Do you ever wonder where your strength came from? Especially when we were faced with a very difficult situation or dilemma. After everything calmed down, the situation was taken care of, and it seemed to be fairly easy. I know I have. I remember one very drastic situation, and I came through without “falling apart”. Actually I have a few of those situations but I will talk about one today.
This is actually a testimony of my husband’s. I will talk about it after I post his very memorable situation that neither one of us will forget.
My husband was doing a special Bible Study on the 12 days of Christmas . When it came to the last day his heart was to share about this miracle that happened in his own life. I feel it is so important that I should share on here as well.
Day #12 of the 12 Days of Christmas:
I was going to list a scripture and a short message like I have the past 11 days but I think I will end it differently.
Like I said before, I am not talking about religion, I am talking about a relationship with the Creator God.
We are living in a time of great uncertainty. Many people are suffering, wars, sickness is greater, crime is on the rise , and it goes on.
But, as much as the bad is happening, there is still a lot of good that is around. I can get overwhelmed at times with all the bad that I have to tell myself that I can do a lot of good by praying for people.
Prayers do work! I am an example of it! Some of you know that I have a heart condition. An Aortic Aneurysm. Some years ago, I got really sick at home and my wife had to call the emergency squad because she knew something was really wrong. I had no vital signs. My color was ashen. I was in extreme pain in abdomen, upper chest and upper back area. I was bleeding to death internally. I was flown to Albany Med by helicopter with only a few beats per minute and two large pockets of blood in my abdomen. Ultra sounds and CT scans showed the bleeding and the blood pooling in upper abdomen and this was confirmed by the CT scans, and I had little time. My wife let a few people know what was going on and those people started to tell other people and there was a prayer chain spreading out into the area, into other states, and even into other countries.
These people believed in the power of prayer. And they were really praying! Our son was in Colorado, at a prayer group gathering. They set him in the middle, and those folks prayed.
My wife got down to the hospital and I was in the ER, awake, and the doctors were standing around scratching their heads! They had their surgical scrubs on because they were ready to try to save me! But the pockets of blood were gone and my aneurysm in my heart had stopped bleeding!
There was a big investigation and they couldn’t explain it! The equipment was checked and checked again! The paramedics visited me in the hospital and at home. They said they needed to see me and talk to me. They have never seen anything like this before. The doctors and paramedics, and anyone else involved in my care all said this is a MIRACLE! No other explanation. A full sized, adult man, who loves Jesus and believes in Him is a real miracle. Proven!
So, you see, prayer does work. I know some don’t get answered and others do. I don’t have the answers. I am not a Pastor or an Elder or have any Theological schooling behind me. I just know that there is a God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
So, I pray that this new year will bring health and happiness to all of you out there that follows us. Please share if you like my story.
Thank you for reading all of this and may God Bless you and your families. Paul & Kathy
This is a huge miracle. Yet so many still do not believe. I remember the moment this happened, how my husband looked, his skin was cold and clammy. I feared I was losing my husband. I prayed “Jesus”. I honestly could not get any words out. So I called out to Jesus. I had to collect my thoughts and call our son. He told me where he was. When I called him back, I could hear the room erupt in praise and thankfulness.
After things calmed down, I was reflecting on what had happened. All that I had to do, and reality hit me, I was a tiny spec from becoming a widow. Oh Lord, please help me, help my husband.
That was the moment I asked Jesus, how did I get the strength to know how to handle this awful event. Jesus clearly told me, it isn’t my strength it is His strength. He filled my heart, my mind with His own strength. Think about that. Trust in Him, lean on Him, call out to Him. Jesus is always by our side. He never leaves us.
”He gives strength to the weary and strengthens the powerless.“. Isaiah 40:29 HCSB
”but those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint.“ Isaiah 40:31 HCSB
For all of you, thank you for reading. I hope you are encouraged and realize Who we get our strength from. Without even asking, our strength has increased . Far beyond what we could imagine. We are never alone. This blog is a little different from my usual. But way too important not to share. This doesn’t mean we will never have a crisis again. But what it does mean is that you will always have enough strength to face it. There is so much more to write about this topic. But this is a blog, so I try to keep it that way. Feel free to share with someone who needs encouragement. Thank you. God bless you all.
#strength #faith #ourhelper #Jesusoursupplier