Tuesday, September 28, 2021

A Year of Changes, Moving into a Year of Joy!

 This past year had its ups and downs. I truly believe we all could say this. Mine started one year ago today. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to have surgery to remove both breasts. The fact that I have chronic leukemia complicated things. I already take Chemo for the leukemia, that limited the choices for the medication for the breast cancer. We had a couple options of oral medication I could take for the breast cancer. However, I could not tolerate any of those medication‘s. But still my chance of reoccurrence is fairly low. We will take that as a victory.Today is the one-year anniversary of the surgery, therefore making it one year in remission. 

All of this sounds overwhelming. But for myself and for my husband we were not overwhelmed. We always felt the Lord had me in his hands and He would take care of me. And He did take care of me. And He continues to take care of me every moment of every day.

There are so many of you right now living in fear over Covid. And whether or not to take the vaccine.

This has to be an individual‘s choice. What is right for me may not be right for you. It is difficult for many right now that do not want to lose their jobs because of no vaccine.I don’t agree that one should be put into that situation of having to choose between a vaccine and your job. I cannot imagine having to make a choice like this.

There’s so much going on in our country right now and in the world right now that is making our lives difficult. As I pray and ask the Lord for wisdom and understanding, I also pray that He somehow turns our country back to a God-fearing country. Home of the free and the brave .

I pray this for all of the countries in this world we live in.  That our Lord Jesus guides our leaders.  Even if they do not acknowledge Him as Lord, He can still influence them.  How? Because He is God Almighty. 

We, as the body of Christ need to be on our knees praying. We need to be interceding for our country and others.  We need to pray that once again we have God-fearing leaders who love Jesus Christ and choose to follow Him.  This is how we can see a positive change happen in this dark world. We all know that when Jesus returns He will light up this whole earth.  He will reign over all.  

My faithful readers, I pray you can grab ahold of the hope and joy we have in Him.  We don’t have to live in fear.  But instead in victory. For me, everyday is a victory.  I hang on to that.  God is with us!

Monday, September 13, 2021

We Are Called Children of God!

 “Look at how great a love the Father has given us that we should be called God’s children. And we are! 

‭‭1 John‬ ‭3:1‬a ‭HCSB‬‬

What an amazing Scripture this is. This boldly tells us of our inheritance.  We are the children of God. Sons and daughters. These are God’s words, telling us we belong to Him. 

Do we believe this? Do we believe in our Lord Jesus Christ?  We must have that faith, and that overwhelming feeling in our hearts, knowing we are children of the everlasting, living, loving, all powerful God Almighty.  

Not only are we His children, but He has a very specific plan with your name on it. A very well thought out plan.  He has designed this plan to go with our personalities, with our character, and with those very specific areas He has nurtured in our lives. 

You may be thinking “I’ve been there and done that, it didn’t work out”. Don’t blame that on God. While He has a plan, it is up to us to learn all we can about what God is calling us to do.  We must pray, study His Word, and seek counsel. 

And there is a very real possibility we mess up.  But don’t give up.  If God has birthed that into your heart, then He will help you learn and get it right. He will make you ready. 

Remember, we are His children. He will not leave us helpless.  Abide in Him and in His Word and He will continue to abide in us. His love is so great for us, His promises will come to fruition. 

Have a wonderful week faithful readers, basking in your Heavenly Father’s presence.

#beready  #abideinHim #Hehasaplan   

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

It’s Been a Few Months

 Hello to all of my Blogger readers.  It has been a few months since my last blog.  I am fine. I felt I needed a little battery recharge.  And I am sure most of you have needed the same. COVID alone is enough to wear us out. Not to mention work, home life and priorities, and on and on.  

I have had on my mind lately topics for my future blogs. Regardless how they start out or end, they always have one important factor.  That is: We never walk alone.  Jesus is always with us.  He guides us and protects us.  Every day, all day. 

I never expected the recovery from breast cancer surgery to take as long as it has.  I am healed fine. But I’m very fatigued.  It doesn’t take  much to wipe me out. And that fatigue definitely affects the brain. Oh my, I take a lot of naps, and sometimes it feels like I’m walking in my sleep.  

I know anyone who has dealt with cancer or any other major illness can relate. It is difficult.  But once again, the greatest revelation is Jesus is by my side.  

So as I prepare for my next blog, I pray for you all that you feel recharged. Let Jesus pour His Holy Spirit over you.  Feel the drenching of His love all over you. Amen

#Jesusreigns  #Weneverwalkalone #recharge #lifeisgood