Monday, November 26, 2018

Christmas Time Is Here!

The Thanksgiving holiday is officially over. Now the season of Christmas is here.
When I think of the Christmas season and all that it brings I always have one word that describes it best for me, HOPE. Christmas is the season of hope.
On that dark Christmas night, as Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem, searching for a room, I wonder if they felt hopeful. They were all alone, away from their families, and Mary was due to give birth. As we recall the story, we know that Mary and Joseph found no room. But they found a stable where the animals were kept out of the elements. That's right, animals. Does that seem like a picture of hope to you?
Some how, I really believe that Mary and Joseph did believe in that hope. They knew the Savior of the world was about to be born. The God of Heaven and earth, our glorious King, coming to this earth all for love's sake, to save us, to give us hope and a future, That is a picture of hope.
I believe in that hope. I believe in that love that Jesus has for us. He came as a babe, born in the stable, giving hope to all mankind for all eternity.
As you go through these next few weeks of this Advent season, I encourage you to read the story of Jesus' birth in the Bible. Let it remind you of the hope you can have. Let it remind you that you are never alone in this world, but Jesus is right by your side. Let it remind you that no matter how hard things seem, or how lonely you may feel, Jesus is right by your side.
As you read His story, call out to Him. Let Him know your feelings. Let Him into your heart and into your life so that you can know, without a doubt, that you will never be alone. You have HOPE for all eternity.
I pray, faithful readers, that you will experience that hope this Christmas season. I pray that it gives you a new level of faith. And I pray that as you receive the newness of that feeling of hope, you can pass some of that hope along to someone who needs it.

46 And Mary said:
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
47 and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior,
48 because He has looked with favor
on the humble condition of His slave.
Surely, from now on all generations
will call me blessed,
49 because the Mighty One
has done great things for me,
and His name is holy.
50 His mercy is from generation to generation
on those who fear Him.

Luke 1:46-50 HSCB

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