Thursday, January 31, 2019

We Are Loved!

We are loved by our Creator. When I say we that means all. Yes, every single human being that God has formed in the womb is loved by Him. So that means every person is loved.
God doesn't define us by the color of our skin, by the color of our hair, by our height, our weight, our capabilities, our talents, or the language we speak. He calls us all by name, and knows the number of hairs on our heads. He loves us all.
With that being said, His love does not give us permission to hate, steal, kill, destroy, murder, or any other sin. None of us have that right. It doesn't matter of you are a typical person like myself, or if you are higher up in politics, or are royalty. We all are created equal and therefore have the same "restrictions" to follow.
This time in our world we see so much hatred, so much killing, so much lying, so many drugs, and crimes, and the list goes on and on. It is easy to get caught up in that. The Governor of the state I live in just passed a law for late term abortions, up until the child is born, they can kill that baby that God created. This broke my heart, and many others, but imagine what it does to God's heart. Whether the Governor or someone else, you have no right to decide that. You have no right to condone murder.
As I was pondering and praying over this the Lord clearly reminded me about His love. Yes He loves the Governor, and those creating such laws. He loves the murderers, the thieves.  So instead of getting caught up emotionally in this, He reminded me HE IS IN CHARGE. Yes, no matter what, God is in charge. He created us with free will, so we have a choice to live for Him or live in sin. He will deal with those people responsible. Nothing is hidden from God.
I even asked God, why is this person allowed to create such a horrible law? Why couldn't God intervene. His reply, He(God) is in charge. And we are created with our own free will. We make our own choices. But God will deal with those bad choices. He will deal with every single person. We all will answer to Him.
So what are we to do?  Pray, and intercede for those things that go against God's commandments. Pray for those committing the sins that hurt others. Pray for our Country, pray for our states, pray for the world. This is the world God created, it is His.
He has enabled some of you to do more. Whether you are in law enforcement, or are in politics, or public speakers, God has given us all a platform to speak His Word, share His Gospel, and to pray.
We are created for His glory. We must remember to seek His will, and serve Him with our all, and to do so in love. He has never left us, He gave us His Holy Spirit to be with us always, and to equip us for the task God has given us.
We need the Holy Spirit to fill us and give us the stamina to push forward. The enemy doesn't want us to succeed. He will do anything to bring us down. We have the Holy Spirit to guide us and enable us, and to protect us. We do not need to get dragged down by the tactics of the enemy, because God is with us always.
Faithful readers, I know there is a lot in this blog. But there is a lot happening in the world today.
Be encouraged, God hears and answers our prayers. And remember GOD IS IN CHARGE.
2Chronicles 7:14  If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. 

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