Right now my country is in turmoil. We had a presidential election that was filled with malicious hatred, lies, cheating, and the list goes on. No matter what side you are on, you could make your claim. Do you notice love is missing from that list?
This is not going to be a blog about politics. There are many on that subject, this is not one of them. But this blog is about the love of Jesus. All through the Scriptures we read about God’s love. His love for us, His love for the sinner, the lost, the deceived, and even the liars.
Proverbs 6:16-19 HSCB “The Lord hates six things; in fact, seven are detestable to Him: arrogant eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that plots wicked schemes, feet eager to run to evil, a lying witness who gives false testimony, and one who stirs up trouble among brothers.”
It is clear in the above Scriptures the things God hates. He spells it out for us. When examining ourselves we often see areas we’ve slipped. Thankfully we have a loving God, who loves us unconditionally and forgives us. Knowing God’s forgiving power, should we be forgiving to those who have wronged us? I’d boldly say yes. However, just because we forgive someone doesn’t mean they do not have to “pay up”. The person may have repented, but they are still responsible of their wrong.
That goes for our leaders of our country. The leaders of the world. Kings, Queens, Presidents, Senators, Congressmen and women. This list is unending. This election was full of cheating and stealing, liars, even murderers. They are responsible for their words and their actions.
Let me clarify murder. My opinion is anyone who does an abortion is a murderer. You may be thinking WOW, a bold statement. Yes it is. Because I consider it murder and sin. The intentional killing of a tiny baby is sickening and murder.
You see, I hold the leaders of this country accountable. Whatever side you are on, you have that same obligation, hold them accountable. Whatever country you live in, I am sure you have your own battles within. But what we all have in common is the resurrection power of our Lord Jesus Christ, His forgiving power, and His amazing love for us. Even if we stumble or fall, Jesus is right there to pick us up.
This is so true! Kathyrns comments are from many years of praying, reading the word and committed to all things Jesus. She is truly a very inspirational writer!