We are loved by our Creator. When I say we that means all. Yes, every single human being that God has formed in the womb is loved by Him. So that means every person is loved.
God doesn't define us by the color of our skin, by the color of our hair, by our height, our weight, our capabilities, our talents, or the language we speak. He calls us all by name, and knows the number of hairs on our heads. He loves us all.
With that being said, His love does not give us permission to hate, steal, kill, destroy, murder, or any other sin. None of us have that right. It doesn't matter of you are a typical person like myself, or if you are higher up in politics, or are royalty. We all are created equal and therefore have the same "restrictions" to follow.
This time in our world we see so much hatred, so much killing, so much lying, so many drugs, and crimes, and the list goes on and on. It is easy to get caught up in that. The Governor of the state I live in just passed a law for late term abortions, up until the child is born, they can kill that baby that God created. This broke my heart, and many others, but imagine what it does to God's heart. Whether the Governor or someone else, you have no right to decide that. You have no right to condone murder.
As I was pondering and praying over this the Lord clearly reminded me about His love. Yes He loves the Governor, and those creating such laws. He loves the murderers, the thieves. So instead of getting caught up emotionally in this, He reminded me HE IS IN CHARGE. Yes, no matter what, God is in charge. He created us with free will, so we have a choice to live for Him or live in sin. He will deal with those people responsible. Nothing is hidden from God.
I even asked God, why is this person allowed to create such a horrible law? Why couldn't God intervene. His reply, He(God) is in charge. And we are created with our own free will. We make our own choices. But God will deal with those bad choices. He will deal with every single person. We all will answer to Him.
So what are we to do? Pray, and intercede for those things that go against God's commandments. Pray for those committing the sins that hurt others. Pray for our Country, pray for our states, pray for the world. This is the world God created, it is His.
He has enabled some of you to do more. Whether you are in law enforcement, or are in politics, or public speakers, God has given us all a platform to speak His Word, share His Gospel, and to pray.
We are created for His glory. We must remember to seek His will, and serve Him with our all, and to do so in love. He has never left us, He gave us His Holy Spirit to be with us always, and to equip us for the task God has given us.
We need the Holy Spirit to fill us and give us the stamina to push forward. The enemy doesn't want us to succeed. He will do anything to bring us down. We have the Holy Spirit to guide us and enable us, and to protect us. We do not need to get dragged down by the tactics of the enemy, because God is with us always.
Faithful readers, I know there is a lot in this blog. But there is a lot happening in the world today.
Be encouraged, God hears and answers our prayers. And remember GOD IS IN CHARGE.
2Chronicles 7:14 If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Thursday, January 17, 2019
We Are Part of God’s Creativity
Creativity, that is a mouthful when you think about it. God has been creative since the beginning of time. He thought about this world, the universe, and how He would like it to be. He spoke it into existence. He envisioned the moon, the stars, the sun. But His creativity didn’t stop there. That’s right, He wanted to create us in His image. WOW! We are created by God, in His image.
So that is quite a thought. That alone tells us how much God loves us.
Back to creativity. It doesn’t take much for us to see how creative God is. Every person we see is different that you or I. The color of our skin is different. The color of our eyes are different. The color of our hair is different. And the list goes on.
Even though our body structure and organs are mostly the same, there is still a difference that is unique to each one of us. Like our DNA. Again, showing us how creative God is.
“For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art].
Now that we see just how creative God is, let's take this a little further.
God created us in His image, therefore wouldn't it seem as though He has a specific "job", or task for us to do? God is not idle. I would think He doesn't want us to be idle either. And remember, we are all unique. The task He has for me to do is probably not what He wants you to do. Some of us will be involved in the same ministry or the same job. For instance, God has gifted my husband and my son in music. They both play numerous instruments. He uses them both differently, yet in the same area.
Even though they have the same gifting, they still have their own unique DNA of that gifting.
God has used me in Creative Arts ministry, when I was still physically able to do so. When my situation changed, He gave me this blog to write. Even though the dynamics have changed, He still uses me to be creative.
God created all of us in His image, and to be creative like Him. He doesn't want us sitting around being idle. That idleness can lead to many problems like depression, loneliness, feeling of being useless, to name a few. He wants us to do His will. He has a "job" for you and for me.
I know when I am doing something for someone else, I feel so much better about myself. I have a relationship with Jesus. I want to please Him. I do not want to disappoint Him. That comes naturally when we love someone and want them to be proud of us.
Faithful readers, I pray that as you seek God's will for your lives, as you spend time with Him and in His Word, He gives you creative thoughts and a specific plan of how He wants to use you. If He already has shown you that plan, I pray that you see the fruit coming from your faithfulness and willing to serve God.
Remember, God created you, very uniquely. With a unique DNA, and unique talents, and unique personality, and on and on. He created you in His image. And He loves you!
I pray you all can envision your purpose that God has birthed in you.
So that is quite a thought. That alone tells us how much God loves us.
Back to creativity. It doesn’t take much for us to see how creative God is. Every person we see is different that you or I. The color of our skin is different. The color of our eyes are different. The color of our hair is different. And the list goes on.
Even though our body structure and organs are mostly the same, there is still a difference that is unique to each one of us. Like our DNA. Again, showing us how creative God is.
“For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art].
Now that we see just how creative God is, let's take this a little further.
God created us in His image, therefore wouldn't it seem as though He has a specific "job", or task for us to do? God is not idle. I would think He doesn't want us to be idle either. And remember, we are all unique. The task He has for me to do is probably not what He wants you to do. Some of us will be involved in the same ministry or the same job. For instance, God has gifted my husband and my son in music. They both play numerous instruments. He uses them both differently, yet in the same area.
Even though they have the same gifting, they still have their own unique DNA of that gifting.
God has used me in Creative Arts ministry, when I was still physically able to do so. When my situation changed, He gave me this blog to write. Even though the dynamics have changed, He still uses me to be creative.
God created all of us in His image, and to be creative like Him. He doesn't want us sitting around being idle. That idleness can lead to many problems like depression, loneliness, feeling of being useless, to name a few. He wants us to do His will. He has a "job" for you and for me.
I know when I am doing something for someone else, I feel so much better about myself. I have a relationship with Jesus. I want to please Him. I do not want to disappoint Him. That comes naturally when we love someone and want them to be proud of us.
Faithful readers, I pray that as you seek God's will for your lives, as you spend time with Him and in His Word, He gives you creative thoughts and a specific plan of how He wants to use you. If He already has shown you that plan, I pray that you see the fruit coming from your faithfulness and willing to serve God.
Remember, God created you, very uniquely. With a unique DNA, and unique talents, and unique personality, and on and on. He created you in His image. And He loves you!
I pray you all can envision your purpose that God has birthed in you.
Friday, January 4, 2019
Happy New Year! Find Your Purpose
The new year is here. It is 2019. Wow, that seems surreal. Remember when everyone was fretting over Y2K. Oh my goodness, it was like it's own mayhem. On the positive side, everyone usually looks forward to the new year. The holidays are over, we are in the midst of winter here in North America. I am actually now counting down the days to springtime. My bones no longer care for this cold and snowy weather. Enough of that topic.
When I think of the new year I think of everyone making their new years resolutions. I've never been one for that. I'd rather try to live the way I should, eat the way I should, or anything else the way I should throughout the year. That way I'm not so disappointed if I slip up for a day or two. I know for some, it helps them get back on track. And that's ok.
When I was praying about this blog I was trying to tie it into "resolutions" somehow. The word the Lord kept giving me was purpose. We need to know our purpose and strive toward living that out.
When I was studying about Advent, the verses in Matthew 2:1-2 came up. It was about the wisemen arriving from the East. They came to worship their newborn King. Those wisemen had a very distinct purpose. They had the vision and hope in them to follow the star. They believed they would find their King and they set out to get there and worship Him. They had a plan and a purpose. The purpose was birthed in them when they had the plan to meet their newborn King. He was the reason for their purpose and it also gave them meaning. Jesus was the whole reason for their meaning.
It is that way for us also. When Jesus was born, He came to give hope to the world. The world had a new purpose and meaning. To serve and worship our Lord Jesus. Our lives are designed to make a choice. Until we truly choose to serve the Lord God with all our heart, and to love Him and obey Him, then we walk around aimlessly, without a vision or a purpose. I am talking about a purpose that lasts for all eternity.
This past week, on New Year's Day, a very dear friend of mine died after a fierce battle with cancer. The whole time she battled, which was over a year, she boldly proclaimed her hope and faith in her Lord Jesus. She believed in miracles and truly hoped for one. It was 20 minutes into 2019 when she moved into heaven, into the presence of her Lord Jesus. Miracles? Where was hers? The first miracle was seeing her son get married in October. She was well enough to attend and enjoy that celebration. For this dear lady, that was a miracle. The second miracle, she wanted one last Christmas with her family. Even though she was quite ill, she had Christmas. And now to the third and most important miracle, she passed from this earth into a land of eternal beauty and glory and into the presence of her Heavenly Father. She went with grace and peace, because she knew she had served her purpose with her all. She gave it her best. She never wavered from her faith in Jesus.
You see, we all have a purpose. Mine is different than yours. Ephesians tells us of the five-fold ministry. Some will be teachers, some pastors, and so on. But every single one of us has a purpose in Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 4:11 And He personally gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers,
12 for the training of the saints in the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ
What is important to remember is many of us have strayed or rebelled in our years on this earth. But the most vital thing to remember is, it is not too late to ask Jesus to forgive us and to help us be who we are supposed to be. We all are ambassadors of Christ.
So instead of a New Year's Resolution, how about making a commitment to yourself. Live each day for Christ. Start asking for His anointing in your life. Don't fret, because none of us are perfect. Jesus gave us His Holy Spirit to help us and guide us. Take your journey with Jesus. It will not disappoint. We may disappoint ourselves, but He never disappoints us. Take that leap of faith, follow the "star" Jesus has shown you. Get that vision of what your meaning and purpose is. Let Jesus guide you all the way.
One thing I'd like to add, our purpose may change throughout our lifetime. The things I could once do, I can no longer physically do. That's ok, because Jesus has given me a new task. This blog!
And I am just fine with it. I feel useful. I feel like an ambassador of Christ.
Enjoy your journey.
When I think of the new year I think of everyone making their new years resolutions. I've never been one for that. I'd rather try to live the way I should, eat the way I should, or anything else the way I should throughout the year. That way I'm not so disappointed if I slip up for a day or two. I know for some, it helps them get back on track. And that's ok.
When I was praying about this blog I was trying to tie it into "resolutions" somehow. The word the Lord kept giving me was purpose. We need to know our purpose and strive toward living that out.
When I was studying about Advent, the verses in Matthew 2:1-2 came up. It was about the wisemen arriving from the East. They came to worship their newborn King. Those wisemen had a very distinct purpose. They had the vision and hope in them to follow the star. They believed they would find their King and they set out to get there and worship Him. They had a plan and a purpose. The purpose was birthed in them when they had the plan to meet their newborn King. He was the reason for their purpose and it also gave them meaning. Jesus was the whole reason for their meaning.
It is that way for us also. When Jesus was born, He came to give hope to the world. The world had a new purpose and meaning. To serve and worship our Lord Jesus. Our lives are designed to make a choice. Until we truly choose to serve the Lord God with all our heart, and to love Him and obey Him, then we walk around aimlessly, without a vision or a purpose. I am talking about a purpose that lasts for all eternity.
This past week, on New Year's Day, a very dear friend of mine died after a fierce battle with cancer. The whole time she battled, which was over a year, she boldly proclaimed her hope and faith in her Lord Jesus. She believed in miracles and truly hoped for one. It was 20 minutes into 2019 when she moved into heaven, into the presence of her Lord Jesus. Miracles? Where was hers? The first miracle was seeing her son get married in October. She was well enough to attend and enjoy that celebration. For this dear lady, that was a miracle. The second miracle, she wanted one last Christmas with her family. Even though she was quite ill, she had Christmas. And now to the third and most important miracle, she passed from this earth into a land of eternal beauty and glory and into the presence of her Heavenly Father. She went with grace and peace, because she knew she had served her purpose with her all. She gave it her best. She never wavered from her faith in Jesus.
You see, we all have a purpose. Mine is different than yours. Ephesians tells us of the five-fold ministry. Some will be teachers, some pastors, and so on. But every single one of us has a purpose in Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 4:11 And He personally gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers,
12 for the training of the saints in the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ
What is important to remember is many of us have strayed or rebelled in our years on this earth. But the most vital thing to remember is, it is not too late to ask Jesus to forgive us and to help us be who we are supposed to be. We all are ambassadors of Christ.
So instead of a New Year's Resolution, how about making a commitment to yourself. Live each day for Christ. Start asking for His anointing in your life. Don't fret, because none of us are perfect. Jesus gave us His Holy Spirit to help us and guide us. Take your journey with Jesus. It will not disappoint. We may disappoint ourselves, but He never disappoints us. Take that leap of faith, follow the "star" Jesus has shown you. Get that vision of what your meaning and purpose is. Let Jesus guide you all the way.
One thing I'd like to add, our purpose may change throughout our lifetime. The things I could once do, I can no longer physically do. That's ok, because Jesus has given me a new task. This blog!
And I am just fine with it. I feel useful. I feel like an ambassador of Christ.
Enjoy your journey.
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