Saturday, May 28, 2016

Do We Stand Alone?

     So often I hear people say they have been through such an ordeal, and they were all alone.  Honestly, I have a hard time with that concept, alone.  It really is a choice we all have.  We can choose to let others into our life and share with them our ordeal, or we can choose to walk alone and be miserable. The way I see it, there is strength in numbers.  When we allow others into our life, and we share our personal struggles with them, they can stand along side of us, and hold us up, help us get through this ordeal, and come out the other side in victory. I'd much rather have a solid support system rather than face defeat all alone. 
     There is a verse in Hebrews that encourages us in this.
Hebrews 12:1- Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.
That's right, we are surrounded, if we so choose. Another version says we are "compassed about". The actual Greek word for this is PEIKEIMENAI- which means completely encircled by something stacked high on every side.
Imagine that, if we so choose, we can be supported by others as they completely encompass us, protecting us, encouraging us, and giving us strength. I absolutely love this!
     As I have written previously in the blogs, I have dealt with my illness for over 40 years. I always knew the importance of having a support structure in place.  I needed my family, close friends, and my Church family to stand around me. I did not have enough strength to go through it alone.  Even though I have faith and trust and hope in our Lord Jesus, I still needed the support system. That works along with our faith.
     The verse above tells us to run that race with endurance. I fully intend to do so all the days of my life. I have always tried to do so and I wont stop now. And I need you all to help me.  
     You all can also have the same support system in place.  You never have to walk through anything alone. You don't have to pretend to be super strong all by yourself.  That is a false concept.  We don't have to be the strongest person on earth who can do it all by yourself-no help needed. Guess what? We ALL need help. 
     So when you are hit with another crisis, remember, you do not have to pretend to be strong, you don't have to go into hibernation so no one else would know. There is nothing to be embarrassed about, or ashamed of. Our Lord God put these concepts in place because He knows we are weak without Him and without our support team.
No matter what you are facing, there is a way for us to run our race with endurance and have victory at the finish line. From someone who knows, I can tell you it makes a huge difference. 
You never have to stand alone! You are genuinely loved! 
I pray you are encouraged as you read this. 

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