Friday, November 16, 2018

So Thankful

Greetings to all of you. I am continuing with my theme of thankfulness.  This is the week before we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the United States.  It reminds us to be thankful for the blessings in our lives, whether large or small. This week I am extremely thankful to God for His miracle touch on my family.
My brother, whom I am very close to, had a massive heart attack on Monday. Just moments after leaving my home. I had no idea that could have been our last time seeing him until we'd meet in heaven. My brother and I have always been very close.  Someone even said you two could be twins. We seem to have that connection that twins often have. Thinking alike, having each other on our mind, and so on. I am so very thankful for the brother I have. He is 2 years older than I, so he has always been here for me. And I was very close to losing him.  I pray for all of my family everyday, with our safety included in those prayers. The Lord was watching over my brother, keeping him safe until help arrived.
So that got me thinking. How often do we take things for granted, including those people in our lives that we are closest to? How often do we take our jobs for granted? How often do we take our homes for granted, or our vehicles, or our financial blessings? When something or someone is in our life everyday, regardless of our frame of mind or attitude, I think we just expect that to always be. We often don't even think to pray for things we are used to having everyday, or for those we have in our lives. Sure we may say a quick prayer for them during our quiet times before the Lord. But do we really intercede for them? Do we really intercede for our supply, for our jobs (whether we like them or not)?
Trust me, I am not perfect at this. But I have always felt, for me, that intercession needs to be a large part of my life. So I do pray for my family and intercede everyday for them. I always pray for our safety and for God's protection around us. For me, I know this is a very important part of my prayer time every day.
I know there are many topics I need to pray for more often. There are people that I need to pray for in more detail. But I do hold intercession as a very important part of my life.
And with that comes thanksgiving. I know God deserves all the glory for what He does for us every day, every moment of our lives. For me, I need to thank God everyday. This is as important as the intercession.  I even thank Him for things I haven't seen yet.
So I want to encourage you readers, take the time to intercede for those you love, for those topics that are important to you. And remember those things you have not seen come to fruition yet.
I firmly believe, without a doubt, that I still have my brother today because of my prayers and the prayers of many others that love him.
You may never know who is praying for you, you may never know the outcome of something you have prayed for, for someone else. But that's ok. God hears our prayers. That alone is enough to shout out a huge thanks for. Let your heart be full of thanksgiving.
Everyday someone may be facing a crisis. Someone may have lost someone dear to them. Those people need our prayers for them. And if that is you, or me, it is important for us to be thankful and continue to pray.
I pray for you, faithful readers, that your hearts are full of thanksgiving, and hopeful for the things yet to come. I am thankful for all the Lord has planned for each of your lives. He loves you. He wants us to trust Him.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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