Wednesday, April 10, 2019

From the Inside Out

I was thinking about Easter drawing close and asking God what he wanted me to share. Of course my mind went to the usual topics about Jesus' death and His resurrection. But I really felt there was something else He wanted me to share.
I will start with the Scripture I had for today:
 Psalm 40:1-2
1. I waited patiently for the Lord,
and He turned to me and heard my cry for help.
2.  He brought me up from a desolate[a] pit,
out of the muddy clay,
and set my feet on a rock,
making my steps secure.
When I focused on these verses I began praying for my life to reflect what God has done for me. Most of that occurs on the "inside". God desires our hearts to change and for our lives to reflect what He has done within us.
The above verses say how David waited patiently for God to come rescue him. To come and change him, forgive him, and make his life secure in Him.
I think most of us feel that way. We want God to come and rescue us out of the mess we created, we want His forgiveness, and we want our lives to reflect that.
That all starts on the inside. We all battle different things in our hearts and minds. We may be able to hide them from others but we cannot hide them from God. The sooner we come to that realization, the sooner we can walk in victory.
When we have been rescued, brought out of that muddy pit, cleaned up, and finally standing on solid ground, then we can have our victory. And I believe our faces will show it. How often do we hear the phrase "your face is glowing", or "you look radiant". That is God shining through us. That is the fruit of His Spirit alive in us and shining through.
When we finally set aside our pride, and let God do a work in us, it is then that He shines through us and on us for others to see His glory.
That is what "from the inside out" truly means.
How does this fit for Easter? Without Jesus dying on that cross and shedding His blood for our sins, going to battle and fighting the devil, and defeating the devil, and then rising on the third day, in victory, for us, we would not have the victories we have, we would not have the freedom from the bondage of sin, and we would not be glowing on the outside.
This is truly being changed from the "inside out".
As you celebrate this Easter Season, or some say Resurrection Day, remember to be thankful for what God has done in your life. And also when you see someone who has been changed, bless them and tell them they are truly glowing.
Happy Easter faithful readers.

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