Thursday, June 1, 2017

"A Work in Progress"

I was listening to a song this morning and that got my interest. The song talks about how God is not finished with us yet. Whether we have weight issues, hair issues, health issues, or just plain issues, it does not mean we will always be in that situation.  God is at work in us all of the time.  Not just on a Sunday, or when we are in church.  There is a scripture in Philippians that tells us this very thing.
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. - Philippians 1:6
God has promised to finish what he has started in us. But we have to remember, not everything is instant.  Sometimes it takes many of life's lessons to get to that place God wants us to be at.
Let me tell you from my perspective.  As you know by now, I have major spinal cord damage and leukemia.  The spinal cord has been operated on 3 times.  All 3 surgeries lengthy and risky. Those surgeries were necessary to keep me alive and with some quality of life. I was not promised the cord would be fine or that I would be good to go for life.  Instead I've been told I may need the surgery again, and again.  I have to say this literally makes me feel sick to my stomach. So what gives me the will to go on, the fact that Jesus promises He will finish what He has begun in me.  I don't know when that will be, but I know without a doubt it will happen. And I know the same for the leukemia.  The kind I have is chronic. This means it will never go away or be in remission. But it is treatable.  Sure I deal with the effects of it in my body. The fatigue, the susceptibility of repeated infections, these do wear me out.  But still, God is bigger than all of that. He has a perfect plan. I have to take comfort in those promises He gives us.
No matter what you are going through or dealing with, God has a plan, and He promises to finish it.  I encourage you to reach out for that strength He gives us, no matter what others say, or what your diagnosis says, God is bigger. And I am so very grateful for that.
Take a listen to this song.  I pray you find the strength and hope Jesus has for you.

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