Sunday, May 27, 2018

Challenges in the Midst of Your Hope

Most of you know by now where my hope and faith come from. My Lord Jesus. That is also where my strength, wisdom, knowledge, perseverance comes from. Without Jesus and His Holy Spirit I would not have these in my life. I am totally convinced of that.
With that said, what do we do when we have challenges and "big" hurdles in the midst of that hope?
As you know, I have many health issues I struggle with. Most coming from the result of the spinal cord damage, and then others from the leukemia. These last several weeks I've had some hurdles to get over. I've had some new challenges. The question is how do I respond to these things without losing my hope and faith? How do I react so that I am not losing my trust that Jesus has His best for me?
I respond the only way I know how, prayer. I have to get into that quiet place with Jesus and have a nice comforting conversation with Him. I need to know that I am walking in the wisdom He has given me. I need to know that I am not relying solely on someone else's suggestion. Then I must take that wisdom and discern what is right for me. My doctor, whom I have a very good relationship with, understands my concerns, and even my fears. This is important. We need to have that type of trust. With her wisdom and knowledge, we talk things through, weigh the pros and cons, and together with my husband, make a decision that is best for me. But none of this happens before I have totally put my trust in Jesus, and had the conversation with him. I need to know I am walking in the path Jesus has set before me.
Okay, I can hear some comments now  "If you are trusting in Jesus then why aren't you healed?"
"If you want to trust Jesus, then why do you need a doctor to treat you?"
I have heard all of these comments many times. I do not have all the answers. But I do know my body is flesh. My body will never be perfect until the day I go to heaven. If Jesus chooses, He can heal me instantly, or over a period of time. But the one thing I have always believed is that I want Jesus to be glorified through my situation, and I want others to see the hope I have because of Jesus' love for me.
I want others to have hope for their own lives.
With all of that said, how do I keep that hope and faith in the midst of decisions. I have that personal relationship with Jesus so when I sit and spend time with Him, I know with my whole heart Jesus is with me no matter what. Even if I may not make the best decision, Jesus won't desert me. He will continue to guide me through my trials. That is faith and hope and trust in my Lord. And that is how I get through my challenges and maintain my hope.
You also can have that hope through any trial you go through. Jesus is always with you. He comforts us, fills us with His peace, floods us with His love, and has His arms around us.
Faithful readers, I pray that whatever your challenge is, whatever your hurdle is, you can reach deep within and pull out that hope, and run right through those hurdles. Jesus is right there with you.

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