Saturday, July 20, 2024


 A few weeks ago I posted about praying for your country. I used a very familiar Scripture. 

“and My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.”

‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭7‬:‭14‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

This is proven to be so. clear to us over and over again. I am not referring to just my country.  I can think of numerous countries in need of prayer.  Whether you agree with the turmoil of your country or not, the only way to save your country , and protect your freedoms is to pray.  

It was just one week ago that my country experienced a horrific event of an assassination attempt to one of our presidential candidates.  But God said NO! We witnessed this take place on live television.  In a split second it could have all changed our freedom as we know it. But God said NO! It was a miracle before our very own eyes.  Was it a poor shot?  I do not believe that. What I do believe is it was “divine intervention “. Only God could change the path of that bullet.  Only God could hold President Trump’s head in His hands and move it to change the target of that bullet.  And why did God do this?  There are many answers to this question.  One very important answer is in that Scripture above.  “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and PRAY…

Yes, pray! This is not about politics.  This is about good vs evil.  This was a horrible act of evil.  The enemy had its pawns in place. That is clearly visible.  And they failed. Some are asking “how could they miss?”  They missed because God said NO.  He has heard the prayers of His people and answered them.

As I said before, this is not about politics.  This is a battle between goodness and evil. Darkness and light.  Take politics out of this and think to yourself, do I really want my world to change because of some heinous crime?  I certainly don’t.  

We all have our opinions of who is behind all of this.  The truth will be revealed as it has been before.  That is way above me to figure all of that out.  Even though I have my opinions.  But I choose to pray and seek God’s face.  I believe He can save our people and protect us, and heal our land.  Just as He promises in the Scriptures.  

I ask you faithful readers to continue to pray for our world.  Let us all come together with the help of the Holy Spirit, and seek God, and pray.  Let us ask for that incredible peace only God can give us.  Let us ask for divine intervention against the evil that wants to destroy us. Let us pray for His protection over us.  

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