Sunday, December 23, 2018

Merry Christmas

Christmas greetings to all of you.
As I write to you today, my blogging family, I was brought back to many Christmas memories and traditions I share with my family.  So I thought I'd share some of that with you this Christmas.
The first thing that comes to mind about Christmas is our family time together with our extended family. We would always gather with the aunts, uncles, cousins, and many more. It was so exciting to share our new toys, or put on our new Christmas clothes. Every child in the family had a smile on their face all day long. Pure joy.
When I was a small child the excitement began Christmas Eve. We would watch a Christmas show on TV, my favorite was always the Little Drummer Boy. Then it was bath time, and waiting for me was a brand new nightgown or pajamas. The same for my brother. Of course we were so excited, we couldn't wait until Christmas morning to get there. We were raised knowing the true meaning of Christmas, Jesus' birthday, our Savior was born. But as a small child our excitement was about what we would find under the tree that morning.
We began as our family of four, My Mom and Dad, brother, and myself would open our gifts. It was the one day of the year my brother and I were up before dawn. We would go wake our parents, who undoubtedly had little sleep. It was not wild chaos, we always watched each other open their surprise.
Then our day would get busy. Christmas breakfast (or brunch) was a big deal with the whole family. We would gather together at my mother's aunt's home. And we had a feast. The wonderful aroma of bacon cooking was the best. I remember many times we would have a big snowstorm. Often my Dad would have to go tow someone out of a snowbank.
Then eventually we'd get back home and enjoy our gifts some more. My Mom was in the kitchen preparing Christmas dinner. The whole family would gather together again for dinner. Sometimes it would be at our home, or sometimes another home.
As you can see family was the emphasis on our Christmas celebration.
But as years go by, the dynamics change. Many have passed away. We moved further away. But those traditions were still so very important. My Dad loved Christmas breakfast. He wanted to supply most of the food. We tried to argue that with him, but he had no part of it. He insisted. So we raised our son with the same traditions. The new pj's to sleep in, the family breakfast, and the family dinner. Even though there wasn't the large amount of people we still had a very special celebration.
Now my son lives quite a distance away, so those traditions are mostly wonderful memories, until we can live closer that is. One day (we are confident) we will live close by, and we can celebrate with our son and his family. We can start some new traditions with them.
But one thing has never changed, knowing why we celebrate Christmas, knowing why it is so important to us. Our savior is born, He brings us hope and joy, and the greatest gift of all, His love.
So even though your family dynamics may have changed, you can still have those wonderful memories. You can create some new traditions. You can still be filled with the joy, hope, and love that Jesus gives us.
Every family has some sad memories also of Christmas time. I do. But I wanted to encourage you and not dwell on that aspect. I want to share Christmas blessings with you all.
As Christmas Eve and Christmas Day near, I pray that you will enjoy your family traditions, or even make some new ones. I pray that you can be with your loved ones on this special day.

Luke 2:14 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

14 Glory to God in the highest [heaven], and on earth peace among men with whom He is well pleased [men of goodwill, of His favor].

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 7, 2018

Ho, Ho, Ho, or is it Go, Go, Go?

As Christmas is drawing closer I see the hustle and bustle of the traffic, in the stores, and just all around. I hear comments like "I have so much to do and so little time to do it". Or something like "I have so much more to buy and have spent my budget already". Is that really what Christmas is all about? Do you think that is how Jesus would like His birthday celebrated? Remember it is Jesus and not Santa that we are celebrating.
Don't get me wrong, I like baking goodies, shopping, giving/getting presents just like the rest of you. I love seeing the surprise on the children's faces when they receive a special gift. But is there a way we can keep it in the right perspective? Celebrating Jesus?
I remember as a little girl, my Mom and Dad did everything they could to make Christmas special for us. My Dad loved putting decorations on the house, and his favorite was putting the tinsel on the tree. He would save that until my brother and I would  go to bed Christmas Eve, then get up Christmas morning and see it all done. My husband and I always tried to make Christmas morning extra special for our son. And my Mom and Dad were a part of that. Yes I admit, the gifts for our son were important to us. But he always knew who we were celebrating.
My Mom and Dad now celebrate Jesus' birthday with Him in heaven. And I am sure Jesus has a BIG celebration in heaven.
My husband and I still have Christmas Eve with my husband's family and we have Christmas with my brother and his wife. Our son and daughter in law live far away, but my husband and I look forward to celebrating Christmas with them and our future grandchildren when we can live near to them or travel to be with them. For our family, traditions have been important.
I almost lost my brother just before Thanksgiving. I cannot even think of not having him here with us for Christmas or any other day. We grew up very close and we still are close. We talk to each other a few times a day. Family is so important to us.
I am sure many of you have traditions. They may change over the years, but they are still special. I am sure you have special family times as well.
Don't you think that is what Jesus would think is most important? Being with the ones you love, celebrating the One who gave us love.
I guess my thoughts here are to enjoy the peacefulness of Christmas and gathering with your family to celebrate Jesus. We can make Christmas special for the children by showing them the love you have for them, creating those family traditions. And yes, giving a child that special gift that lights up their little eyes and fills their little faces with smiles ear to ear.
I hope for all of you, faithful readers, to be able to find the peacefulness of Christmas, and to be able to step back from the hustle and bustle and enjoy this special season of celebrating Jesus. I hope you can gather together and watch the little ones shine. But most of all, I pray that the real reason for Christmas, Jesus, will fill your hearts with His love and pour His blessings over you and your loved ones.
Let's make time for the Ho, Ho, Ho (the joyfulness) of Christmas and leave behind the Go, Go, Go (the stress).

I have attached a song that describes love, Jesus. It isn't a traditional Christmas song, but just as meaningful and beautiful. Jesus was born to bring hope and love to us. Our Savior, our King.
My son is playing in this video. To me that is a priceless gift, to always be able to hear/see him play for the Lord Jesus.  Here is my gift to you.
Merry Christmas!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Christmas Time Is Here!

The Thanksgiving holiday is officially over. Now the season of Christmas is here.
When I think of the Christmas season and all that it brings I always have one word that describes it best for me, HOPE. Christmas is the season of hope.
On that dark Christmas night, as Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem, searching for a room, I wonder if they felt hopeful. They were all alone, away from their families, and Mary was due to give birth. As we recall the story, we know that Mary and Joseph found no room. But they found a stable where the animals were kept out of the elements. That's right, animals. Does that seem like a picture of hope to you?
Some how, I really believe that Mary and Joseph did believe in that hope. They knew the Savior of the world was about to be born. The God of Heaven and earth, our glorious King, coming to this earth all for love's sake, to save us, to give us hope and a future, That is a picture of hope.
I believe in that hope. I believe in that love that Jesus has for us. He came as a babe, born in the stable, giving hope to all mankind for all eternity.
As you go through these next few weeks of this Advent season, I encourage you to read the story of Jesus' birth in the Bible. Let it remind you of the hope you can have. Let it remind you that you are never alone in this world, but Jesus is right by your side. Let it remind you that no matter how hard things seem, or how lonely you may feel, Jesus is right by your side.
As you read His story, call out to Him. Let Him know your feelings. Let Him into your heart and into your life so that you can know, without a doubt, that you will never be alone. You have HOPE for all eternity.
I pray, faithful readers, that you will experience that hope this Christmas season. I pray that it gives you a new level of faith. And I pray that as you receive the newness of that feeling of hope, you can pass some of that hope along to someone who needs it.

46 And Mary said:
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
47 and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior,
48 because He has looked with favor
on the humble condition of His slave.
Surely, from now on all generations
will call me blessed,
49 because the Mighty One
has done great things for me,
and His name is holy.
50 His mercy is from generation to generation
on those who fear Him.

Luke 1:46-50 HSCB

Friday, November 16, 2018

So Thankful

Greetings to all of you. I am continuing with my theme of thankfulness.  This is the week before we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the United States.  It reminds us to be thankful for the blessings in our lives, whether large or small. This week I am extremely thankful to God for His miracle touch on my family.
My brother, whom I am very close to, had a massive heart attack on Monday. Just moments after leaving my home. I had no idea that could have been our last time seeing him until we'd meet in heaven. My brother and I have always been very close.  Someone even said you two could be twins. We seem to have that connection that twins often have. Thinking alike, having each other on our mind, and so on. I am so very thankful for the brother I have. He is 2 years older than I, so he has always been here for me. And I was very close to losing him.  I pray for all of my family everyday, with our safety included in those prayers. The Lord was watching over my brother, keeping him safe until help arrived.
So that got me thinking. How often do we take things for granted, including those people in our lives that we are closest to? How often do we take our jobs for granted? How often do we take our homes for granted, or our vehicles, or our financial blessings? When something or someone is in our life everyday, regardless of our frame of mind or attitude, I think we just expect that to always be. We often don't even think to pray for things we are used to having everyday, or for those we have in our lives. Sure we may say a quick prayer for them during our quiet times before the Lord. But do we really intercede for them? Do we really intercede for our supply, for our jobs (whether we like them or not)?
Trust me, I am not perfect at this. But I have always felt, for me, that intercession needs to be a large part of my life. So I do pray for my family and intercede everyday for them. I always pray for our safety and for God's protection around us. For me, I know this is a very important part of my prayer time every day.
I know there are many topics I need to pray for more often. There are people that I need to pray for in more detail. But I do hold intercession as a very important part of my life.
And with that comes thanksgiving. I know God deserves all the glory for what He does for us every day, every moment of our lives. For me, I need to thank God everyday. This is as important as the intercession.  I even thank Him for things I haven't seen yet.
So I want to encourage you readers, take the time to intercede for those you love, for those topics that are important to you. And remember those things you have not seen come to fruition yet.
I firmly believe, without a doubt, that I still have my brother today because of my prayers and the prayers of many others that love him.
You may never know who is praying for you, you may never know the outcome of something you have prayed for, for someone else. But that's ok. God hears our prayers. That alone is enough to shout out a huge thanks for. Let your heart be full of thanksgiving.
Everyday someone may be facing a crisis. Someone may have lost someone dear to them. Those people need our prayers for them. And if that is you, or me, it is important for us to be thankful and continue to pray.
I pray for you, faithful readers, that your hearts are full of thanksgiving, and hopeful for the things yet to come. I am thankful for all the Lord has planned for each of your lives. He loves you. He wants us to trust Him.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 5, 2018

I'm Thankful

November is a month that many like to express their thankfulness for different things. I think its a great reminder to keep us all on track.
I personally like to express my thankfulness everyday. At least during my prayer times. Like most of you I do have so much to be thankful for. However, most of us live busy lives, have so much going on in our lives, or maybe just having a bad day. Those are the days we seldom feel like giving thanks. We get stuck in our low moments and have a negative conversation with ourselves. Come on, we all do this at times.  The important part of this scenario is that we remember to pull ourselves out of that negative spot. Get ourselves back into the mindset of being thankful instead of grumbling.
It is through those times we often learn something new. Out of that negative, low place, we learn something new that will help us down the road.
I know for me, if I've been grumbling, when I get that new revelation, and start being thankful the way I am supposed to be, that I feel so much brighter, and so much more useful. I will think "Yes, Lord, I am useful. I can do this."
That is something I know God has for us all. Those times of victory and feeling thankful. Those times when we realize God has a plan for your life, and He wants to use you. That alone is a reason to be thankful.
I encourage you to reach deep within your heart and find that thankful place. For me it doesn't take much, I am thankful for so much. Here are a few: that I am alive, I have a beautiful family, I can walk, I can talk, I can see to read my Bible, I can hear, and most of all God can use my circumstances to glorify Himself.
There are many more things I am thankful for. Everyday I tell God thank you.
I encourage you friends, you are useful, you are loved by God, and you have reasons to be thankful.
I pray you find this "happy" place that you can run to and feel secure in, so that it takes you out of the low place and back into the thankfulness.
Together we can help others find their thankfulness. I am thankful for you, my faithful readers.
Remember that song years ago, "Don't worry, be Happy"? So much truth to that statement.

Thess 5:18
Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Sunday, October 28, 2018


How often do we go through a day and feel like we are totally "worthless"? Or perhaps we feel like we shouldn't do something meaningful for the Lord because we are not worthy, or we are not perfect?
Here is a revelation for you, you are not perfect and neither am I. None of us are perfect. How about doing something for the Lord, I can't do that, I am not worthy. Guess what, none of us are worthy.
Jesus knows we are not perfect. He knows we still make mistakes. But we are redeemed and forgiven by Jesus. When we chose to live for Him and live by His values and principles, He forgave us of our sins, and imparted His Holy Spirit in us, and at that very point began to empower us.
We are saved by the sacrifice Jesus made on that cross for you and me. Jesus knows we cannot make it on our own. So He gives us His Holy Spirit to fill us, give us strength, and enable us to do what He has asked of us.
Because we have given our lives over to Jesus He works in us and through us everyday. He molds us into who He desires us to be. He pours His love into us and fills our hearts with His love. Jesus doesn't give up on us. He continues to mold us and form us.  He is the Potter, we are the clay. He will not stop perfecting us until the day we move on into heaven. Then we will live in glory with Him for eternity.
Wow, what a promise. To know that even though we are not perfect, even though we cannot do His work He has asked of us without His help, He continues to mold us everyday. He doesn't forget about us.
We can certainly mess things up on our own. When we get prideful and think we can do anything without relying in Jesus then things get all messed up.  Our lives will be turned upside down. And we often cry out to God and wonder what happened. We wonder where He was. Jesus was there all the time. It was us that closed the door on Him and forgot about Him.
So lets not forget about Jesus. Remember that He loves us regardless of our shortcomings. We are worthy because He makes us worthy. He continues to mold us into the man or woman of God He so desires.
Do we deserve His love, His forgiveness, His compassion on us? No. But Jesus doesn't see us that way. He sees us through love. We are the ones who condemn ourselves.
Lets try to live in the victory Jesus has given us. Lets live like we have embraced the fact that Jesus loves us. You are worth it because Jesus is molding you.
He has a calling on all of our lives. Each one of us has a different purpose in Jesus. Lets see ourselves in that purpose. Lets see others in their purpose.
I pray for all of you, faithful readers, that you have that revelation in your heart of just how much Jesus loves you. I pray that you feel that worthiness in your heart. And I pray for us all that we can go forth and do the mission Jesus has asked of us with boldness, confidence, and victory.
Jesus came into this world with total humility, because of love. Love for all of us,

1 Corinthians 13:4-6:
4. Love is patient, love is kind.
Love does not envy,
is not boastful, is not conceited,
5.  does not act improperly,
is not selfish, is not provoked,
and does not keep a record of wrongs.
6.  Love finds no joy in unrighteousness
but rejoices in the truth.

Jesus is our maker, our creator. He molds us into who He desires us to be. We are who He says we are.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Hurricane Michael - A Horrible Disaster

By now most of us have seen the photos of the horrible destruction Hurricane Michael left. It is sad, sickening, heart-breaking. It leaves you speechless.  I am sure plenty are trying to blame God for this.
Why would you even think this? God has created this beautiful world for us to live in. He created us.  He loves us more than anything. Yes, this world is not permanent. We know someday Jesus will return for His children and we will live eternity in a beautiful place He has prepared for us.
When God created us His desire was for us to live a pure, holy life filled with His glory.  But instead mankind chose sin. We chose to live a life separated from Him. Yes it began with Adam and Eve when they listened to the devil instead of God. It is that sinful nature that is the root of many of our problems.
So what about a hurricane? I can honestly say I do not believe in any way, shape, or form God causes these horrific disasters. We live in a world that is not perfect. The Bible tells us Jesus came to give us life.
A thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.”
‭‭John‬ ‭10:10‬ ‭HCSB‬‬
The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy! Jesus came for life.
I know God did not cause the destruction.  And I do know God never leaves His children abandoned.
God gives us wisdom and knowledge.  He gives the meteorologists that knowledge.  It is up to each person if you want to heed to those warnings. And none of us should judge another if they choose to stay. We do not know how we would react if we were in a similar situation until we face it ourselves.
What we can do now is pray for everyone that was impacted by this hurricane.  We need to pray for all of the workers, the volunteers, the infrastructure to be repaired and operational, and for the victims and their families to have peace, comfort, and reassurance that God is right by their side.
This will not be the last natural disaster to occur.  There is a pattern the last few years of these storms being much more violent. This is the world we live in. What can we do? We can prepare ourselves as best we know how. Through prayer, having a personal relationship with Jesus. Trusting Him for all of our needs and concerns.
How did people survive? Because the Lord God protected them.
There will be questions so many have that I cannot answer.  But I do know God’s Word is truth. And He came so we can have abundant life.
We know our time here on earth is temporary.  We know our possessions are temporary.  They will come and go. I have no doubt the people that suffered horrible losses will rebuild. They will survive.  We are fighters, and God gives us amazing strength during these times.
We must always hang on to God’s promises.  We must stay close to Him and under His protection. None of us can do this alone. We all need our Lord Jesus to help us.
And for those suffering, let’s be sure to pray for them.

Friday, September 28, 2018


I think we all set goals for ourselves. When we reach them we call them milestones. Some milestones just come naturally. Like our age. Yes I said it, our age.
This week I had a milestone birthday. I turned 60. Oh my just saying it makes me gasp,  in a fun way. My brother and I were even reminiscing about our parents when they were 60. Joking about it.  I am not distressed at all because I turned 60. Actually I am rejoicing. It was once thought I may not reach the ripe age of 60. Guess what, those statements were far from the truth. God had other plans.
Most of you know of  my health struggles by now.  I totally believe God has brought me through those struggles and He gives me the strength to fight everyday. He does have plans for my life.  As I have stated in previous blogs, I know the Lord Jesus has touched my body and is healing me everyday. Have I received my total healing all at once, no. But I haven’t given up, and God will never give up on me. So each new victory is a milestone for me. And turning 60 is a huge milestone. And I embrace it with joy.
So think about it, what milestones have you had in your life? Is it a school graduation, a job promotion, an age you’ve reached? There are so many other milestones out there. And God has them for us all.
These verses in Proverbs help put it into perspective.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:5-6‬ ‭HCSB‬‬
So often we struggle and we automatically think we have failed. That isn’t necessarily true.  God uses our struggles to teach us. He brings us into a new understanding of circumstances.  He just asks this of us, TRUST HIM.  He wants us to lean in to Him all the more. He will guide us and lead us right into our milestone.
For me, 60 is a huge milestone.  And I will embrace it with joy.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Are You Waiting for a Miracle?

Miracles, when it comes right down to it, most of us have asked God for a miracle at some time in our lives.  Some of us still need those miracles.  Each miracle, or each need, has a specific look to it. Mine as you know is physical healing. Others may need a financial miracle.  Others may need healing in their marriage.  What ever your need is, God can give you your miracle.
Sometimes your miracle comes in stages.  I have received stages of the physical miracle I need over the years. God has moved on my doctors to treat my most urgent need.  God has also touched my body and protected me from further complications. So my miracle has a different appearance at each stage.
You may be wondering how I can claim a miracle and not yet be fully healed. I can only tell you that God has performed miracles in me when I needed them the most. As for the total plan, I don’t know what God has planned. But what I do know is He will be glorified. I have always prayed that God would be glorified through my illness and spinal cord damage.  If it means in stages, then I am fine with that. If it is all at once, I’m fine with that.
Over the past 30 years I have seen God move miraculously in my life. And at each time, I have seen Him use me for His glory.  God has led me to specific doctors who are the best in the world. He has had them perform surgeries that had never been done before successfully and the patient survive.  He has used countless others to pray and stand in the gap for me.
God performed an instant miracle10 years ago this month on my husband. He has an aortic aneurysm that is located at the base of the aorta entering the heart. Ten years ago it ruptured. I watched in a matter of seconds my husband become lifeless. His heart was only beating once every 45 seconds. He had no blood pressure. I watched the paramedics load him into the helicopter.  I didn't know if I’d see him again. Our son had just moved to Colorado, 1800 miles away. I called him. How could I tell him his Dad may not live. Just so happened he was in a prayer meeting. They surrounded him in prayer for his Dad. It took an hour for me to get to the hospital.  I asked where my husband was.  Was he in surgery?  They directed me to a room.  My husband was sitting up talking. In an instant God healed him. The paramedics and drs had the ultrasound and cat scan images showing he was bleeding to death. But for some reason the surgeon wanted another cat scan so he’d know exactly where to cut into.  During this  scan my husband woke up. The doctor pulled him out and was frantic. He was yelling where is the blood? The doctors saw in front of their own eyes, a miracle performed instantly. Most totally agreed it was miraculous. But there were a few doubters. How they could doubt, I don’t know.  God returned that blood that poured into his abdomen back into the heart and sealed that aneurysm.
So you see, your miracle will look different than mine.  But God has a miracle for all of us. It may mean faith to step into a certain path. God will guide you and direct you.
We are His children.  He will take care of us.  Trust Him.  He will open the doors, create the path for you to go, and be that much closer to your physical healing, emotional healing, or whatever other bondage that holds you down. We are no longer slaves to fear. We are set free!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

He will finish what He started in you.

I know I’ve written about this topic before, but it seems as though I keep coming upon the same Scriptures.  This past week I started a new devotional of Philippians.  The title is “Choosing Joy”.  And one of the Scriptures focused on is :
Philippians 1:6- “I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
Most of you know by now I like to focus on the positive, and I strive to always walk in the hope I have in Jesus. Sometimes it is a bit tougher than other times. Especially if I am not feeling the best. The above Scripture is one that I focus on quite often. I firmly believe that is a promise to me from God. He truly will complete His work in me. How that will be manifested, I do not know.  But I believe it will be the best for me and my family. After all, my family walks through my illness with me. 
So back to choosing joy.  Trust me, I know it is extremely difficult at times to walk in joy.  Especially on a bad day.  But I told myself in 1990, when my spinal cord injury was first discovered, that I would persevere and try my hardest to hold onto the joy of the Lord. 
 And do not be worried, for the joy of the LORD is your strength and your stronghold.””
‭‭NEHEMIAH‬ ‭8:10‬ ‭b , AMP‬‬
The joy of the Lord is our strength!  I do believe this. How do I keep that frame of mind? Through prayer, reading the Word, and never giving up. Also choosing not to dwell in those negative, depressing thoughts.
This isn’t easy.  It takes work. It takes commitment.  But you will succeed. Set your mind to it, be determined, and persevere.  You will be victorious because the JOY of the Lord is your strength.
I still battle the affects of the spinal cord damage. The cord itself is still being damaged because of the scar tissue and tumor surrounding the cord. In 2011 I was diagnosed with the leukemia.  I now have a new health situation I am dealing with. This is still in the beginning stages.  I will need testing done. But I am hanging on to the promises of God. He will complete His good work in me. If the new issue is something I must deal with, then I will do so. For now I’m believing the tests will be negative.
Because I choose His joy to strengthen me, I know He will prepare me for what is to come.
We all face trials in our lives. Those trials come in many forms. But nothing is too difficult for God. And He will enable you and give you strength.  Hang on to His joy. He will never disappoint you.

Saturday, August 18, 2018


We all have a purpose.  That purpose is unique to you.  It may look different than mine, or anyone else’s. Actually, we can probably guarantee that.  Why? Because God made each of us unique.  We have different characteristics.  We look different.  We sound different.  We are just different.  And that is a good thing.
I see so many times people trying to be someone they weren’t meant to be. They are striving for something yet they aren’t happy.  That doesn’t seem like it would be your destiny. Mind you, it isn’t always easy getting to that place we feel is our purpose. It takes commitment, sacrifice, perseverance, and hard work. But it is so fulfilling and rewarding when we have reached that purpose.
How do you know what your purpose is?  I believe that is something the Lord Jesus births in us. But it may take time to realize what it is.
For me I knew at a young age I wanted to be a nurse. I worked hard to achieve that goal. But I knew that wasn’t my only purpose.  I knew I was to be a godly wife to my husband and a mother who raised my son, along with my husband, to love God and serve Him.
Sometimes I think we feel we have come up short with our purpose. But we must remember God made us with a purpose, and if we trust Him and follow Him, He will make our lives complete.
When I had to stop working it broke my heart.  I loved being a nurse, and I truly loved my job. But physically I could no longer do the work in an excellent manor. And that was the only way I wanted to do my job. With excellence.  Even though that era came to an end I still had a purpose.  Being a godly wife, and a loving mother. That will never change. And God continues to add to that. I have a beautiful daughter in law that I love dearly, and am so proud of her. And someday maybe I will have grandchildren to impart life’s  lessons into.
You see, we have purpose. And that never ends. It may change a bit as we go through life, but it never ends. God has a calling in all of our lives.  It may be hard at times, but He will always guide you and help you along the way.
Don’t give up. Don’t ever let someone tell you that you aren’t important, or you aren’t worth anything, or that you cannot achieve your goals. You ARE worth it.  You ARE important.  You DO have a purpose.
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:28‬ ‭ESV‬‬
God has created you for His purpose.  And has given you purpose.   Faithful readers, you are loved by God and He will lead you to that purpose.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Happy Vacation!

It’s been a couple of weeks since my last blog. My husband and I were on a vacation.  A much needed vacation for him. We went to Tennessee to see our son and daughter in law.
We were so excited to be able to visit them for a week. This was the first time we took our Golden Retriever with us for such a long drive. It was 9-10 hours in the car each day. But he did great. With the help of some Benadryl the vet suggested. We went to great lengths to make sure he was safe for the car ride. We have a special seat cover that allows him to wear the doggy seat belt.  He could sit,    He could stand, or lay down. And more importantly, he was with us.
You might be wondering where this is going.  These two topics: vacation and protection.
When we go on vacation do we take a vacation from God?  Does He go on vacation away from us? And is He protecting us?
I think it is pretty clear actually, to me. I never want to be out of God’s presence and protection. When we take a vacation I want God with us. I don’t want to leave Him behind, and forget about him for a week or so.
How about God taking a vacation? I must say, I don’t believe He ever takes a vacation from us. We are His children. He wants us with Him. He wants to do everything He can to protect us.
It is our own doings that separate us from God. Or our own decision to leave Him behind.
When we were excited to take our beautiful Golden with us it was because we wanted him with us. He trusted us to protect him always.
The same goes for God. He wants us with Him always. He desires to protect us always. And I want to  know without a doubt that He is watching over us.
We had a wonderful vacation. God kept us safe the whole time.
When you are planning a vacation, include the Lord Jesus in those plans. I truly believe , you will have a fulfilling, peaceful vacation.
“When I think of You as I lie on my bed, I meditate on You during the night watches because You are my helper; I will rejoice in the shadow of Your wings. I follow close to You; Your right hand holds on to me.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭63:6-8‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Facing reality while remaining in faith!

I mentioned last week about my spinal cord damage and leukemia.  That is a real life situation I have to face every day. Many times throughout the day I am faced with the real life complications of that damage. It is real. It is true.  I have to deal with it.  So, how does that fit into a faith-filled life?   How do I remain positive, in hope, and trusting my Lord Jesus for total health and healing? It takes work on my part.
I truly believe Jesus has had His hand on my life.  I truly believe He has healed me and will continue to do so until He has completely healed me. With that said, I’m sure some of you are thinking how can I be in faith, yet say I am not totally healed. I can say this because I believe in the promises of Jesus.  I believe what it says in Isaiah that we are healed by His stripes.
“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was crushed for our wickedness [our sin, our injustice, our wrongdoing]; The punishment [required] for our well-being fell on Him, And by His stripes (wounds) we are healed.”
‭‭ISAIAH‬ ‭53:5‬ ‭AMP‬‬
I believe the Word of God is the spoken Word of God, and is truth. This is why I can have faith when I face reality.  The reality is my body is still broken.  There are parts of it that do not function at all. There are parts that only function part way.  There are parts that try to function in spite of the nerve damage, but causes horrific pain.  Yes this is reality. BUT THIS DOES NOT DEFINE ME.
I pray everyday that my faith in Jesus defines me.  I do not want my broken body to rule my attitude or my perseverance. I know the Holy Spirit resides in me and gives me the strength to move forward, and the strength to hang on to faith and trust in my Jesus.
This is a choice on my part. I choose to be active in my faith.  I choose to read the Word of God and allow it to fill me with peace, love, perseverance, hope and faith. Jesus knew we would need help to stay in a faith-filled life.  So He gave us His Holy Spirit and His written Word. He gave us what we need to help us be victorious over our circumstances. Even though we face reality, He gives us the hope and faith we need everyday.
I pray for you faithful readers, that no matter what you are facing, what you are in the midst of, that you find that strength to walk in faith in the midst of reality. He promises us healing. I know I will receive healing. When? I don’t know.  I cannot dwell on that. For me, I need to dwell on what He has already done and the promises I have in Him.
Jesus is faithful. His Word is true and brings life. I pray you are able to walk in that victory He has given you as you wait for the rest of your healing.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Let Freedom Ring!

Today in the United States we celebrate the birth of our country and the freedom it brought to many. Those 242 years ago many came across the ocean from other countries to obtain religious freedom. They sought free enterprise.  And they longed for a better life for their families. Most of those people prayed to our loving Lord Jesus Christ to guide them, provide for them, and protect them. They trusted in our Lord Jesus, but they also worked hard to help secure a future for themselves and their families.  Many of those men and women and children suffered the greatest loss, losing loved ones to disease and sickness. But they continued to trust in God. They persevered, they didn’t give up. They were full of hope, faith, and trust in God.
As I thought about this today I wondered if many still believe in that freedom our ancestors fought for. That freedom they spoke of comes to us in only one way, through our Lord Jesus. The Bible tells us this.
“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty [emancipation from bondage, true freedom].”
‭‭2 CORINTHIANS‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭AMP‬‬
That is the freedom our ancestors desired more than anything. To follow our Lord, to have the freedom to worship our Lord. That is true freedom.
They did not want to come here to this land to harm anyone or harm our land. They wanted to come and be free to serve and worship our Lord Jesus Christ.
No matter what crisis comes our way, no matter what health need or financial need we may be facing,  our Lord Jesus is in control. Just reach down inside with all you have and pull out that tiny grain of faith, grab ahold of that and trust that Jesus will get you through whatever you are facing.
It was exactly 7 years ago, I had surgeries #2 and 3 on my spinal cord.  I could not walk. I had excruciating pain.  In all of that, I knew Jesus was in control. I knew I would be ok. I spent 2 months in the hospital. In the middle of that I was diagnosed with the leukemia.  But I still knew I would be ok. I held on to that grain of faith. I knew Jesus had more than that for me. I pushed through and persevered. I am able to walk. It may be less than before, but I can.  The leukemia is controlled with the chemo I take. I consider this freedom. The freedom only my Lord Jesus can give.
Whatever you are going through, grab ahold of Jesus, let Him help you through it. He has freedom for you.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

How do we react when we are having a bad day?

“Bad days”, we all have them. Sometimes they come in bunches.  Sometimes they come seldom, thank goodness. Sometimes we get swarmed with them and then we don’t have another one for months. Personally I like the seldom category.  However, we have no control when we are hit with a bad day. What we do have control of is “how” we react to them.
That’s my next question, how do we react?  Do we carry on and make a scene, or make ourselves look foolish? Or perhaps we keep it bottled up inside and let it torment us all the more. We all have our own pressure points. What may hit my pressure points  may be trivial to you and vice versa.
Either way, we all get bothered at times. Therefore we must learn to deal with these times and be overcomers. We have the power and strength through our Lord Jesus Christ to be overcomers.  He fills us with His peace and comfort. He has already fought these battles for us. Therefore we can have the victory.
A lot of the outcome depends on our attitudes. Do we truly trust in the power Jesus has, and the strength He has given us? Do we sit and pout about the bad day we had? Do we go on social media and write an essay describing our bad day?  Or do we stand tall, and declare victory in the name of Jesus, giving all of our troubles to Him, allowing Him to help us be strong?
What describes a bad day? It may be financial. It may be relationships. It may be work situations. Or it may be your health. No matter what defines your day, it is not more powerful, or stronger than our Lord Jesus.
I want to encourage you, faithful readers, make a decision to join me, let’s do our best to be victorious.  Let’s stand tall.
Trust me, I know it can be very hard. But we have to push through that barrier with all we have. Yes, Jesus already won, but He wants us to get up and be proactive.
I pray that you are encouraged to stand your ground.  I pray that Jesus fills you with His power and strength. I know He is here with us all and cross s that victory line with us.  Amen!

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Where does our power come from?

We all need a power source. Without one we are powerless. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are, what you believe, you still need a power source to plug in to. The question is, who or what is your power source.
I am not talking about our electricity. I am not talking about our finances. I am not talking about our flesh.  I am talking about our spirits, our souls.  I like to break this down into two categories, a power that gives life, and a power that gives death.
We all want life. But we all don’t seek the life giving power of Jesus. So many think they can do it on their own, or rely on the resources of the world. Those resources are not all bad. But unless we are drawing from the life giving power of Jesus Christ then we will fail and fall into darkness. There is only one way for us to live in the light, live in the life that lasts for an eternity. That is through our Lord Jesus Christ. That is it. That is the only way.
We all have struggles we go through. It could be your job, your finances, your personal life, your health. No matter what it is, it can wear you down. Unless we have the life giving power of Jesus, we cannot overcome those struggles. Remember, I am speaking of our spirits, our souls. But these struggles will affect our inner being, our souls.
As I’ve written before, my health is a daily struggle. I have a choice as to how I will handle this struggle. I could lay in bed all day and choose to be in self pity.  By the way that is a dark place.
I could complain all day and ask God why I have to deal with this. Or I can get up, stand firm on the Word of God, and draw on the power of Jesus, determined to walk in the light, hope, love that Jesus fills me with.
That is the kind of power I want. Nothing drains your power and strength more quickly than dwelling in a negative, dark place. Jesus gave His all so we can walk in His light. He doesn’t want His children dwelling in darkness. He loves us too much. That is why He sacrificed His own life, so that we could live an eternity with Him, in His light.
I’m sure some may be thinking how can I say that since I am not healed. I don’t know why I am not totally healed. But what I do know is Jesus gives me victory everyday. Every step I take is a miracle. Every breath I breathe is a miracle. Every beat my husband’s heart beats is a miracle. (That is a story for another time). Just because I haven’t been totally healed doesn’t mean I have lost my battle. Jesus is working in my body 24/7. And the same for all of you. He has plans for all of us.
My prayer has always been for Jesus to use my situation to help others, and that He be glorified in it all.
I would say for me, this is walking in the power of Jesus. My heart wants to always please our Lord God. Sure I may slip, but He is right there to pick me up. And the same for you. No matter what your struggle is, Jesus is there to lift you up, He is there to fill you with life giving power.
He is the great I Am! You don’t have to go through life alone, or in a dark place. That is a lie from the pit of hell.  And it is powerless in our lives because Jesus reigns and His power rules over any other power there is.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Challenges in the Midst of Your Hope

Most of you know by now where my hope and faith come from. My Lord Jesus. That is also where my strength, wisdom, knowledge, perseverance comes from. Without Jesus and His Holy Spirit I would not have these in my life. I am totally convinced of that.
With that said, what do we do when we have challenges and "big" hurdles in the midst of that hope?
As you know, I have many health issues I struggle with. Most coming from the result of the spinal cord damage, and then others from the leukemia. These last several weeks I've had some hurdles to get over. I've had some new challenges. The question is how do I respond to these things without losing my hope and faith? How do I react so that I am not losing my trust that Jesus has His best for me?
I respond the only way I know how, prayer. I have to get into that quiet place with Jesus and have a nice comforting conversation with Him. I need to know that I am walking in the wisdom He has given me. I need to know that I am not relying solely on someone else's suggestion. Then I must take that wisdom and discern what is right for me. My doctor, whom I have a very good relationship with, understands my concerns, and even my fears. This is important. We need to have that type of trust. With her wisdom and knowledge, we talk things through, weigh the pros and cons, and together with my husband, make a decision that is best for me. But none of this happens before I have totally put my trust in Jesus, and had the conversation with him. I need to know I am walking in the path Jesus has set before me.
Okay, I can hear some comments now  "If you are trusting in Jesus then why aren't you healed?"
"If you want to trust Jesus, then why do you need a doctor to treat you?"
I have heard all of these comments many times. I do not have all the answers. But I do know my body is flesh. My body will never be perfect until the day I go to heaven. If Jesus chooses, He can heal me instantly, or over a period of time. But the one thing I have always believed is that I want Jesus to be glorified through my situation, and I want others to see the hope I have because of Jesus' love for me.
I want others to have hope for their own lives.
With all of that said, how do I keep that hope and faith in the midst of decisions. I have that personal relationship with Jesus so when I sit and spend time with Him, I know with my whole heart Jesus is with me no matter what. Even if I may not make the best decision, Jesus won't desert me. He will continue to guide me through my trials. That is faith and hope and trust in my Lord. And that is how I get through my challenges and maintain my hope.
You also can have that hope through any trial you go through. Jesus is always with you. He comforts us, fills us with His peace, floods us with His love, and has His arms around us.
Faithful readers, I pray that whatever your challenge is, whatever your hurdle is, you can reach deep within and pull out that hope, and run right through those hurdles. Jesus is right there with you.

Monday, May 14, 2018

The Groom’s Love for His Bride

Have you ever struggled to grasp ahold of just how much Jesus loves you?
During my study/devotion time one morning that thought came to mind. Think about a young couple getting married. The look on the grooms face when he sees his bride for the first time, ready to walk down the aisle, adorned in the most beautiful wedding dress ever, is priceless. You almost can not describe the joy and amazement on the young groom’s face. To him, the bride is the most beautiful lady he has ever seen.  There is so much love in his heart it feels like it is ready to explode.
Jesus, the Groom, loves us, His bride so much more than that.  We cannot, in the natural, even fathom how much Jesus loves us. And He is standing at the altar waiting for His bride to come. He loves us so much.
His love is generous. His love is truth. His love is massive. His love covers us like a huge blanket wrapped around us. His love protects us. His love is deep and vast and powerful.
There is no way we can measure His love. And there are not enough words to describe His love.
Think about that, Jesus is standing, with all of that love, waiting for you. WOW!!!
All of that love, I don’t deserve it. So how can I live up to that? With my whole heart sold out for Jesus. Living my life to serve Him. Laying down my old self, and living in a manner that glorifies Jesus. There is no way I will ever be perfect. There is no way I will get everything right. And neither will you.
So let’s not beat ourselves up trying to live up to the love Jesus has for us. Because we cannot. But what we can do is try our best, and put your best foot forward, all adorned in that beautiful clothing (in your heart), loving Jesus with every ounce of strength we have, and be ready for when He comes for His bride.
We have that promise in God’s Word, He is coming for His Bride.

For as a young man marries a young woman, so shall your sons marry you, and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you.  - Isaiah 62:5

I will greatly rejoice in the LORD; my soul shall exult in my God, for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation; he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.  - Isaiah 61:10

The Groom is waiting for us, with so much love-we cannot even describe it.
Feel loved today my friends.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Do you feel cheated?

I have mentioned before that most of my blogs come from my own personal experiences. After all, what better way to have knowledge of something then when you have experienced it yourself.
This blog is definitely one of those experiences.
Many of you know that I have a spinal cord injury. As a result, most of the medical situations I have are a result of that injury, except the leukemia.
This week I had my checkup with my neurologist. The appointment went very well actually, with many things to think about. With this statement most would automatically think my exam was great and no issues. It actually was the opposite. With a spinal cord injury like mine, the deterioration is ongoing. So things are always changing. However, my husband and I came away from the visit with some new information and some possible new ways to manage my care. So even though my neurological status has changed, and will continue to do so, I came away from that visit encouraged.
That brings me to the question "have you ever felt cheated?" This is a legitimate question. Most of us have dealt with something "big" during our lifetime. It may be financial, health related, loss of a loved one, and so on. When those things come at us it can be a hard hit. They can knock the wind out of us. They can make hope appear dim. They can put us in a state of mind that is not healthy, we start to feel sorry for ourselves, we get depressed, we lose our fight. All because we feel cheated.
I want to tell you today that with Jesus by our side, we will never be cheated. He is the Lord God Almighty. He is all powerful. He reigns and rules over all the earth. And He loves us with His all. Knowing this, how can we feel cheated? We have a choice to sit and pout or rise up out of our chair and stand strong and move forward.
I choose life in Jesus. I choose victory with the help of Jesus. Sure, my walking isn't what it used to be. I can no longer work. I can no longer drive. I can no longer do the gardening I used to. And the list goes on. But what I can do is worship my Lord God with all my heart. I can sit and have a conversation with Jesus, and it stays between He and I. I can sit outside and enjoy the birds singing, and smell the flowers.  I can write a blog, encourage others, pray for others. So do I feel cheated, NO!  Absolutely not. I choose life. I choose victory. I choose to keep my mind focused on Jesus and all He has for me. I refuse to dwell in the negative.
You see, we all have a choice of how we will deal with our problems. Jesus is always by your side, He will never leave you. But are you letting Him be a part of your life and help you through your ordeal?
I want to encourage you faithful readers, there is always hope when we have Jesus by our side. There is always a love that never ends when we have Jesus by our side. There is always something to be thankful for, a reason to get up and move forward, and stop the negative thinking, because Jesus is bigger than any of those things, and He will give you the strength to keep going.
Am I content having a spinal cord injury, of course not. Am I content not being as physically active as I once was, of course not. Am I content with Jesus by my side, absolutely. Because He is stronger and bigger than any of those things, therefore He will get me through the tough times and make me victorious. He will give my doctors wisdom for my treatment, He will give me wisdom and knowledge so I can fill my mind with encouraging and positive thoughts and ideas.
I share this with you, my friends, so that you can be encouraged and rise up in victory with Jesus by your side. I pray that you all find the hope, love, peace, comfort, and strength that Jesus has for you. We all matter to Him. Every single one of us has a purpose. So don't feel cheated. When something is lost, Jesus will give you something new. That, my friends, is encouraging.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Who are we?

I’ve been going through the names of God everyday during my devotions. There are many. But today’s really hit home. Jehovah-Tsidkenu, the Lord our Righteousness. This made me think a bit. Who are we?  Without the Lord in our lives, without His Holy Spirit alive in us, who are we?
In my eyes, looking at myself, I consider myself nothing without God in my life. Some of you may think that sounds harsh.  But for me, I know it’s true. This flesh that is my body is just the shell I live in. But who defines me, what defines me is my Lord Jesus alive in me.  Jehovah-Tsidkenu, my righteousness.  It is His righteousness that breathes life into my lungs. It is everything about our loving God that puts life into my body. Remember, this is how I see myself.  But I truly believe God has life for each of us. He has enough righteousness to go around for all of us.
With that said let me tell you more. I believe I am who I am because of who my Lord Jesus is in me. I choose this. I want to be righteous through His mighty hand on my life. I want to be a Christ follower and obey His commandments.  I am in no way perfect. But I know God works in my life everyday. And because He forgives me I can continue to follow Him. I can choose His righteousness.
You may see yourself a different way. Maybe He is your peace, your provider, your redeemer.  However you see yourself being touched by God, that is who you are.
I also know that God is not limited through my eyes. Today righteousness struck home. Tomorrow Healer may be more vivid to me. The next day my Provider may be more real to me. God is all of those things to us everyday. He isn’t limited to one thing. He is God, He is in charge. And oh my goodness, I am so thankful for that.
So as you have your quiet time with the Lord, I pray for you faithful readers, that He touches your lives in a mighty way, and reveals your identity through He that lives in you.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

What is our purpose?

Have you ever wondered why you were created? Do you ever wonder what your purpose is?
I would dare say most of us have wondered these things at one time or another.
First of all let's tackle the question "why were we created". This is a question that may have more than one answer. But for me the most important answer would be "to have a relationship with God".
There are many times in Scripture that we read how much our Lord desires a relationship with us.
 In 1 John 1 we read that we have fellowship with the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. There are many more verses that remind us how much God loves us and desires to have that relationship with us.
This makes me think our most important purpose is to love our Lord with all our heart and have that personal relationship with Him.
With that being said, we all have more than one purpose. Do you know what yours is? Do you fret over it? Do you get anxious thinking about it? I would like to encourage you, don't. You may be thinking easy for me to say. Not really. We all have become anxious at one time or another. Actually I think when we try too hard, forget that the Lord has called us to a specific purpose, therefore He will enable us, then we fret over our purpose. We often forget that He is in charge, and we were created for His glory. So why would He ask us to do something if He was not going to pave the way for us, and enable us to complete the task He has asked of us? I honestly believe our Lord would not do that to us. He loves us too much.
There are plenty of times the Lord has asked me to do something that I had never done before. To be honest, I was very nervous about it. I actually was hesitant. But I had to stand on God's promise, He would help me through it. An example-this blog. This was totally a new thing for me. I had not written anything like this before. But I felt so strongly that God had asked me to do this. I knew I had to be obedient. And God has indeed paved the way. This blog has been all around the world, reaching every continent. And that has nothing to do with what I have done, but everything to do with what God has done.
So let me encourage you faithful readers, you have a purpose. God created you to not only have a relationship with Him, but also to serve Him and do the task He has asked of you. All for His glory.
God will enable you, teach you , and be right by your side as you move forward in faith.
I have to think how much this must please our Lord God when we take a leap of faith and jump in with our all to bring Him glory, and do what He has asked of us.
Our Lord loves us so much. He loves when we spend time with Him, and He loves when we obey Him. I know He has so much more for every one of us. Take that leap of faith. You will not regret it.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Easter, Resurrection Day

Easter, what does it mean to you? I am sure you've heard that question before. And I think every year any follower of Christ Jesus will ask yourself that question. But let me ask you, when you think about Easter, and what it means to you, does it reach deep down in your heart? Do you truly feel something deep inside?
For me Easter, or Resurrection Day as so many will say, is the most important holiday we celebrate as Christians. It all starts on Good Friday. As I read Scripture and remember the road Jesus took for us, the love He has for us, and what He endured for us, I cannot imagine what His followers must have felt. They watched as the King of Kings was arrested, beaten, and hung on that cross to die. Yet Jesus still spoke of forgiveness and love while dying. He knew this was what He had to do to give each and every person the chance of forgiveness and redemption. He wanted every single person to have the opportunity to spend eternity with Him in heaven. His love is so strong and so massive that He was willing to die so that we could live. And yet even after He hung on that cross, many still refused to believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus would not leave His people without hope and disappointment.
Then came Sunday, Resurrection Day. Jesus was no longer in the tomb. The stone was rolled away. The tomb was empty. Jesus appeared to His disciples once again, He conquered death, and no longer will His followers be without hope. When Jesus ascended into heaven, God sent the Holy Spirit down to be our helper, our comforter, and to be with us always.
Matthew 28:19-20
 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 
teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
For me Easter is my hope. It is the ultimate example of love. And it reminds me that I will have eternity with Jesus. My heart is filled with His Holy Spirit. Therefore I am never alone, I have my helper, my comforter always. And I always have hope. No matter what trials life brings, we always have that hope. We always have the unconditional love of Jesus. Jesus tells us He is ALWAYS with us. That is something I never want to take for granted. Jesus wants that for you also. 

Friday, March 16, 2018

Power Tools!

Let's talk power tools. Face it, we are always looking for the next newest, better power tool.  If we need a screw driver we want a nice powerful drill. If something needs sawing we look for a nice power saw or table saw that zips right through the wood with ease.  And the list can go on and on. I know my husband could list many power tools he'd like to have.
So what does that have to do with this blog? Let me explain.
So often we run to God when we are facing a crisis. We plead with Him in an urgent way, please God, help me through this ordeal. Everything else around us stops. Only our urgent need is on our mind. Then when all is okay again we go about our daily lives until next time.
But is that how God really wants us to pray? He has given us the "ultimate power tool". Prayer!
That's right, prayer. It is more powerful than any tool we have on this earth. It is much less expensive, it actually is free for us because Jesus already paid the ultimate price for our gift of prayer.
It is the tool above all tools, and ours. We can call out to God and ask for Him to move in our lives, to move in the crisis we are facing, and He will gladly do so because He loves us.
You may be asking "how is this thing called prayer so powerful"?
When we pray with our hearts, and all that is within us, our prayers turn from just words to fervent, passionate prayer. The study I am doing right now calls this type of prayer "EXTRA-ORDINARY" prayer. And this type of prayer touches God's heart.
God loves when we have a passion for something. He loves when we are persistent and earnest about our prayers. And most of all He loves us! Therefore He wants to move those mountains, show those miracles, and get us through those crisis.
And you know what, we do not have to wait until our need gets urgent. We can pray at anytime, day or night. He is always listening.
So faithful readers, I truly pray that you can find the passion, the fervency, the persistence to push through and pray. Use that powerful tool that God has given you through Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. There truly is power in the words we pray. We just need to do it.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

What is Your Breaking Point?

What is your breaking point? By breaking point I mean the point at which we let go and give it all to God. When we finally realize we cannot do this by ourselves. That we realize we are just like everyone else and we are needy. We all are in need of Jesus Christ being in our lives. Remember the older hymn “There is power in the blood of Jesus”.  There are many hymns and current worship songs that speak of the blood of Jesus. There are many that speak of the power of the cross.
Think about it, when things are piling up against us, when we’ve reached our breaking point, we call out to Jesus to help us. Why do we do that?  Because we know the power that Jesus has, and through that power He rescues us, saves us, brings out of that overwhelming place and into His presence, full of peace and comfort. We all go through difficult times.  I certainly do. But it is what we do to be victorious that counts.
I am certainly not exempt from difficult times. This winter has been long for me. I have had to stay “quarantined “ because of the severity of the flu this year. I have experienced great pain this winter with difficulty in walking, which I blame on the weather.  But mostly it is because of the medical problems in my body that I experience these hard times. So what do you do about it? I refuse to sit and feel sorry for myself.  There are days that I am stronger. But I have days when I get very frustrated. And those are the days I must remind myself, Jesus hung on that cross, His blood ran down, and He conquered the powers of darkness for ME.  For my victory. For your victory.
There is power in His blood. There is power in His name.
When you find yourself having a bad day, call out to Jesus. Stand firm, plead His blood over you, grasp ahold of your victory.
Remember, you are not alone in your hardships. We all have our share.  But let’s be stronger than those hardships and not allow them to define who we are.


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Graduation Day!

February 21, 2018 was Graduation Day for Rev. Billy Graham.  Yes, Graduation Day.  Rev. Graham moved from this earthly world we know into heaven where he will spend eternity with our Lord Jesus Christ. Oh what a celebration in heaven there must have been. But as much as we respected, honored, and looked up to Billy Graham, I can say with total confidence, this humble man was probably saying “I don’t deserve this, I am a sinner like everyone else. And I have been forgiven by the King of Kings”. 
Billy Graham never once considered himself more important than any other.  He openly confessed that he needed the cleansing blood of Jesus to save him and forgive him, just like we do. Billy Graham lived the life he preached about. The life through the forgiving grace of our Lord Jesus, and the power of His Holy Spirit alive in us. 
None of us are exempt from that very need Rev. Graham preached about. The need for the forgiving grace of Jesus. This Jesus who was nailed to the cross, beaten, spat on, cursed, torchered, and bleeding so much so that His blood covers everyone who calls on Him. Anyone who has ever heard Billy Graham speak has heard this very message. 
I can honestly say I believe that every nation knew who Billy Graham was.  His love for people spanned the globe.  His heart truly wanted to see everyone set free by the power of his Lord, Jesus Christ. 
I remember hearing Rev Graham say he hoped he would hear the words “well done my faithful servant” from our Lord Jesus as he entered heaven.  That just amazed me. In my eyes of course he would hear those words. But Billy Graham was a humble man. And never thought of himself more highly than another. 
That should be our prayer, when we get to heaven Jesus says well done my faithful servant. 
Billy Graham did not let borders hinder him. He didn’t let different languages hinder him. He didn’t let different cultures hinder him. He knew he had been called by God to spread His Gospel. And that is what he did. 
Can we be that obedient, to do whatever it takes to fulfill the calling on our lives?  I believe we can. But not without the help from the Lord and His Holy Spirit. If we press on and persevere, give it our all,and most of all remain humble,  then I know Jesus will be pleased. 
Even though Billy Graham is now in the presence of our Lord Jesus, God will raise up another to continue on where Rev. Graham stopped. Perhaps Franklin Graham. Perhaps someone else.  And I know God has a job for us all to do. A very important job. And He selected you to see it through. 
 I pray for you faithful readers, that you know deep in your heart the task God has for you to do. I pray that the Holy Spirit guides you, gives you discernment, knowledge, and understanding.  And finally friends, I pray you go out with joy in the name of Jesus Christ.  

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Hope and Help

During the recent days, months, years- we hear over and over of the tragedies and disasters in the world, in our own communities.  We once felt safe in our own neighborhoods.  Now folks struggle to feel safe in their homes, workplaces, schools, and even churches.  The things happening are horrific and taking innocent lives.
So the question comes to mind, where is our hope, who will help us? The answer is Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit.  Many will be thinking “we’ve heard this before”, or “how do I know He will help me or hear me”?
The answer to that is something I cannot explain. But God’s Word can. When you know this in your heart, in your “knower”, then you KNOW without a doubt, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is your help, and your hope.
But as it is written: What eye did not see and ear did not hear, and what never entered the human mind — God prepared this for those who love Him. Now God has revealed these things to us by the Spirit, for the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man that is in him? In the same way, no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who comes from God, so that we may understand what has been freely given to us by God. We also speak these things, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual things to spiritual people.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭2:9-13‬ ‭HCSB‬‬
No one can pray for us better than the Holy Spirit or Jesus. Because of this we are never without HOPE  or HELP.
So often I have had something specific on my heart to pray and I just couldn’t come up with the words to pray. It is those times that we need to remember the above Scripture, and let the Holy Spirit show you how to pray. Allow Him to speak to your heart.  And remember He knows what is on our minds, in our hearts. And it is then that we can remember He is interceding for us and for our concern.  And because of this, we can know without a doubt that we have His help, and we have hope.
Sure, in the natural we feel helpless in these situations. But through the Holy Spirit, we can feel the peace and comfort from our Lord Jesus, and have the hope that things will change for the better.
We cannot face these things alone. We cannot come up with the answers alone.  We must trust in our Lord Jesus, have Him in ours lives, and believe He will help us.
This means we need God back in our schools, in our children's lives, in our workplace, and most importantly in our own life. Why shut Him out? He is the only Helper we have at times like these. We need Jesus Christ to guide us through these things.
For myself, I cannot even fathom how I would get through some things without Him. And I don't even want to think of that. I know I need Jesus, and I know you do too.
My friends, be encouraged, be hopeful, because you have someone willing to be with you always. So  let Him in. You will be forever changed.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

I Will Trust in You

This week I have been pondering the topic for this next blog. I was not coming up with anything specific. The more I prayed the more I felt I had a topic but it wasn't coming together. Until this morning.
As you know, I take chemo everyday, which puts me in an immuno-suppressed state. With the dangerous flu and other viruses out there, that keeps me from going out too much, especially in crowds. That includes church. I hate missing church. But I am so thankful for live feeds on the computer. So I watch the church our son and daughter-in-law attend. I really like seeing them playing or singing for worship. More often than not the message preached is very similar to what is being preached in our own church. That is always encouraging and often brings confirmation with many issues.
This week during my devotions I was led to pray specifics for several people. Some for health, some for opportunities, some for clear direction and wisdom. This is what I was feeling for this blog. This morning the message I was listening to on the live feed was about God's perfect timing, and God's perfect will, and God's perfect answers to our prayers. And trusting in Him. This was the confirmation I needed for this blog.
How many times do we pray for something and it doesn't seem as though we are getting an answer? Plenty! The truth is we are praying and wanting it NOW. We seldom are patient with waiting until it is God's perfect timing. This is something I have learned over the years. I must trust in the Lord God and believe He has my needs or concerns in control. His timing is what is best for me and my family. He has the perfect solution to my needs, and even my desires. Yes, God cares about our desires as well. Nothing pleases Him more than being able to give us the desires of our hearts. However, what is best is that we trust in God's timing, we trust in God completely. We must be patient and know that God's plan is a perfect plan. A perfect plan for us.
The best example I can use is my health. I have had very significant health issues since my teens. I was misdiagnosed many times. I would pray to God, Lord please help me, please show the drs what is wrong with me, Lord please heal me. My husband would sit on the floor and hold me in his arms as I was screaming in pain. We both poured out our hearts to God. But we never stopped believing or trusting in Jesus. We knew He had a plan. When I was in my early 30s God gave us the answer. It was the issue with my spinal cord. I needed surgery right a way. It wasn't known if I'd survive the surgery, but it was certain I would not survive if I didn't have the surgery.  I had a little boy at home. I would do everything to be able to see him grow up.
It was at this time someone prayed for me and spoke a promise from God over me. I would see my son grow up, marry, and have children.  I would be able to play with my grandchildren. This is a promise I remind myself everyday of. I am trusting in the Lord.
Then it was 6 years ago I was diagnosed with the leukemia.( I had just had 2 more surgeries on the spinal cord.)This is chronic leukemia. So by taking the daily chemo it will keep the leukemia under control. It could still become a life threatening situation if not treated properly. This means I will take chemo for life. As odd as this sounds, when I received this information, it did not rock my boat. Why? Because I hang on to that promise Jesus gave me 30 years ago. And I have made a choice to trust Him.
I want to encourage you, whatever it is you are struggling with, whatever you are dealing with, no matter how hopeless your situation may seem, as long as you trust in Him, He will take care of you. It may not be at this moment, it may not be this month, but God has perfect timing, and He will take care of you.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (AMP)
5 ) Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart
And do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
6 ) In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him,
And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].
God will provide. He loves you with His all. Trust Him. He is always faithful.
Be encouraged faithful readers. God's promises are true.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Are You Feeling Hopeless?

This is the time of year that so many are dealing with depression or hopelessness. The holidays are over and for many it seems as though winter is never going to end. And reality sets in, we still have another 2 months of winter left.
And along with the doldrums of winter come flu season. This year has been exceptionally rough with the flu and the viruses out there. So many have been very ill with these nasty bugs. For someone like myself that is immuno-suppressed, it is very important that I do not get exposed to those germs. I would be in the hospital for weeks. That certainly doesn't interest me.
I was seeing several posts on social media of people feeling very depressed. So that got me thinking, am I feeling depressed? Am I feeling hopeless? I can say with total confidence I am not either of those. But it does take work and an active mindset of being an overcomer, of being victorious.
Where do I get that help to push me in the right direction? How do I maintain that "overcomer" mindset? It is very simple folks. My help comes from the Lord Jesus. Our Maker! He knows exactly what we need before we do. He knows when we need it, and He knows how to get our attention so that we call on Him for His help. The problem we have so often, are we listening or paying attention?
Are we actually calling out to Jesus and asking Him for His help? I dare say, too often I believe we get very lax at this. And believe me, I can be just as lax as the next. We are always learning. And the more we learn to trust in Jesus, ask Him for His help, the more free we will be, the more we will be victorious.
My faithful readers, there is hope within our reach. There is that peace of mind knowing we will be ok, knowing there is our Lord Jesus right here with us, waiting for us to ask Him to help us through our difficult time.  I was sharing with a precious friend this morning that I could feel the warmth of Jesus wrapping His big arms around me. The love Jesus has for you and for me is massive but right here within our reach.
I am attaching a song this week that reminds us where to look for our help. Take a listen, read the words as they come up. (You may recognize a few familiar faces also) Let these words speak to your heart and encourage you my friends. We always have HOPE! Because our Lord Jesus never leaves us.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Who or What Defines You?

The last few weeks have been brutal for many people across the globe. Here in the northeast it has been brutally cold. For many of the older folk or those with chronic illness it is particularly difficult.
For myself it elevates my pain levels tremendously. Neuralgia or neuropathy, which is pain in the nerves of the legs, is very difficult to manage on a regular basis. But the extreme cold elevates that pain, making it almost unbearable at times.
One morning I was doing my devotions and prayer time, the thought came into my head, do I let my pain define who I am emotionally, and spiritually. I am not talking about the physical aspects. But I am talking about our attitudes, our personality, and how we represent Jesus Christ in us.
Wow, I had to sit back and think about that for a bit. How do I react when my pain is severe? Am I extra "grumpy"? Do I get angry with God? How do I treat others? These are all legitimate questions, and ones we all need to ask ourselves at times. I will be the first to repent, I know I am far from perfect and need to be better at handling my pain at times.
I know that our Lord Jesus is bigger, stronger, and totally capable of getting me through those difficult days. And that is how I need to approach my day. Being totally confident that Jesus will keep His promises, He will not leave me, He hears my prayers and will answer my prayers. When I am feeling extra weak He will give me strength. Does this mean my pain will go away? Not necessarily.
Remember I am talking about how we react emotionally and spiritually. I am talking about our attitudes. And are we allowing that pain to define who we are?
My prayer for myself is that I will not allow my pain to show by way of my attitude, my speech to others, and mostly how I react to God. I want others to see Jesus in me, not pain. I want them to see the joy of the Lord in me. I pray that I can reach deep down and pull out that strength that Jesus has given me. And mostly, I want to always give Jesus the glory and thanksgiving He deserves.
I don't want to be known for my pain, I want to be know as a daughter of the King of Kings, an heir to the Kingdom, and someone who loves Jesus Christ with all I have within me.
We all have different issues in our lives. And many different things affect us physically. But we do not have to let those things drag us down spiritually. Jesus will never leave our side, call on Him, He will lift you up.
One thing I want to mention, I am not saying you must hide your pain. After all, we want others to pray for us. We need to be honest with ourselves and with others. But what I am saying is we do not need to get into a negative frame of mind, or be angry with God because we have pain. We need to stay in God's Word and gain strength. We need to persevere and press on, because Jesus has so much more for us.
I pray for you, faithful readers, whatever you are struggling with, whatever is trying to pull you down, call out to Jesus. Stand up tall and strong, because your pain doesn't have to define who you are. Our life with Jesus defines us. The hope, love, faith that we have in Jesus defines us.

I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return].
Philippians 1:6