Monday, August 12, 2024


 I will begin with a very familiar verse we all have heard at some point in our lives.

“Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.”

‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭4‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

I want to concentrate on verses 2-3 mostly.  Going almost word by word.  “Consider it all joy”.  All joy?  Now why would I consider my trials or hardships all joy?  I must admit, often in the beginning of a great trial, do I seldom consider it joy.  Even going through the process of the trial,  joy is the last thing  that comes to mind.  I’m often on my knees pleading to God to take this trial from me. I am sure if we plead to Him enough, He may give in and take that trial from us.  

Now let’s look at the next verse.  It talks about the endurance we gain from going through the trial.  Our faith increases, then we will gain the endurance we need to continue on.  From there it says how endurance must complete what it set out to do. It sets out to complete the work so that we may mature and become complete so that we lack in nothing. 

WOW!  Does that even sink in?  We mature and become complete, lacking in nothing. Let me remind you, this is for that specific incident.  Our endurance is a work in progress. But to have that victory for that one time is enough to bring me joy.  I want to be dripping with joy being poured all over me.

I want to trust Jesus with my everything. I want His Holy Spirit fill me everyday so that my joy will be made complete for that very need of that moment.  Or that very thing i am praying about or the person I am praying for.  I want my joy dripping all over me. 

Do you think that’s what verse 2 meant when it said “consider it a great joy”  when going through our trials.  Our trial is a work in progress.  We go through it step by step.  Learning , gaining strength, gaining endurance as we go through each step.  Until we reach that final step.  We see the end in sight.  We can see that finish line.  Then we cross that finish line and jump and shout with joy.  It is finished!  It is complete!  

I believe Jesus has that for all of us.  No matter your circumstance, He wants you to have that joy.  


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