Monday, June 13, 2016

How badly do you want to win your race?

We all have a race to run. Your race will be different than my race.  But we all should have the same goal, I'd think. That goal- WINNING. 
When a long distance runner is running his race he paces himself with the finish line in mind. We need to approach our race the same way, pacing ourselves to make it to that finish line.  To win our own race.  
My race has just gotten a bit more intense.  The race for my life.  I have fought hard for over 40 years to maintain my pace for survival.  And I won't quit now or anytime soon.  The leukemia I have has jumped up a few notches. That explains the fatigue I've been battling along with some other symptoms. I could have taken that news and decided to quit my race and sit and sulk. But that is not in my DNA.  I will not quit, I will continue to run my race and fight hard to jump over those hurdles that come my way. 
There is a verse that encourages us to run that race to win. 
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. - 1 Corinthians 9:24
Whatever your race is, health, financial, emotional-run, don't give up.  Run your race to win it. 
We all have a different hurdle to jump over, with different intensity. But that does not mean your race is any less important than anyone else's.  
Our Lord God desires us all to win.  He wants success and victory for each one of us. 
So hang in there, stay strong, stay focused on your prize.  I intend to do the same, and I fully expect my victory is waiting for me at the finish line. 

1 comment:

Thank you for your interest.