Memorials, a word that can have so many different meanings. The one I am thinking of today is "happy memories", or "important milestones" in your life.
This week my husband Paul and I celebrate our 36th wedding anniversary. Yes 36! And I can say we are quite proud of this. But then why wouldn't we be proud, right?
You see marriage takes work from both husband and wife. It also takes sacrifice, not 50/50 but 100/100. That's right, it takes total commitment from both. And this is why I am proud of our 36 years. Has it always been roses and sunshine. Of course not. We need trials and testings to make us grow and mature, and make us stronger. But we both love each other more than we can even describe. We never would even think of giving up on our marriage. And honestly, I think after 36 years, we even value our times together more than ever. We find ourselves talking of retirement days when we can spend every day together. For us, marriage is a very special memorial in our lives. We feel fulfilled, blessed, and very thankful to have each other.
OK so enough of that part. There are many types of memorials you can have in your life. I like to think of it as something that is so very important to you that you can remember every moment of that day. Maybe your high school graduation or college graduation. Maybe the birth of your child. Or the first day of your first job. How about the first new car you bought, the color, the price, even the smell. Whatever it may be, memorials are important. And often something we can be very proud of.
We all need something to strive for, or something to keep us energized and motivated. Our life is meant to be full of life, love, and happiness. Sure we all have had our times of sorrow and grief. That is why it is important to have something to keep us motivated and to keep joy in our lives.
So ask yourself today, what is my special memorial. Who or what motivates me? Why is it so important to you?
We all have them, we just may have never looked at it in this way before. God has created each and everyone of us uniquely. Our DNA is only ours. We have our own personality, our own talents, our own memories. And I know God has intended for us to have joy and happiness in our lives. Someone may be thinking "you don't know what I am going through", or you may be asking yourself how you could have happy memories when you have faced many crisis in your life. Trust me, I have faced many trials, and I know how important it is to focus on those happy memories versus the trials.
We need to learn from our trials, but we do not need to dwell on them.
I would also encourage you to journal about your memorials. I have tons of journals filled with all kinds of things. It is good to go back and look at them every so often.
I pray that as you read this blog it spurs happy memories for you. I pray you feel that joy and contentment as you ponder those times. And even some pride as you think of something great you have accomplished.
Be blessed my friends. Find your happy place. You deserve it.
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