I’ve been coming up with several topics for this blog. I try to relate it to something that is relevant for today. That may pertain to all of us. Or one of us. This week I haven’t narrowed it down. I’m getting all jumbled in my thoughts. If that makes sense.
Well this morning something that really has nothing to do with anything I was thinking about popped out to me when I was reading a devotional. I began to pray and ask the Lord what this was about. Was it something in my own life? Was I just being picky? Then I got the message very clearly. It is about respect!
I will write this just how it was written. The writer was quoting a Scripture .
God reigns above the nations, sitting on his holy throne. The rulers of the world have gathered together with the people of the God of Abraham. For all the kings of the earth belong to God. He is highly honored everywhere. Psalm 47:8-9 (NLT)
When you read that, and truly ponder what is written, do you really see what is written? It took me a few times before I really saw it. But this is something that has always bothered me. I have no idea why, but it does.
During our early school years we are taught in English class how to write, how to use nouns, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, and so on. And when and how to use capital letters. I totally understand that. However, in my mind, I have one strong exemption. That is when it comes to our Lord Jesus, and respecting Him. I was taught early on in my walk with the Lord to always show Him respect when speaking about Him, or to Him. To honor and respect Him always. Respect!
Do you notice the above Scripture, it is written “his holy throne”. His is obvious. But why holy? Because Holy is because it is referring to Jesus, and His Holy Spirit. Now to be clear this is my idea of respecting Jesus. Many will not agree with me and that’s okay, For me, I cannot compromise in that part of respect.
When I saw that written that way it clouded my mind. I could not finish that devotional for today. It’s a devotional I’ve enjoyed. I’m sure I will continue to enjoy it. It truly showed me how I am affected by disrespect. How many times have we not shown Jesus respect. And didn’t even realize it.
When respect is lacking in our own lives, what kind of message is that sending to our children, our grandchildren, or other young people in our lives? How will they learn respect if we fail at it? We often wonder how the younger generations have learned it is ok to be disrespectful. I’d say this shows us a bit of the inside as to how the younger generations learn these inappropriate behaviors.
So this is how I got the idea for this blog, Respect. It affects me deeply. I want Jesus to be respected and honored all of the time. And I want people to be respected as well when they are deserving. I want it to be a reminder to myself, to treat others with respect.
#respect #personal #thoughts #respectfulness
I,also, am bothered when I see words a bb out God and Christ not capitalized!
ReplyDeleteI, too, am always bothered when I see words referring to God andChrist not capitaliźed.