Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas is Over, or is it?

It seems like this day and age everyone cannot wait to put their Christmas decorations away. Some even do this Christmas night.  Now I know everyone has their own traditions, their own schedules, their own reasons for when they decide to end their Christmas season.
My observation is those that cannot wait to take down their decor are those that put them up before Thanksgiving. Then they are tired of them even before Christmas.  I am not trying to criticize anyone for how and when they decorate. I just wanted to share my perspective of the Christmas season.
When I was a child my Mom would leave the tree up until January 6th, the 12th day of Christmas.  I never understood the meaning until I was an adult.  More of that later. But my Mom would put all of the decorations up after Thanksgiving, and my Dad would decorate the outside with lights and outdoor decorations the same time. I know my brother and I would love when they did this. However, the Christmas tree, we went as a family and picked it out.  Then on Christmas Eve my Mom and Dad would put the tree up, they would do the lights, then my brother and I would help do some decorations on the tree.  Then it was bath time and time to go to bed.  When we were asleep my parents would finish the tree and place the gifts under the tree.  When my brother and I would get up Christmas morning the tree was all finished and beautiful, and the presents under the tree.  We were always so surprised.  We enjoyed our Christmas vacation, many times visiting family in Pennsylvania or Virginia. Then January 3rd we would return to school. On the 6th my Mom would take down all the decorations and the tree.
Even though I like to put our tree and decorations up right after Thanksgiving, I do not tire of them. I love the lights and pretty things of Christmas. It all depends on my husband's work schedule as to what day we take it all down.  Either New Years or a day or two near there. I have only waited until January 6th a few times, mostly because Paul would be working.
With that being said, I still think about the 12 days of Christmas. The celebration of Christ's birth for 12 days. The 12th day was the epiphany day, a day of feast. This is really a time when Christians in the early church would reflect the importance of Christ in their lives. If we do not, who will teach our children and grandchildren about these important things about the birth of Christ?
I am not going to try to list all of that here, but that would be a good Bible study if you so desired.
Christmas is so very important for Christians. So let me ask, why are we in such a hurry to put it back in a box? Can we not take the week of Christmas and New Years to relax and enjoy the season. Can we take this week to remember who we are celebrating.
 I know it is hard for a lot of you with your schedules.  And remember, I am not condemning anyone.  What works for me may not work for you.  This is just an observation I've experienced this year.  More than years previous.
With all of this said, I'd like to encourage you all, take time to reflect what Christmas really means to us. We do not need decorations, or gifts, or toys, or even a feast to do this. Although when I am looking at a Christmas tree it helps me reflect a bit easier about this most special time of the year.
So for me and my home, my decorations will remain up as long as they can, depending on Paul's schedule.
My prayer for you all is that you can find some time these next 9-10 days to reflect a little more on Jesus and how He has impacted your life and your family's lives. 
Merry Christmas for another several days! 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you all.
As I was pondering what to write this week I wasn't getting anything particular. It wasn't until this morning that I realized why. The reason-because it is not about me or you, it is all about Jesus. It is Jesus' birthday, it is all for Jesus.
OK so I will say that familiar saying-"Jesus is the reason for the season".  We all have heard that a bunch of times. But think about it, this week before Christmas many of us are running around frantically getting last minute gifts, preparing for Christmas dinner, and so on.  We tend to forget why we are celebrating, and whom we are celebrating.
So I do not have a new revelation to share with you, but just encouragement. You know I like to look at things with a positive aspect rather than the negative. I remember a time when I was busy baking, shopping, and all the other busyness that goes along with Christmas. But being "challenged physically" has forced me to do things in a much more simpler way. I cannot spend all day shopping, or even baking. So I have been able to sit back, enjoy the Christmas shows on TV, have tea with a friend, and just spend time praying and dwelling on that first Christmas when Jesus was born.  It has been refreshing.  Sure I miss doing all those things, but I must admit, I would not trade those special times praying and talking to Jesus for anything.
Please know, I am not trying to condemn anyone. I totally understand work schedules and how it is hard to get everything done that you need to. I just want to encourage you, tomorrow on Christmas Eve, set aside some time, whether it is an hour, or even 15 minutes, sit back and have a nice talk with our Savior. Give Him a birthday present, you.  He desires that more than anything. A little bit of time with you. Having a nice chat, listening to our stories, Jesus desires time with you.
I promise you, this will be the best part of your day.
I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas with your family and loved ones. Have fun building memories that you will have forever. And most of all, I pray you will have your special time with Jesus, this will be the best gift of all.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Christmas Time

It is Christmas time. I love Christmas, the true meaning of Christmas, the family time, the traditions, and the enthusiasm of folks all around.
This time of year it seems everyone has a little more generosity in their hearts, a bit more of forgiveness towards others, and kindness.
There is also a lot of sadness this time of year. People are missing loved ones whom they have lost, or family far away, or their spouse(or Mom or Dad) overseas serving our country for our sake.
It would be easy to fall into a deep depression for so many. But we have a choice. A choice to dwell in the faithfulness of our Lord Jesus and let the peace of God fill your heart.
If you have been reading my blogs all along you know I am all about the hope we have in our Lord Jesus. No matter how dark it may seem to you, or how desperate your situation may be, there is ALWAYS hope.
My Dad loved Christmas and everything about it.  He especially loved our Christmas breakfast. The last year we had him with us, somehow I think he knew it would be his last. He was very ill with cancer, but he asked Paul and I to take him to a special store to get the items for breakfast. Even though he could no longer eat, he wanted to do this.  That was December 23. He went down hill very quickly the next day. But Christmas morning he was determined to be at our home for our family time and breakfast. He slept mostly on the sofa, but he was here with us. Daddy went to be with the Lord January 12.
Why did I share this? To show you that everyone, at some time or another, has had a very sad occurrence, maybe even at Christmas time.  And we all have the same choice, to dwell in the sadness, or to grab hold of the hope we have in Jesus, and live in the gladness and joy He has for us.
Yes, I still remember my Daddy, but I dwell in the joy he had for Christmas and his family.  Those traditions.  I really think that is where I get my enthusiasm for Christmas.  I love decorating, and baking(Paul has to help me with that now), visiting with friends over tea, and the overall joy this holiday brings.
So I'd like to encourage you all, find your joy this Christmas. If you know someone struggling with sadness or depression, invite them over for tea. Share about all the fun memories as a child at Christmas time.  Most of all share with them the hope we have because Jesus was born this very day for us all.
I pray that these next two weeks before Christmas are not filled with crazy shopping days or the hassles that rob your joy, but instead filled with the time to sit back with that special friend over tea and dwell in the goodness and faithfulness that Jesus has for you.
Until next time my friends,

Thursday, December 1, 2016

It's beginning to look like Christmas!

Hello to all my readers out there. I hope you all had the Thanksgiving you were hoping for.
Now our focus has turned to Christmas. I absolutely love the Christmas season. The true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, is everything to me. It brings me so much joy to see the happiness and anticipation in the children's faces, the excitement of family members coming from afar, the pure joy of knowing I have a Savior who loves me.
Then comes the other side.  The "black friday" mayhem and confusion in the stores. The violence because someone wants what the other has. This is absolutely ridiculous and horrible. Is that 1 item the department store has that important that you cannot live without? Really now, that is a disgrace. That is not what this season should be defined by.  Whether you want to admit it or not, this season is all about the birth of Christ.  It has nothing to do with fighting over an item in the store.
OK, so I said my thoughts on that.  So what do I do during this season? It has changed over the years.
My Mom and I used to do a lot of baking and we loved that time together. She is now in heaven so it is different for me now.  Due to my disability I can no longer do the baking I used to do. But my wonderful husband will help me do some cookies.
My Mom and I used to go to the mall during the week when crowds were less. We would take my son when he was a toddler.  He loved seeing the decorations and lights. We would take our time and stroll through and Matthew would sing throughout the mall to the Christmas music in the background. What is more precious than a little toddler singing happy songs. But of course my son is now an adult. And as I mentioned before, my Mom is in heaven.  I could use that as an excuse to be sad and depressed.  But you should know me by now, I will not do any such thing.
These days I do things in a very simple way.  Being that I am home a lot, I love watching the Christmas movies.  Yes, I am a Hallmark gal.  My decorating is not as extensive as it used to be, but I still decorate.  I love this season, and the celebration it should be.  That is what I do as far as that type of preparation.
Now the important part.  How do I prepare my self spiritually, mentally, emotionally for Christmas?
You may be thinking why do I need to prepare. You see, many may be hurting inside and you have no idea.  Some are facing very serious health situations, some are financially strapped, some are missing loved ones for various reasons, some may not even have very nice memories of the Christmas season. I want to be sure I am sensitive to others needs. Therefore I try to spend extra time studying the Scriptures.  I like to concentrate on the story of Jesus" birth.  The miracle God did through His own son to give us the chance to have eternal life.  I don't know about you, but the older I get, the more I like to be reminded I have that assurance of eternal life.  But how uplifting it is to read of the hope and joy we have because of Jesus.
When I come across someone who may be sad, or lonely, or just plain needs a friend to lean on, I like to feel I am prepared to be able to encourage that person. If we are "dried up", or grumpy, or totally focused on shopping and busyness, then how can we be that one to sit down with the friend who may need us? And if you are that person who needs the friend to listen, seek him/her out.  Do not be afraid to ask someone to spend some quality time with you without the focus on "busy stuff".
I encourage you readers, take some time for yourself, and prepare and absorb the goodness the Lord has for you.  Remember why we celebrate Christmas.  Most of all, let us all think of others needs as important as our own.