Thursday, August 29, 2019

Being Washed Clean!

It was 37 years ago that my husband and I both were water baptized in a river. It was a rather cool, rainy day. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I remember coming up out of that water feeling as light as a feather. I felt very clean. Much cleaner than I would normally feel after a shower.
Why is this important? For me I knew that the Bible speaks of water baptism. In my heart I felt an urgency to be baptized. I wanted to be washed free of any sin in my life. I wanted to feel free from any of that sin. I knew if I was to serve the Lord Jesus with all my heart then I needed to be cleansed by Him.
Many of you may have different views on baptism. That is fine. I just want to share my story and what it meant to me.
When we accept Jesus as Lord of our lives it is important to check ourselves everyday. We all are sinners, and will need to ask forgiveness. We are not perfect, and Jesus knows that. That is why He has given us ways to be washed and set free.
When I spend my time in the Word and prayer every morning I examine myself. I ask Jesus if there is something I need to ask forgiveness for. Or maybe something Jesus needs to help me with. Our Lord God does not expect us to get in a river everyday and be baptized over and over again. He has given us His Holy Spirit to cleanse us, purify us, and help us through those difficult situations.
Jesus loves us so very much that He has provided a way for us to be cleansed everyday.
Think about it, we take a shower on Sunday. Then we work hard Monday through Saturday.
We are out in the sun and heat, getting dirty and smelly. Sometimes downright stinky. Do we go home everyday and shower or do we wait for Sunday to come around? I don't know about you, but I would feel pretty dirty and "unclean". We must maintain our cleanliness everyday. The same goes for our spiritual cleanliness. We must be washed everyday.
We often put on our best clothing, and try to look our best when we are going to meet someone important, like our boss, our pastor, or someone else. How about when we go to talk with Jesus, do we want to look our best? I'm sure Jesus does not care about our outward appearance. But I know He cares about our inner well being. Our spirit. So much so that He gives us His very own Spirit to live in us, to guide us, care for us, teach us, and cleanse our hearts. 
I encourage you, my friends, take the time each day and examine yourselves. Ask the Holy Spirit to wash you clean. Ask Him to set you free of any sin. Ask Him to help you shine for His glory.
You will feel light as a feather. You will feel clean and sweet smelling. Jesus loves you so very much that He takes those burdens from you.
Are you ready? Ready to be used by God for His glory? Have you asked Jesus to cleanse you and prepare you?


  1. So good to read your words of wisdom my friend.

    1. Thank you Mary. I miss your smiling face. 😊


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