Sometimes your miracle comes in stages. I have received stages of the physical miracle I need over the years. God has moved on my doctors to treat my most urgent need. God has also touched my body and protected me from further complications. So my miracle has a different appearance at each stage.
You may be wondering how I can claim a miracle and not yet be fully healed. I can only tell you that God has performed miracles in me when I needed them the most. As for the total plan, I don’t know what God has planned. But what I do know is He will be glorified. I have always prayed that God would be glorified through my illness and spinal cord damage. If it means in stages, then I am fine with that. If it is all at once, I’m fine with that.
Over the past 30 years I have seen God move miraculously in my life. And at each time, I have seen Him use me for His glory. God has led me to specific doctors who are the best in the world. He has had them perform surgeries that had never been done before successfully and the patient survive. He has used countless others to pray and stand in the gap for me.
God performed an instant miracle10 years ago this month on my husband. He has an aortic aneurysm that is located at the base of the aorta entering the heart. Ten years ago it ruptured. I watched in a matter of seconds my husband become lifeless. His heart was only beating once every 45 seconds. He had no blood pressure. I watched the paramedics load him into the helicopter. I didn't know if I’d see him again. Our son had just moved to Colorado, 1800 miles away. I called him. How could I tell him his Dad may not live. Just so happened he was in a prayer meeting. They surrounded him in prayer for his Dad. It took an hour for me to get to the hospital. I asked where my husband was. Was he in surgery? They directed me to a room. My husband was sitting up talking. In an instant God healed him. The paramedics and drs had the ultrasound and cat scan images showing he was bleeding to death. But for some reason the surgeon wanted another cat scan so he’d know exactly where to cut into. During this scan my husband woke up. The doctor pulled him out and was frantic. He was yelling where is the blood? The doctors saw in front of their own eyes, a miracle performed instantly. Most totally agreed it was miraculous. But there were a few doubters. How they could doubt, I don’t know. God returned that blood that poured into his abdomen back into the heart and sealed that aneurysm.
So you see, your miracle will look different than mine. But God has a miracle for all of us. It may mean faith to step into a certain path. God will guide you and direct you.
We are His children. He will take care of us. Trust Him. He will open the doors, create the path for you to go, and be that much closer to your physical healing, emotional healing, or whatever other bondage that holds you down. We are no longer slaves to fear. We are set free!
Beautiful, thank you for sharing!