How many disappointments do we go through in a lifetime? Oh my, that is a loaded question. I would say many, probably too many to count. Think about when Jesus asked the disciples to stay watch and pray with Him in the garden that night of His arrest. Do you think He was disappointed when He went back to where the disciples were and He found them asleep? And then how many times have we disappointed Jesus?
We all face disappointments. The key factor here is we can move on and learn from those experiences. Jesus is the first one to forgive us. We certainly can forgive those that may disappoint us. When you think about it, so often we have "exaggerated " the circumstances.
Whether it be something we did, or something someone else did, or disappointments in your life, maybe health, or your job, all of these things we can overcome and conquer with the help of Jesus. We can be, and we are overcomers with Jesus' help. It doesn't matter what the circumstance is, our Lord Jesus went to the cross, died, rose in 3 days for us. He went to battle for you and me, He fought every battle, and He won the war, for us, for our freedom.
So when you face disappointments in your life, let it go, give it to Jesus. There is no reason for you to carry that heavy burden by yourself. That heavy load can affect you peace of mind, your physical well being, and your spiritual well being.
As I battle this leukemia, fight to keep my ability to walk, and fight through the pain I endure everyday, I can have that peace in my heart knowing Jesus has taken those burdens from me. I am not fighting these things alone.
That thought alone fills me with the hope, peace, and faith I need everyday.
Be encouraged readers, you too can have that same peace and comfort from Jesus. He waits with arms opened wide for you to give it over to Him.
We are all OVERCOMERS!