Saturday, August 24, 2024

Is This Your Miracle?

 As believers in Jesus Christ, as a follower of Him, our natural self wants to see real life miracles.  When someone is ill, we pray and ask Jesus to heal that person.  And that is what Jesus wants us to do, ask Him.  When our budgets have been stretched too thin we pray to Jesus to help us.   

This is absolutely the right thing to do. Jesus wants us to pray, seek Him, listen for Him to answer.  The problem is us.  Are we asking in faith? Are we willing to accept the answer Jesus gives us?

Answer? What answer?  Isn’t it true that Jesus wants to heal us? What is going on here?  There are so many answers to the questions.  But there is one big answer.  That is the fact Jesus may have healed us in a different manner than we expected.  Here are some examples.

My husband has an aortic aneurysm. It was a beautiful sunny September day.  Paul was sleeping before he had to work that night.  When he got up he yelled out to me in pain.  Upper back pain and abdominal pain.  He then collapsed back on the bed. He was fading very fast.  I could not get any vital signs on him.  I called 911.  Paramedics were here within one minute. (Thank God for small towns).  When the two of  them came in and saw Paul they knew just as I did, the aneurysm was leaking.  They tried getting an IV in, his veins were collapsing.  As not to waste time, they called the helicopter which was at the fire station waiting when we got there.  They packed him up and told me where he was going..  The hospital is one hour from here.  The copter had him there in 14 min.  The paramedics got the IV in, and many other things.  His pulse was beating ONE time per minute.  No BP could be detected. Their ultrasounds confirmed and showed the blood pooling into his abdomen.   I called for prayer. People praying all over the world.  God please heal Paul.  Save his life. That was all I could think of.  I got to the hospital in an hour.  Ran into ER looking for my husband.  They took me to him.  I walked in to his cubicle, he was sitting up drinking some juice.  And he was nice and pink.  He said wow, power of prayer.  I should say so.  

The doctors explained to us they could see him bleeding from the aneurysm .  When they were getting ready for surgery to save his life the doctor decided on one more CT Scan.  They whipped him out of the scanner and put him back in.  3-4 times.  They told us during the CT Scan they visibly saw the blood go back into his heart and the aneurysm close up.  The moment Paul’s miracle occurred.  But wait, the doctor told us the aneurysm is still there and is the same size it was prior to the incident.  They couldn’t explain it.  But they knew something happened. They called it a miracle. 

Well how was there a miracle then if the aneurysm is still there?  We prayed and asked God if we got it wrong. We both clearly heard the Holy Spirit.  The Lord saying “ I did heal him”, “I am healing him”.  

Some miracles can be done instantly and over with.  The Lord  is to be glorified. This isn’t something that can be seen with the naked eye.  Therefore Paul’s miracle is on going.  When he sees his cardiologist every six months they measure the aneurysm.  It has consistently shrunk in size .  It is smaller than it was.  Yes, there is his miracle.  Still going on.  Jesus explained that more people will believe this way.  

You see that is what is important.  That our Lord Jesus Christ is glorified in all of this.  So there are times for that instant miracle that everyone can see.  And then you have a miracle like Paul’s.  It is in stages. 

Either way, when we pray, earnestly seek Him, for His glory, then He will hear us, and give us what we need.  Jesus says believe in Him and trust Him.  He is always with us. 

Jesus is always moving on our behalf. He wants you to receive your miracle, but it may not be time yet.  But don’t give up.  Keep praying to Him.  He says to believe and trust in Him.  

“He has made everything appropriate in its time. “

‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭11‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

Monday, August 12, 2024


 I will begin with a very familiar verse we all have heard at some point in our lives.

“Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.”

‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭4‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

I want to concentrate on verses 2-3 mostly.  Going almost word by word.  “Consider it all joy”.  All joy?  Now why would I consider my trials or hardships all joy?  I must admit, often in the beginning of a great trial, do I seldom consider it joy.  Even going through the process of the trial,  joy is the last thing  that comes to mind.  I’m often on my knees pleading to God to take this trial from me. I am sure if we plead to Him enough, He may give in and take that trial from us.  

Now let’s look at the next verse.  It talks about the endurance we gain from going through the trial.  Our faith increases, then we will gain the endurance we need to continue on.  From there it says how endurance must complete what it set out to do. It sets out to complete the work so that we may mature and become complete so that we lack in nothing. 

WOW!  Does that even sink in?  We mature and become complete, lacking in nothing. Let me remind you, this is for that specific incident.  Our endurance is a work in progress. But to have that victory for that one time is enough to bring me joy.  I want to be dripping with joy being poured all over me.

I want to trust Jesus with my everything. I want His Holy Spirit fill me everyday so that my joy will be made complete for that very need of that moment.  Or that very thing i am praying about or the person I am praying for.  I want my joy dripping all over me. 

Do you think that’s what verse 2 meant when it said “consider it a great joy”  when going through our trials.  Our trial is a work in progress.  We go through it step by step.  Learning , gaining strength, gaining endurance as we go through each step.  Until we reach that final step.  We see the end in sight.  We can see that finish line.  Then we cross that finish line and jump and shout with joy.  It is finished!  It is complete!  

I believe Jesus has that for all of us.  No matter your circumstance, He wants you to have that joy.  


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 Encouragement, what exactly does that mean?   -the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope. -persuade someone to move forward...