Saturday, June 8, 2024

Pray for Our Country! Pray for Your Country! Pray for the Land that is Important to You!

 I am continuing on with my focus of praying for our countries we call home. My homeland is the USA.  Your homeland may be Australia.  And so on.  It doesn’t matter where we are or what country we call home.  But what matters to God is that we call on Him, seek His face, and pray.  

“and My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.”

‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭7‬:‭14‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

This is so encouraging and hopeful.  Knowing Jesus hears our prayers.  Not only that but He forgives us.  He truly cares about the things that are so important to us. 

“My eyes will now be open and My ears attentive to prayer from this place. And I have now chosen and consecrated this temple so that My name may be there forever; My eyes and My heart will be there at all times.”

‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭7‬:‭15‬-‭16‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

He will be there forever.  Just think, whatever we are praying for our country Jesus will always be there with us.  I totally believe He answers every one of our prayers. The answer just may come in a different way than we expected.  We may be expecting a total restoration immediately.  But Jesus may answer differently. The answer may take weeks.  And it may be a completely different answer than we expected.  But  that’s ok.  Because Jesus answers in the best way so that we see the fruition coming from our prayers.

Wow, that’s amazing!  Jesus loves us so much, and He cares about all of our concerns .  

As you recall I had some major shoulder surgery one month ago.   I wanted the pain to go away instantly.  When it didn’t I prayed more, please Lord, take it away.  I knew He would.  Just not in my timing.  And as I look back, if that pain wasn’t there, and in some instances still is there, I probably would not have been obedient to the do’s and don't s of post-op  care and use.  My Physical Therapist is very strict about that.  Because of this, I am thankful Jesus is healing my shoulder His way.  

I encourage you all, seek His face, listen for His voice, and follow His leading.  He will hear your prayers.  I believe He will heal my country when He believes it is time.  Pray for your country, pray for your leaders, pray for your neighbors.  Jesus promises He hears us and will answer us.  

We know Jesus is faithful. We know He is true. And we know He loves us.  Amen! 

#pray #country #neighbors #yourself #prayforwhatmatterstoyou 

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