Sunday, January 24, 2016

How do we react when we have a setback?

As I share with you this week, keep in mind everything I share is from my own personal experiences. I want to be real to all of you readers.  Nothing made up or fake.
The last couple of weeks have been a struggle for me physically. Several things have attacked my body at once. I was not reacting to my medication well, therefore my body was reacting. I have had to start a new med and try to get through the results of suddenly stopping the old med. The other is something in my body that isn't working well anymore. I am most likely facing surgery for that. The last thing is whenever my body is stressed the leukemia doesn't like that. I try my hardest to find some energy. I try to be as normal as I can be.  Sometimes I fail, sometimes I am victorious.  How you would say?
The one and only way I can have victory is from my Lord Jesus Christ. That's it, He will never forsake you or leave you alone. 
You see, so often we meet our struggles and think we can face them on our own. Sure there may be times you conquer the hurdle, and get all boastful saying "look what I did". But usually those victories are short lived. Then we get weary trying to fight something new everyday. But, when we ask God for His help, we not only are victorious, but we aren't worn out. We have our strength because Jesus took that burden upon Himself. He carried the weight of that burden on His shoulders for you and I. He makes our burdens light, He gives us victory that will last forever. 
Will we have more struggles, of course. That is part of life. But we don't have to live in bondage with fear waiting for something bad to happen. 
Yes these last few weeks have been a challenge. But I know without a doubt that Jesus Christ will carry me through. He will take those burdens off of my shoulders. And that, my friends, is how I will be victorious.
I have attached a video of song from YouTube. This song speaks truth and encouragement. Tells us of hope. I pray it ministers to you as well. 
Be blessed my friends, there is always hope.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Do You Feel Embarrassed Asking God For Help?

How often do you ask something of God on behalf of yourself?  I think most of us will agree, at times it is difficult. It is very easy to ask God to heal someone else  But to you yourself?
The last job I had working as a nurse was my most rewarding.  I worked for a Plastic Surgeon.  Most of what we did made a huge impact on the patient's life. The Dr. would often say to someone when explaining a surgical procedure, "if the surgery is on someone else, it is minor. But if the surgery is on me, it is major." 
I think that is how we often think when praying for ourselves vs someone else.  
An example: Lord would you please heal John Doe of cancer. In the meantime, I have a badly infected hang nail. How can I ask God to heal me when someone else has cancer. We are often embarrassed asking God to touch our little problem when others have a severe situation that needs God to intervene.
Think back of what the Dr. said, if it is something that concerns you, then it is major, no matter how small it may be, God still cares. It doesn't matter to God how insignificant our problem may be, if it is a problem to us, then He wants to help. 
You may be thinking, easy for you to say, you have a real problem. Trust me, there were times I felt embarrassed asking God to touch me and heal my "hangnail".
God wants to hear from you. He wants you to confide in Him and tell Him what concerns you.  Let Him make the decision of how to take care of it.  He wants us to just have faith, trust Him. Know that He is God, He is in control, and more than anything, He loves us. He wants us to lay our problems at His feet. He will make our burdens light.
Matthew 11:30 Jesus says: For My yoke is easy, My burden is light.
Whether it be cancer, or a hangnail, God is interested. You are just as important to Him as the next. 
We are His sons and daughters.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

How can I be useful?

The last several weeks our sermons at church have been about "Doing Something".  I had always been active in our church.  I was involved in drama for many years.  I absolutely loved this.  It was my own identity with in the church.  My husband and son both are musicians, therefore playing on the worship team.  I would often feel lost, like I wasn't contributing.  That is until I was involved with drama and creative arts.  
Then something happened. The spinal cord re-tethering. I was no longer able to drive well, or walk well.  My pain level was too high to be able to function like that any more.  For the last several years I have struggled once again about feeling useful.  I would pray diligently, Lord, what would You have me do? How can I once again do something for the Kingdom of God? I was determined to be faithful in my prayer time and devotion time everyday. I felt that God would reveal to me once again how He would use me.  
A few months back the Lord placed this idea of a blog on my heart.  Something I never thought about.  I became excited about being useful again.  And then it began a few short weeks ago.  My message to you this week, don't lose hope, or faith. Trust always that God has a plan for you.  He will use you for His glory if you allow Him to.  Think outside of the box you have built, and let God expand that box to fit His desire for you. He is a faithful, loving God that will always have use for you.