Thursday, August 29, 2019

Being Washed Clean!

It was 37 years ago that my husband and I both were water baptized in a river. It was a rather cool, rainy day. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I remember coming up out of that water feeling as light as a feather. I felt very clean. Much cleaner than I would normally feel after a shower.
Why is this important? For me I knew that the Bible speaks of water baptism. In my heart I felt an urgency to be baptized. I wanted to be washed free of any sin in my life. I wanted to feel free from any of that sin. I knew if I was to serve the Lord Jesus with all my heart then I needed to be cleansed by Him.
Many of you may have different views on baptism. That is fine. I just want to share my story and what it meant to me.
When we accept Jesus as Lord of our lives it is important to check ourselves everyday. We all are sinners, and will need to ask forgiveness. We are not perfect, and Jesus knows that. That is why He has given us ways to be washed and set free.
When I spend my time in the Word and prayer every morning I examine myself. I ask Jesus if there is something I need to ask forgiveness for. Or maybe something Jesus needs to help me with. Our Lord God does not expect us to get in a river everyday and be baptized over and over again. He has given us His Holy Spirit to cleanse us, purify us, and help us through those difficult situations.
Jesus loves us so very much that He has provided a way for us to be cleansed everyday.
Think about it, we take a shower on Sunday. Then we work hard Monday through Saturday.
We are out in the sun and heat, getting dirty and smelly. Sometimes downright stinky. Do we go home everyday and shower or do we wait for Sunday to come around? I don't know about you, but I would feel pretty dirty and "unclean". We must maintain our cleanliness everyday. The same goes for our spiritual cleanliness. We must be washed everyday.
We often put on our best clothing, and try to look our best when we are going to meet someone important, like our boss, our pastor, or someone else. How about when we go to talk with Jesus, do we want to look our best? I'm sure Jesus does not care about our outward appearance. But I know He cares about our inner well being. Our spirit. So much so that He gives us His very own Spirit to live in us, to guide us, care for us, teach us, and cleanse our hearts. 
I encourage you, my friends, take the time each day and examine yourselves. Ask the Holy Spirit to wash you clean. Ask Him to set you free of any sin. Ask Him to help you shine for His glory.
You will feel light as a feather. You will feel clean and sweet smelling. Jesus loves you so very much that He takes those burdens from you.
Are you ready? Ready to be used by God for His glory? Have you asked Jesus to cleanse you and prepare you?

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Perseverance, Disappointments, Dreams, Hard Work, and Rewards

You may look at the title of this post and wonder how all of those words can fit into the same title.
It is like this, we all have those dreams as children, of what we'd  like to be as we grow up. We daydream of what it will be like when we are doctors, nurses, teachers, and guitar players. Many of us learned at an early age, those dreams will not come true unless we work hard. Regardless what you desired to be, it took hard work to get there. It took never giving up on our dream. It took realizing very few are just "gifted" into a profession.
When I was pregnant with our son, my husband and I would sing to the baby every day that we could. My husband would play guitar. When he played, the baby would "dance" in my belly. It used to amaze us.  I am not a very large person in size. So to see that baby moving in my belly was amazing all in itself.
We used to wonder what he or she would be when grown. A nurse like me, or a guitar player like my husband. Or something totally different.
Our son was 4 years old when he first showed interest in the guitar. He would try to play along with my husband. The more he played, the more he asked for a "real" guitar. Needless to say, my husband was thrilled. But we could see something in our son that made us think this was real. We had those dreams of him playing before thousands. But we always prayed that he would grow up to do what the Lord desires for him to do.
My husband began teaching our son, in a more detailed manner, when he was 8 or 9. He did have his own "grown up" electric guitar. We impressed on him, if you want to play guitar, and be good at it, then you must practice everyday. He took the things my husband taught him, and he practiced everyday. Sometimes falling asleep on his bed, with his guitar still strapped to him. He wanted to be used in this way by God. He practiced, he was discouraged at times, he heard some critics asking him what real job would he have. But he also was encouraged, and was blessed many times throughout the years, as he was obedient to God. 
Our son went to college to learn more about the music business and take more detailed guitar lessons. We always encouraged him and believed in him. As a parent that never stops.
Eventually our son chose to move across country to attend a church and a school that ministered to young adults. He wanted to be sure he was doing what God would have him do. It wasn't long, a few weeks at the most, he was playing for worship. Then that moved into a larger role, eventually traveling around the world. He met his wife there as well. He was actually one of her teachers.
They decided to make the move to Nashville.
My husband and I were seeing our dreams for our son producing fruit. Our son continued to believe God would use him. He never quit. He continues to this day to persevere, and practice. As a musician in Nashville, to play at the Grand Ole Opry is a dream. And as parents, we definitely would dream about such an opportunity.
This past week that dream came true for our son. He had the tremendous honor of playing on the Grand Ole Opry. And as his parents, we couldn't be more proud, and humbled. God has a plan, He has always had a plan for his life.
My friends, it is okay to dream those dreams. Whether those dreams start at an early age, or they come later, dream. Along with those dreams, we must pray and seek the Lord's guidance. We must work hard, and never give up. Persevere, run that race. Yes there will be hardships, disappointments, and even critics. But when you serve God with all hour heart, and follow Him, then He will direct your path, guide your steps, and reward you.
Our son has been rewarded for his faithfulness to God, and his hard work along the way. Even though this dream came true for our son, he must continue to dream and set goals. It is important for all of us to continue to dream and set new goals.
My husband and I are nearing a new stage in life, retirement. It is still a few years away. But we are now dreaming about that stage in life. It is exciting to dream together, and to go through the stages of life together and with God paving the way.
Dream those dreams. Set those goals. And enjoy the journey along the way. God has special blessings and surprises at each stop. It is exciting!
Hebrews 12:1-[ The Call to Endurance ] Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us,
2 keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith,

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Linen Underwear!

Linen Underwear

Jeremiah 13- This is what the Lord said to me: “Go and buy yourself a linen undergarment and put it on,[a] but do not put it in water.” So I bought underwear as the Lord instructed me and put it on.
Then the word of the Lord came to me a second time: “Take the underwear that you bought and are wearing,[b] and go at once to the Euphrates[c] and hide it in a rocky crevice.”So I went and hid it by the Euphrates, as the Lord commanded me.
A long time later the Lord said to me, “Go at once to the Euphrates and get the underwear that I commanded you to hide there.” So I went to the Euphrates and dug up the underwear and got it from the place where I had hidden it, but it was ruined—of no use at all.
You may be thinking what in the world will I write about Linen underwear. 
It took me awhile, but I did come up with a word I felt the Lord would have me share. 
As you can see , this is a word the Lord gave to Jeremiah when there was so much sin and destruction amongst the people. As far as what it actually meant for Jeremiah, that you can study on your own.
I am writing just what the Lord showed me about this topic.
As I was praying and asking God what He was showing me with linen underwear, that became rotten, I had a clear picture.
On the outside we can look clean, pristine, refined, perfect, and on and on. We clean ourselves and make ourselves look acceptable. But on the inside, have we dealt with the "dirtiness" in our lives?
None of us are exempt from needing that cleansing inside. We are like fine linen. We need tender care from the inside out.  A gentle cleansing, rinsing, and airing out. Only the Lord can do that.
Linen is made of some of the finest cloth you can find.  But it cannot take being exposed to the elements for a long period of time. It needs a gentle washing and rinsing, and then air dry. 
The linen underwear was left in water and under a rock for a long period of time. When Jeremiah retrieved it, it was rotten. I'd imagine stinky and dirty. So it was no longer any good.
Think about our bodies in that way.  If we constantly abuse our bodies on the inside and out, they will become frail. We won't look very appealing on the outside. As for the inside, only God can restore what we have abused.
When we come to the Lord and repent of our sins, (we all need to do that), then the Lord can cleanse us, refine us, make us like new. When we welcome Him into our lives, invite Him in, then He will make us like new. He will gently refine us and make us like that new linen. 
Think of yourself as that fine linen. It is not just a garment to wear, but it is the tender fibers that make up that garment. The tender fibers that make up each one of us on the inside. The Lord Jesus loves us so much that He makes us with His best fibers. We are His masterpieces. And He wants to take care of His prize possessions. He wants to cleanse us and care for us. But we have to allow Him in to do that. 
Call on Jesus, ask Him to come in and remove all of the cobwebs and stinkiness. Oh it feels so good to be so clean.
We are like fine linen!