection. The fatigue is better at times.  But the lymph nodes have diminished greatly. My Dr was even surprised.  I asked her how long would I be on the chemo, she answered "for life". Ok then, I immediately could choose how I would receive that. I truly believe because I have kept myself covered with the armor of God and His Word, I was able to respond with "I have no problem with that". I can hear your thoughts---what, is she crazy.  Hahaha, no.  I'm just receiving with a grateful heart, and much thanksgiving that my Lord Jesus is taking care of me. I haven't lost my hair, I am able to control the nausea, and I have a wonderful life. 
    This applies to every aspect of our lives, readers. The state the world is in, the state our country is in, your own health, your thoughts, your finances, and on and on. Our Lord Jesus has given us the "tools" we need to stay afloat. And He is a personal, loving God who cares about our every concern and every need. 
    I encourage you this week to rely on Him.  Open up that Bible, ask Him to guide you in His Word.  And go to Ephesians chapter 6. Read about the armor and put it on everyday.  It doesn't take hours of reading. But I believe after awhile it will turn into a lifestyle for you. 
God bless you readers.  

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


When everything is going the way we want it to go we are happy, joyful, have great attitudes, and on and on. We even tend to get lax in our devotional time with the Lord.  Things we might say - oh it's nice out, I will read later. Or- I want to go shopping, I will pray later.  They are just a couple of examples. There are plenty more, I'm sure. 
Then all of a sudden a crisis comes our way.  We have health issues, maybe struggling financially, or car problems, and so-on. So the first thing we might do is call out to God, asking Him where He has been. Asking Him, why did He desert us. We pick up our Bible and madly search through the Psalms or other Scriptures until we find one that fits our need.  
Truth is- God never left our side, He was speaking the whole time. But we were ignoring Him. We decided to go through the good times without Him. We are the ones who close the door.  
Do we really believe that is the kind of relationship Jesus wants with us?  I do not! I want to be close to Him everyday. 
I always start my day reading the Word and praying. It may vary the length of time I spend in the Scriptures.  Am I perfect at this, of course not.  But I sincerely set out every morning to first spend time with the Lord. 
Then anything that may come at me during the rest of my day, I am more prepared to handle. I equip myself with the armor of God. I am more aware of things that may not be the best choice for me.  The Lord God fills me anew every morning with His Holy Spirit.  And that, my friends, is how I stay on track. When I do stumble, the Lord is right there to help me. I can feel His touch and I can hear His voice. 
I pray for you all that you can find your balance and feel the touch of God on you.  I pray you can hear Him speak to you. 
Have a good week ahead readers. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

In just 3 days!

Yes, that's right, in just 3 days.  Now that is a loaded statement. It could mean anything.  But I won't leave you to try to guess. Let me explain. 
It has been 9 days now that I've been taking chemo. As you know from my earlier blogs I battle Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.  How is it different than acute? It is always brewing.  I do not have episodes of severe exacerbation.  I do not have periods of remission.  But it is much more manageable because it is always active.  With all of that said, there are times to treat vs observe.  When things start changing or too many symptoms are occurring it is time to treat. 
And that is where I am at.  My immune system is pretty much non functional, my blood counts changing rapidly. Therefore time to treat. 
Those of you that see me often know how I have looked like a chipmunk with no neck from the swollen lymph nodes. So are you ready, I'm about to address the 3 days.  I began the chemo 9 days ago.  I take it orally everyday.  After the 3rd dose I noticed my swollen nodes were greatly diminished. Someone said to me, you actually have a neck. I had an appointment with my primary dr.  She said this happened after just 3 doses?  Yes it did!  This is one sign I am responding to treatment. 
Now we have to be careful, does this mean I'm all better. No!  So I cannot let my guard down. I must stay aware of my situation and continue to persevere.  But I am extremely encouraged. 
This can apply to any area of our lives. Just because I started chemo, that doesn't mean I don't have faith.  It is the faith that has given me the strength to persevere through my situations. And I do not stop praying.  The Lord has given me a sign in 3 days that we are on the right track.  He used that to encourage me.  
What ever you are dealing with, don't stop praying, don't give up, hang on to God's promise to you. He will be faithful and encourage you through the process. 
If there is anything I know about our Lord Jesus, there is nothing too difficult for Him. After all, He rose from the grave in just 3 days, for us.  
Have a wonderful week full of encouragement readers. 

Friday, July 8, 2016


As I have searched my heart and prayed for the topic if this blog, I kept drawing a blank.  Well not really a blank, but just how to express my thoughts appropriately. Sure I can go on about my health. Or I can encourage you all about how the Word of God strengthens us. And so on.   But that doesn't seem to be "clicking". But what I know is heavy on everyone's heart is the state of our country. 
It seems as though everyday there is another horrible tragedy in our country. Or another corrupt scenario has been uncovered.  It is sickening, and at the same time frightening. What has happened to our country founded on God's principles? I can give you all my opinion, but I'm not going to do that.  There are enough opinions out there already.  But I will try to encourage you all from my heart. 
Lately the more I have started my day praying and reading as I normally do, the more my thoughts were turning to our country, our freedom.  So I decided that was to be my focus.  I don't know all of the answers, or even what may be your calling, but I do know mine. I know I am to intercede for our country, and for every person in this country.  As much as the mere thought of some turn my stomach, I know it is that much more important to pray for them. Is it easy, absolutely not! I have to first prepare myself by reading God's Word, and praying God's Word.  Then I can continue on with the heart to want to see others changed for the glory of God. 
For me, when I start praying God's Word on behalf of someone else, my heart tends to see them differently.  Does this mean I all of a sudden develop a great love for our enemies? NO!  But it reminds me that our Lord Jesus died on that cross for every single person, good or bad. His desire is that He will see all of us in heaven, and spend eternity together.  
I have to admit, I am not always successful at this.  Especially after the events in Dallas this week, and seeing people get away with corruption and lies against our country and freedom.  But I have to continue to pray and try.  This is my calling. To intercede for all, including the enemy.  Do I want justice, absolutely! 
I cannot pretend to have answers, because I don't.  But I can, without a doubt, believe that our Lord Jesus loves us, will guide us, and can change us. He alone can change this world by Himself. That is what I can encourage you with. That all of God's Word is true, He is all power, He is in charge, and He keeps His promises to us always.  It may not improve overnight, or anytime soon.  And then it may.  We just have to believe in God's love for us. Hold on to faith and hope, in Jesus. 

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. - 2 Chronicles 7:14

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Do we throw in the towel?

Hello folks. In my last blog I talked about running our race. Run and don't give up. A lot of that depends on our own attitude.  Do we have an attitude of being a loser, finished, done? Or do we have an attitude of being a winner, being victorious, a conqueror? 
Every time we come up against a wall, how do we react?  Do we push that wall over with determination?  That is what a winner does.  Someone who has positive hope. We must have that persistence, determination, perseverance.  
The recent progression of the leukemia was a surprise, kind of.  I could have put on that "woe is me" attitude, I could have had a big pity party.  But that is not part of my genetics. I will not have that kind of attitude.  
I had some more tests done this week, and it confirmed the leukemia has progressed.  It does explain many of my symptoms. I am so grateful the Lord led me to a new physician. I am grateful for the physicians I have that know me well enough to encourage me to get another opinion. 
With all that said, I had a choice of how I would receive this news.  Would I be in that "woe is me" attitude, or will I push through this wall and fight with my all.  I dare say, most of you know me well enough to know I will fight.  I will run to that victory line. 
Many of us go through something that can change our lives forever. But it may very well be our attitude that determines the outcome. Our Lord Jesus is always right here by my side. He guides me, encourages me, holds me, loves me.  It is only by the grace of God, and His love for me, that I can push forward through that wall. He is there for you as well. Trust Him. Lean on Him. Let Him help you. 
We all have a victory line waiting for us. Be encouraged friends.


Monday, June 13, 2016

How badly do you want to win your race?

We all have a race to run. Your race will be different than my race.  But we all should have the same goal, I'd think. That goal- WINNING. 
When a long distance runner is running his race he paces himself with the finish line in mind. We need to approach our race the same way, pacing ourselves to make it to that finish line.  To win our own race.  
My race has just gotten a bit more intense.  The race for my life.  I have fought hard for over 40 years to maintain my pace for survival.  And I won't quit now or anytime soon.  The leukemia I have has jumped up a few notches. That explains the fatigue I've been battling along with some other symptoms. I could have taken that news and decided to quit my race and sit and sulk. But that is not in my DNA.  I will not quit, I will continue to run my race and fight hard to jump over those hurdles that come my way. 
There is a verse that encourages us to run that race to win. 
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. - 1 Corinthians 9:24
Whatever your race is, health, financial, emotional-run, don't give up.  Run your race to win it. 
We all have a different hurdle to jump over, with different intensity. But that does not mean your race is any less important than anyone else's.  
Our Lord God desires us all to win.  He wants success and victory for each one of us. 
So hang in there, stay strong, stay focused on your prize.  I intend to do the same, and I fully expect my victory is waiting for me at the finish line. 

Monday, June 6, 2016

Does our ministry ever change?

When I was praying about this next blog I was having a hard time coming up with the topic. I had several ideas but nothing was speaking clearly to me. i was thinking over the sermon from church yesterday, I was looking through my notes in my journal, and so on.  Then it came to me. There are times in our lives when we need to shift our focus, or change the aspect of our role in the Body.  We all are always called to be disciples and a vessel that God can use. But does that mean we do one specific thing forever. What has God called you to do?  
When I was thinking about this I began to recall the various ways God has used me throughout my lifetime. First let me say, the one thing that never changes is that we are to be in a personal relationship with God, read and study His Word, and obey Him. We need to make ourselves available to Him so that He can use us. This is always the same.  
Even though I have struggled with the spinal cord injury most of my adult life, I still knew God wanted to use me. I remember asking Him how could He use me. I am not a musician. I am not a singer. But I didn't have to be. I started in small ways, and so often I was reminded that every part of the ministry is important, no matter how small or how large. I was a door greeter.  I absolutely loved that. And I did that for several years. Then I became involved in the Creative Arts Ministry.  Again, I started off in a very small way.  Eventually acting, and even dancing.  Wow, talk about change. But I felt useful to God. And there were some other ways God chose to use me in. 
Then my spinal cord injury worsened. I had to stop all of those things that made me feel useful to God. I struggled with that.  I thought that God had truly called me to that ministry, why was it coming to an end? Because my mission was changing. 
I realized that God may want us to move on to something else.  He may want to use us in a different way.  So yes, I think our ministry may change at times. I am thankful for this. Without me being willing to be used by God in a different way, I would have been very lonely and unhappy.
So what has God given me at this time in my life as my ministry?  How does He want to use me?  You are seeing it right here.  The blogging. That's right, another unusual way that I could not see in myself. But God did, and more than that, He gives me the words to write, the stories to share.  I believe He is at work through this blog because I have made myself willing. 
So be encouraged, when one avenue closes, another opens up. He will use you if you are willing. All for God's glory. 

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Do We Stand Alone?

     So often I hear people say they have been through such an ordeal, and they were all alone.  Honestly, I have a hard time with that concept, alone.  It really is a choice we all have.  We can choose to let others into our life and share with them our ordeal, or we can choose to walk alone and be miserable. The way I see it, there is strength in numbers.  When we allow others into our life, and we share our personal struggles with them, they can stand along side of us, and hold us up, help us get through this ordeal, and come out the other side in victory. I'd much rather have a solid support system rather than face defeat all alone. 
     There is a verse in Hebrews that encourages us in this.
Hebrews 12:1- Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.
That's right, we are surrounded, if we so choose. Another version says we are "compassed about". The actual Greek word for this is PEIKEIMENAI- which means completely encircled by something stacked high on every side.
Imagine that, if we so choose, we can be supported by others as they completely encompass us, protecting us, encouraging us, and giving us strength. I absolutely love this!
     As I have written previously in the blogs, I have dealt with my illness for over 40 years. I always knew the importance of having a support structure in place.  I needed my family, close friends, and my Church family to stand around me. I did not have enough strength to go through it alone.  Even though I have faith and trust and hope in our Lord Jesus, I still needed the support system. That works along with our faith.
     The verse above tells us to run that race with endurance. I fully intend to do so all the days of my life. I have always tried to do so and I wont stop now. And I need you all to help me.  
     You all can also have the same support system in place.  You never have to walk through anything alone. You don't have to pretend to be super strong all by yourself.  That is a false concept.  We don't have to be the strongest person on earth who can do it all by yourself-no help needed. Guess what? We ALL need help. 
     So when you are hit with another crisis, remember, you do not have to pretend to be strong, you don't have to go into hibernation so no one else would know. There is nothing to be embarrassed about, or ashamed of. Our Lord God put these concepts in place because He knows we are weak without Him and without our support team.
No matter what you are facing, there is a way for us to run our race with endurance and have victory at the finish line. From someone who knows, I can tell you it makes a huge difference. 
You never have to stand alone! You are genuinely loved! 
I pray you are encouraged as you read this. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Is there a time to be "inflexible "?

I think most of us would agree, we've always been told to be flexible.  And for the most part that is true, be flexible.  But I'm writing this time about when we should be inflexible.  
There is a verse in the Bible that tells us when to stand firm. Hold your place.  Wait for it. 
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. - Hebrews 10:23
Yes, hold fast, hang on to your hope and faith with all the strength you can find.  You see, Jesus promises us a life of eternity with Him.  He does not waver from that promise.  Never! And all of the other promises He has told us about in the Bible.  
You may say, "what would you know?"  "How can you believe that with all you go through"? Or " You don't know my situation"?  
No I don't. But I do know my situation, and how every time I need Jesus to touch me, or do a miracle, or help me endure what I need to, He has!  Yes, He has! 
I confess, there are times I get weary. Actually right now is one of those times.  I have dealt with health issues since I was a teen. That was the beginning of my spinal cord damage, which is still progressing. It was 5 years ago I was diagnosed with the leukemia.  This latest bout of illness has me tired, not feeling the strongest physically. But I cannot afford to lose my faith in Jesus. He has saved my life many times. I have endured surgeries that had never been done before, I have surprised the doctors over and over.  What does that have to do with my faith and Jesus? EVERYTHING! 
You see being strong isn't always physical, it is emotional, spiritual, mentally. I determined many years ago that I would always fight with all I had to remain in faith and the hope in Jesus. There is no way I would say forget it. This is when we need to be inflexible.  Stand firm in our faith.  Jesus stood firm when He died on that cross for you and me. 
So whatever you are going through, remember the promises we have from Jesus.  Remember, this is not time to give up or waver from faith. Reach down inside with all you have and pull up that faith and hope. Stand firm and wait for it. 
I have stood firm for over 40 years, knowing my need will be met when I need it most. I may have to wait for my total healing a bit longer.  I will, in faith, I will stand firm on those promises.  Hope will not disappoint you. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

We are Christians, therefore nothing bad should happen!

The majority of my life I have faced health problems.  I have also seen many loved ones pass away.  I've seen hardships happen to "good" people.   And so on. During those times you often hear things like "the devil was after him", or "he/she never seemed to have a peaceful life", or"he/she must not have done what God wanted them to do". 
Well I have to say I disagree with all of those scenarios.  The last few weeks have been difficult for me, physically and emotionally.  I am still recuperating from the last hospital stay.  Then last Friday I had a couple of surgeries. One planned, the other a surprise.  These have knocked me for a loop. I cannot seem to find any energy. With that said, do I think God has deserted me, or the devil is to blame, or any other rediculous scenario one might come up with. ABSOLUTELY NOT! 
First of all, my Lord Jesus loves us more than anything.  So much so that He gave His own life for us. Next is even if we do fail at something, God does not hold a grudge over us. He loves us and helps us find a way to succeed. Even if we mess up and know we didn't do what God had asked of us, we can move on, because God loves us and forgives us. 
So let's go back to my health.  Oh no, not again.  Oh no, another trip to hospital.  And so on. Why God?  I don't ask that. I instead thank Him for being with me. I have that faith to know deep in my heart God will give my doctors wisdom. And He will give me wisdom. 
Why do I have to endure so much pain?  That is the result of my body not functioning properly. It isn't God's fault. Why doesn't he heal me? I don't know. But what I do know is God will be glorified in me. And others can be saved, healed, helped because of my faith and trust in Jesus. 
I want you all to know, you can be victorious, healed, or not.  But that does not have to get in your way of your relationship with Jesus. He can use anything for good. And He will. So lean on Jesus. Talk to Him daily. Take time for Him everyday. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. 
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Happy Mother's Day (Men you can read this also)

As a Mom, Mother's Day is the most special day there is.  It truly honors all the Mom's.  Whether we are good at being a Mom or not, you still deserve to be honored. Being a Mom is the most rewarding accomplishment of my life. I am so very thankful the Lord gave me the privilege of having an amazing son. Words cannot describe the feeling inside that being a Mom gives you.
   With that said, Mother's Day can be a wonderful, joyful day.  Or it can be a sad day longing to give your Mom that one more hug. This is the first Mother's Day without my Mom.  She passed away in October.  Even though Mom's mind was lost most of the time from Alzheimer's, she was still my Mom.  She did not realize most of the time that I was her daughter, or that she even had children. They were difficult moments of sadness.  Yet I still had my Mom, and could hug her and tell her how much I loved her.  They were difficult years, especially on Mother's Day.  You see, my Mom and I did very special things together, and for each other.  Planting flowers, going to lunch, shopping, or having tea and playing scrabble.  When the Alzheimer's took over we no longer could share those moments.  But I could still hug her.  They were the sad moments of Mother's Day.
   Now, we have a choice, are we going to dwell in those sad memories or focus on the happy memories.  I choose the happy times.  The lunches, the flowers, tea, or just being together.  And then the most happiest of all thoughts for me, being a Mom.  My son is now an adult, married, and eager to start a family of their own.  And then my Mother's Day gets even better, I can be a grandma.
   You may be someone who could not have children. You can still be that very special Mom to someone who needs it.  There are so many young women these days that did not have that influence of a Mom in their life.  There is so much wisdom we can pass along to those younger women regardless if you had your own children or not. I would encourage you, don't feel left out on this special day. You are very important to someone out there. And I am sure she can use any wisdom you may have for her.
   I believe that God made us ladies with something special in our hearts. Something that gives us a special bond as a Mom.  We all have struggles, we all have our stories, we all have our disappointments, and we ALL have the ability to love that child (no matter what age they are) like no one else can.
   So this Mother's Day I encourage you all to dwell in your happy place, your happy thoughts. Treat your Mom that much more special, and if you are like me and your Mom is no longer here, thank God for all the wonderful years you had together.
   And as a Mom, thank God for the privilege He has given us to be a Mom. I would not trade that for anything in the world.  I love my son more and more each day, and am so proud of him.  I love my daughter-in-law as my daughter.  There is room in our hearts to love and love more.
   It is an honor given us from our Father in Heaven.
Ephesians 6:2 Honor your Father and Mother, which is the first commandment.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

What excites you?

I have had a theme lately with my devotions. Mostly about serving God with our all, serving the Body with joy and enthusiasm. And being genuinely excited about our Heavenly Father with sincere zeal and excitement. 
This being said I understand totally the daily factors that come into play with our emotions. I understand that our physical bodies at times  do not cooperate with our desires. 
As I have read my devotions everyday and prayed, I have been thinking about this. How do I react when I hear about the great things the Lord is doing?  How do I react during worship, or during church? Am I more excited about something I see on TV?  Or am I more excited about something else in my life than I am during worship?
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the One who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭2:9‬ ‭HCSB‬‬
This scripture spoke to me strongly. How do I act, how do I respond? Do I have that zeal and enthusiasm? Do my actions reflect Who is Lord in my life? They should! 
Folks, we are chosen by God.  We are His children. Let's show that excitement. No matter what we are doing in life, nothing is more deserving of our excitement, zeal, enthusiasm, and passion than our Lord Jesus. 
When we get to church let's come in ready to lay it all down, and worship God with everything that is within us.  Let's lay aside the weeks highs and lows. If we can be excited about "stuff" that filled our week, then we certainly should have much more to offer to our Lord, who was crucified for you and me, who sacrificed His all, so that we can have a life filled with His love. 
Be encouraged people.  Jesus knows our weaknesses, He knows our strengths.  He is always there with arms opened wide for us. It is never too late to show Him our joy and excitement we have for Him.  

Monday, April 11, 2016

Are you alone?

As many of you know I have spent the last 4 weeks recovering from complications of surgery. This is not something you plan for. Or maybe you have been dealing with another sort of crisis in your life. Either way, we are never prepared for those things.  Or at least we don't think we are. So how do we respond or handle these sudden difficulties?
When I was in the hospital I asked God to use me to encourage someone else.  How would He use me, I had no idea. But I wanted to remain open and available to Him. I would intercede for others as they came to mind.  I tried to keep a positive attitude, especially to the hospital staff.  I felt myself feeling "grumpy" one day. I asked God to help me with that because I did not want to be grumpy to anyone else.
So I began to think about this and try to prepare myself mentally and emotionally so when someone entered my room they would feel the love of God was present. And that I would have words of encouragement to give out. I knew I had to be there, so I figured I may as well be useful.
Is it easy to have a positive attitude when you are facing a crisis? Absolutely not! Do we have an attitude of faith, knowing God is right there with us? Not always! So how did I do it?
There are a couple of verses in Ephesians 1:15-16 -For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints,I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. These verses speak life, hope, and love to me.  Not only do I know that our Lord Jesus is always by my side, I know that the Body of Christ is praying for me. That is where I get my strength. And that also encourages me to continually pray for others.  Because of that attitude of prayer and thanksgiving, I can keep that attitude of faith, I can stay positive and encourage others.
It is so important to remember this. Not just for myself, but for the others around me. We all need those gentle reminders and encouragement. No matter what your crisis is, it is important to you. Therefore it is important to God. And since it is important to God, then we as believers are to stay in that place of thanksgiving for those in your life.  That will, in turn, encourage those struggling.
That is a huge part of what Christianity is all about.  Sharing the love of Christ with those in need. Letting them know, they are not alone.
When we are struggling but are firm about sharing that love with others, we soon find out how encouraged we feel. By giving out, our Lord Jesus meets us in our time of need.
I pray these words encourage you all.  My heart is to share the truths I have learned  through my own trials. Be blessed my friends.
You are not alone!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Who is your supplier?

I am now out of the hospital after a 2 week stay.  During that time one has a lot of time to think and ponder things.  It would be very easy to get discouraged. It would be very easy to lose sight of Who is in charge. It would be very easy to lose faith.  I, by no means am a superwoman. I can just as easily get as discouraged as the next. But I fight very hard not to. I do not want to give up or give the enemy room to move in.
While I was doing a devotional one morning, Philippians 1:19 came up. “For I am well assured and indeed know that through your prayers and a bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ (the Messiah) this will turn out for my preservation (for the spiritual health and welfare of my own soul) and avail toward the saving work of the Gospel.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:19‬ ‭AMP
This spoke strongly to me. Who am I trusting for my supply?  Where does my supply come from? Jesus!  He is our wealthy Benefactor.  Do we even tell Jesus what is on our mind, what concerns we might have? Do we ask Him to fill our void?  He likes to hear from us.  He wants to have a conversation with us. He doesn't want it to be a one sided conversation. He would like to share with us what He has in mind for us. It may totally surprise us. And it may not be all about us.  He may desire to use us in our present situation to reach someone else.  That's right, while laying in a hospital bed, Jesus may want to use you.
That morning, as I prayed, I asked Jesus to take care of me. But I also asked Him to use me for His glory. Did I know His plan, and how this would happen, no.  But I know what the Word of God says. He is my supplier, and He will use me to glorify Himself, and reach others. That is a loving God, who cares about our every situation and loves all of us beyond measure.
The next time you are facing a difficult situation in your life, take a moment to talk with Jesus, listen to what He has to say, and trust Him to be your supplier. He will not disappoint.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back

  Do you ever feel like you cannot handle 1 more thing? We often say " I can't take any more". Don't burden me with something else. I don't know what I would do if 1 more thing is added to my plate. Does this sound familiar? I think we all go through these times. My plate is quite full right now. Let me explain and tell you how I manage. 
  A year ago March 13 I had a very critical health problem. I'm not going to go into details but I will tell you I had 3 major surgeries in 12 days. It has taken me a good portion of the year to recuperate. Even if I had no other health issues, it would still take time. I know that and realize with my added issues it may take me longer.  
  During the year I had many issues that were very stressful. The death of my sweet Mom for one. The added stress on you will affect your physical being as well. And then just the everyday scenarios we face of life itself.  Our jobs, our kids, our whatever's. 
  So I find out that in 2 weeks I have another major surgery to face. Hmm, is my plate too full? Is this too much to take?  How will I get through all of this?  Those are all legitimate questions we ask.  It is how we respond that counts. How will I handle this? Let me tell you. 
  Several weeks ago I shared a verse with you. Matthew 11:30 Jesus says: For My yoke is easy, My burden is light. I believe this with my whole heart. My trust is in the Lord Jesus Christ. He has my whole being in the palm of His hands. Does this mean it will be easy, no!  Of course not. But it does mean He will be with me from beginning to end. He will give me strength to endure what I must. He will re-assure me, comfort me, protect me. 
  Does this added pressure give me permission to have self-pity for myself? Can I just sit and hide in my self-pity? NO, NO, NO! Oh my goodness, we cannot afford to be down and out. That affects our whole being as well.  I make a conscious decision everyday to be a positive person. I start with the Word of God every morning. I spend an amount of time in prayer. Prayer for myself, but for others as well. I let the Holy Spirit come and fill me up, comfort me, strengthen me. And I then ask God what I can do for Him. What task does He have for me today.  
  I will remind you, everything I share here is from my own personal experiences.  Am I always successful, no. I do have my moments. But we all can have victory. My hope, faith, and trust are in my Lord Jesus Christ. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

How do we communicate with each other?

  I have been thinking a lot lately about social media. It has changed in many ways over the years.  I remember when it started out we all actually were creative in our postings. We actually had to think about what we were going to post. We had to put our thoughts into words. I don't know about you, but I kind of miss that about social media. Let's think about this.
  Have we lost our communicating skills or perhaps we have become lazy. Can we look at someone and have an actual conversation with real words? Or do we meet up with someone, keep our heads down, looking at our phone, and either say LOL or text it to that very person standing next to us?
  Sadly enough, I do see this quite often.  How does that make one feel? I know for me I prefer to see the other person's eyes, and I prefer to actually speak to the other person using real words, like hello, how are you my friend. Where have our creativity and social skills gone?
  Let's look at this in perspective to our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. When we pray to Jesus, do we use all abbreviations and symbols? Or are we actually talking with Him? Are we taking our time and listening back to Him? Or are we just tossing our list of needs to Him and then ending the conversation abruptly? Does that edify Jesus or even our own spirits? I don't think so. To put it bluntly, I'd say that really offends Jesus. Just like we are offended if a friend isn't paying attention to us while we are having a conversation.
  As mentioned above, are we listening? My husband often says "God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth, therefore He must intend for us to listen more than speaking." Part of communicating is listening.
Whether we are talking with a friend, or talking with Jesus, we need to listen to what the other has to say.
  My friends, I am determined to be a better communicator with face to face conversations, or actual creative posts on facebook, and being a better listener. Will you join me? Can we get back to real life conversations, person to person?

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Does fear grip you?

I have been pondering all week what I was going to blog about.  Nothing was standing out to me. I had been struggling with a recent illness, but that wasn't on my heart to share.  I was leaning toward victories. Then it happened!
Yesterday, Friday, it was morning, about 8:30-9 AM, our loving Golden Retriever, Taylor, was barking up a storm.  Not something he does inside the house much. The bark was different, a forceful, purposeful bark. But I thought no more about it.  I went downstairs, walked into the kitchen, and there was a man at the door trying to enter. He saw me through the window and ran off.  So, me, being rather bold, opened the door and asked him what he was doing.  He didn't answer, tried to hide his face. I yelled again, asked what he thought he was doing and told him to stay off of our property.
He continued to run across the street.  And me, being alert, took many photos of him with my phone.  I say this jokingly, I would not normally think of that. I observed this man for a bit then went on with my day.
My brother called me, then my husband, both saying I should call the police. It was that moment I realized I did not feel fear at any point. But I felt boldness and confidence. I was quite happy with myself.  There was a time in my life when I was afraid to stay alone at night, or fearful if someone strange was near by.  So what changed?
The Spirit of God changed me.  2 Timothy 1:7 tells us: For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgement.
I know without a doubt that my boldness and confidence come from God.  He will enable you to react appropriately in circumstances that come upon us un-expectantly.
Does this give us a freedom to be careless. Of course not. I had to make the right judgement of when to open that door. I needed to make sure I was acting with safety in mind. God will enable us with sound judgement, but we still have our common sense so we do not act carelessly.
How do you get this sound judgement from God? Read His Word! Have that relationship with Him that reassures you He is by your side. Talk to Him, tell Him your fears. And then sit back and let God have His way in you.
To finish up, I did call the police. And my husband shared on facebook the incident and photo.  So many people responded and reached out to us, I am so grateful. And one nice person put a name on that face.
No matter what you are facing, what your fears may be, God can comfort you. He can give you the boldness and confidence you need for the moment. Whether it is safety, your health, your finances, or anything else that wants to grip you with fear, God is bigger, and able. But you have to let Him in.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

How do we react when we have a setback?

As I share with you this week, keep in mind everything I share is from my own personal experiences. I want to be real to all of you readers.  Nothing made up or fake.
The last couple of weeks have been a struggle for me physically. Several things have attacked my body at once. I was not reacting to my medication well, therefore my body was reacting. I have had to start a new med and try to get through the results of suddenly stopping the old med. The other is something in my body that isn't working well anymore. I am most likely facing surgery for that. The last thing is whenever my body is stressed the leukemia doesn't like that. I try my hardest to find some energy. I try to be as normal as I can be.  Sometimes I fail, sometimes I am victorious.  How you would say?
The one and only way I can have victory is from my Lord Jesus Christ. That's it, He will never forsake you or leave you alone. 
You see, so often we meet our struggles and think we can face them on our own. Sure there may be times you conquer the hurdle, and get all boastful saying "look what I did". But usually those victories are short lived. Then we get weary trying to fight something new everyday. But, when we ask God for His help, we not only are victorious, but we aren't worn out. We have our strength because Jesus took that burden upon Himself. He carried the weight of that burden on His shoulders for you and I. He makes our burdens light, He gives us victory that will last forever. 
Will we have more struggles, of course. That is part of life. But we don't have to live in bondage with fear waiting for something bad to happen. 
Yes these last few weeks have been a challenge. But I know without a doubt that Jesus Christ will carry me through. He will take those burdens off of my shoulders. And that, my friends, is how I will be victorious.
I have attached a video of song from YouTube. This song speaks truth and encouragement. Tells us of hope. I pray it ministers to you as well. 
Be blessed my friends, there is always hope.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Do You Feel Embarrassed Asking God For Help?

How often do you ask something of God on behalf of yourself?  I think most of us will agree, at times it is difficult. It is very easy to ask God to heal someone else  But to you yourself?
The last job I had working as a nurse was my most rewarding.  I worked for a Plastic Surgeon.  Most of what we did made a huge impact on the patient's life. The Dr. would often say to someone when explaining a surgical procedure, "if the surgery is on someone else, it is minor. But if the surgery is on me, it is major." 
I think that is how we often think when praying for ourselves vs someone else.  
An example: Lord would you please heal John Doe of cancer. In the meantime, I have a badly infected hang nail. How can I ask God to heal me when someone else has cancer. We are often embarrassed asking God to touch our little problem when others have a severe situation that needs God to intervene.
Think back of what the Dr. said, if it is something that concerns you, then it is major, no matter how small it may be, God still cares. It doesn't matter to God how insignificant our problem may be, if it is a problem to us, then He wants to help. 
You may be thinking, easy for you to say, you have a real problem. Trust me, there were times I felt embarrassed asking God to touch me and heal my "hangnail".
God wants to hear from you. He wants you to confide in Him and tell Him what concerns you.  Let Him make the decision of how to take care of it.  He wants us to just have faith, trust Him. Know that He is God, He is in control, and more than anything, He loves us. He wants us to lay our problems at His feet. He will make our burdens light.
Matthew 11:30 Jesus says: For My yoke is easy, My burden is light.
Whether it be cancer, or a hangnail, God is interested. You are just as important to Him as the next. 
We are His sons and daughters.