Sunday, July 7, 2024

What is Your Purpose in Life?

 Have you dreamt all of your life for your purpose in life?  By purpose I mean God’s calling in your life. 

As little children we often dream of what we want to be when we grow up.  Some want to be auto mechanics, some nurses, some singers, some musicians, or some want to be what their Mother and Father are.  We seldom as children know what it means “to be called by God”. Therefore we do not even know to dream or pray in that way.  

My goal, or dream was to be a nurse.  From a very early age when my best friend and I would play with our dolls I was the nurse, assisting the imaginary doctor, my friend was always a hair dresser.  I continued to dream that dream of being a nurse.  I did just that. I became a nurse.  When I became a Christ follower I learned about being called by God.  I thought about that.  I can honestly say I never felt I should be anything but a nurse. So I then prayed everyday how I could honor Jesus through my work. And how could I minister to my patients.  As the world continues to change I knew I had to keep the boundaries placed in my job.  It is very difficult to just ask that patient if I can pray for them.  I could have lost my job.  But I wasn’t going to let that stop me. I had to get creative.  Every time I took a patients blood pressure, or pulse, I was touching that patient.  I called it laying on of hands. So I would pray silently for my patients.  Every time I changed a dressing, gave a bath, had to do some treatment I would pray for that patient.  I saw people’s hearts change.  I saw healing in their lives.  I considered it truly an honor to serve God in this way.  

How do you serve the Lord?  Have you asked him how you should serve?  Sometimes it is totally different than our profession.  Sometimes we may ask God to explain.  You may be thinking “I know nothing about that”.  How can God use me like that?  We forget, God is in charge. 

There was a time when I was in the Creative Arts Ministry in our church. I had no prior experience to anything like this. But I wanted to be used by God to encourage and build up His church. I certainly wasn’t  the most talented.  But I sure had fun.  This was allowing myself to be used by God.  

We all can be used by Him.  Our circumstances do not have to hinder us.  They can make us stronger instead.  I encourage you all, seek God’s face.  Listen for His voice.  Follow His direction.  You will feel so fulfilled.  I promise you that. Don’t be afraid of change. Jesus is with you all of the way.  

“There is one body and one Spirit — just as you were called to one hope at your calling — one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4‬:‭4‬-‭6‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

#Godiscallingyou  #yourcalling  #God’spurpose #yourlifehaspurpose  #obedience  #changedlives 

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