Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Just thinking...

    Hello readers.  I've been pondering some thoughts for a few days, however, they have been sort of scattered.  Meaning they didn't seem to follow the same path. That is until I read my devotions this morning. Now if I can make sense of  it all.  
    As I mentioned in an earlier post, since beginning the chemo I have felt so much better.  Then we had a few busy days, the humidity and heat were quite high, and I battled an infection.  One day I was experiencing the fatigue again, the overall general beaten up feeling. I figured I was going to have those "off" days. But then it turned into 4-5 days. Oh boy, Lord help me stay positive and upbeat. One of my verses in my devotions one day was Ephesians 6:10-20. The "Armor of God". Oh boy did I grab ahold of that. 
    Then I had thoughts about this election season. ( No I'm not going there). It is so easy to get discouraged, angry, fed-up with it all.  The negative it pours into your mind is insurmountable. I thought how can I escape this without being unaware of the circumstances.  Again, my verse was Ephesians, put on that armor.  
    Ok, so I'm managing to keep myself in the Word of God, I'm praying, I'm journaling, and I'm staying encouraged.
    Yesterday I had my checkup with my oncologist.  My blood work is still crazy. I'm still battling an infection. The fatigue is better at times.  But the lymph nodes have diminished greatly. My Dr was even surprised.  I asked her how long would I be on the chemo, she answered "for life". Ok then, I immediately could choose how I would receive that. I truly believe because I have kept myself covered with the armor of God and His Word, I was able to respond with "I have no problem with that". I can hear your thoughts---what, is she crazy.  Hahaha, no.  I'm just receiving with a grateful heart, and much thanksgiving that my Lord Jesus is taking care of me. I haven't lost my hair, I am able to control the nausea, and I have a wonderful life. 
    This applies to every aspect of our lives, readers. The state the world is in, the state our country is in, your own health, your thoughts, your finances, and on and on. Our Lord Jesus has given us the "tools" we need to stay afloat. And He is a personal, loving God who cares about our every concern and every need. 
    I encourage you this week to rely on Him.  Open up that Bible, ask Him to guide you in His Word.  And go to Ephesians chapter 6. Read about the armor and put it on everyday.  It doesn't take hours of reading. But I believe after awhile it will turn into a lifestyle for you. 
God bless you readers.  

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