The last several weeks have been more busy for me. It seems like my appointments with my doctors all seem due at the same time. And add that on to life's busy moments, we seem to be running from sunrise to sunset. For me, I do not like it when it's like that. I like my routine.
A couple of thoughts come to mind when I think about this. First of all, my routine. Routines are good. They help us stay on track. However, there is nothing wrong with breaking a routine. Sometimes God has a task for us, or maybe a "divine encounter" with someone. We may need to interrupt our routines for a day or two in order to serve the Lord in a special way. It may not be a large task, but I am sure it is still very significant to God. So when our schedules get interrupted for a short time, let's not fret but serve the Lord with gladness.
The next thought I have is about our busy lives and schedules. Your time is as valuable as mine, my time as valuable as yours. But the Lord's time is the most valuable.
The Lord certainly knows our daily routines and commitments. No matter how busy we are, we must save time for the Lord. We must stay in His Word, we must have our time with Him, praying and talking to Him. This doesn't mean we have to spend hours alone with God. But we must continue to read His Word. I have always felt that it is important to stay "in`tuned" to the Lord always. Throughout our day, we must be listening to Him.
Trust me, I know what a busy schedule can do to our routines. But it is more important to listen to God. This day and age we all have gotten used to multi tasking. When we are cleaning house, we certainly can pray and intercede at the same time. When riding in the car, we can worship the Lord. There are so many other examples.
No matter where you live or what country you live in, there is turmoil and unrest. Christians are being persecuted. Our freedoms in the Lord Jesus are being pulled away. The Lord needs His church to be strong in Him. The way to grow in that strength is to read His Word, pray to Him, and worship Him. He will equip us for the battle we may be in. Or for what is to come.
Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and show you the way to go;
with My eye on you, I will give counsel.
The Lord Jesus is always by our side. Whatever is keeping you too busy to spend quality time with Him, I encourage you to examine those things. The Lord knows our hearts. If you are longing to have time with Him, He will make a way. Lay it down before Him. He will clear the path for you.
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