Wednesday, May 11, 2016

We are Christians, therefore nothing bad should happen!

The majority of my life I have faced health problems.  I have also seen many loved ones pass away.  I've seen hardships happen to "good" people.   And so on. During those times you often hear things like "the devil was after him", or "he/she never seemed to have a peaceful life", or"he/she must not have done what God wanted them to do". 
Well I have to say I disagree with all of those scenarios.  The last few weeks have been difficult for me, physically and emotionally.  I am still recuperating from the last hospital stay.  Then last Friday I had a couple of surgeries. One planned, the other a surprise.  These have knocked me for a loop. I cannot seem to find any energy. With that said, do I think God has deserted me, or the devil is to blame, or any other rediculous scenario one might come up with. ABSOLUTELY NOT! 
First of all, my Lord Jesus loves us more than anything.  So much so that He gave His own life for us. Next is even if we do fail at something, God does not hold a grudge over us. He loves us and helps us find a way to succeed. Even if we mess up and know we didn't do what God had asked of us, we can move on, because God loves us and forgives us. 
So let's go back to my health.  Oh no, not again.  Oh no, another trip to hospital.  And so on. Why God?  I don't ask that. I instead thank Him for being with me. I have that faith to know deep in my heart God will give my doctors wisdom. And He will give me wisdom. 
Why do I have to endure so much pain?  That is the result of my body not functioning properly. It isn't God's fault. Why doesn't he heal me? I don't know. But what I do know is God will be glorified in me. And others can be saved, healed, helped because of my faith and trust in Jesus. 
I want you all to know, you can be victorious, healed, or not.  But that does not have to get in your way of your relationship with Jesus. He can use anything for good. And He will. So lean on Jesus. Talk to Him daily. Take time for Him everyday. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. 
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28

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