Sunday, February 25, 2018

Graduation Day!

February 21, 2018 was Graduation Day for Rev. Billy Graham.  Yes, Graduation Day.  Rev. Graham moved from this earthly world we know into heaven where he will spend eternity with our Lord Jesus Christ. Oh what a celebration in heaven there must have been. But as much as we respected, honored, and looked up to Billy Graham, I can say with total confidence, this humble man was probably saying “I don’t deserve this, I am a sinner like everyone else. And I have been forgiven by the King of Kings”. 
Billy Graham never once considered himself more important than any other.  He openly confessed that he needed the cleansing blood of Jesus to save him and forgive him, just like we do. Billy Graham lived the life he preached about. The life through the forgiving grace of our Lord Jesus, and the power of His Holy Spirit alive in us. 
None of us are exempt from that very need Rev. Graham preached about. The need for the forgiving grace of Jesus. This Jesus who was nailed to the cross, beaten, spat on, cursed, torchered, and bleeding so much so that His blood covers everyone who calls on Him. Anyone who has ever heard Billy Graham speak has heard this very message. 
I can honestly say I believe that every nation knew who Billy Graham was.  His love for people spanned the globe.  His heart truly wanted to see everyone set free by the power of his Lord, Jesus Christ. 
I remember hearing Rev Graham say he hoped he would hear the words “well done my faithful servant” from our Lord Jesus as he entered heaven.  That just amazed me. In my eyes of course he would hear those words. But Billy Graham was a humble man. And never thought of himself more highly than another. 
That should be our prayer, when we get to heaven Jesus says well done my faithful servant. 
Billy Graham did not let borders hinder him. He didn’t let different languages hinder him. He didn’t let different cultures hinder him. He knew he had been called by God to spread His Gospel. And that is what he did. 
Can we be that obedient, to do whatever it takes to fulfill the calling on our lives?  I believe we can. But not without the help from the Lord and His Holy Spirit. If we press on and persevere, give it our all,and most of all remain humble,  then I know Jesus will be pleased. 
Even though Billy Graham is now in the presence of our Lord Jesus, God will raise up another to continue on where Rev. Graham stopped. Perhaps Franklin Graham. Perhaps someone else.  And I know God has a job for us all to do. A very important job. And He selected you to see it through. 
 I pray for you faithful readers, that you know deep in your heart the task God has for you to do. I pray that the Holy Spirit guides you, gives you discernment, knowledge, and understanding.  And finally friends, I pray you go out with joy in the name of Jesus Christ.  

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Hope and Help

During the recent days, months, years- we hear over and over of the tragedies and disasters in the world, in our own communities.  We once felt safe in our own neighborhoods.  Now folks struggle to feel safe in their homes, workplaces, schools, and even churches.  The things happening are horrific and taking innocent lives.
So the question comes to mind, where is our hope, who will help us? The answer is Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit.  Many will be thinking “we’ve heard this before”, or “how do I know He will help me or hear me”?
The answer to that is something I cannot explain. But God’s Word can. When you know this in your heart, in your “knower”, then you KNOW without a doubt, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is your help, and your hope.
But as it is written: What eye did not see and ear did not hear, and what never entered the human mind — God prepared this for those who love Him. Now God has revealed these things to us by the Spirit, for the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man that is in him? In the same way, no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who comes from God, so that we may understand what has been freely given to us by God. We also speak these things, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual things to spiritual people.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭2:9-13‬ ‭HCSB‬‬
No one can pray for us better than the Holy Spirit or Jesus. Because of this we are never without HOPE  or HELP.
So often I have had something specific on my heart to pray and I just couldn’t come up with the words to pray. It is those times that we need to remember the above Scripture, and let the Holy Spirit show you how to pray. Allow Him to speak to your heart.  And remember He knows what is on our minds, in our hearts. And it is then that we can remember He is interceding for us and for our concern.  And because of this, we can know without a doubt that we have His help, and we have hope.
Sure, in the natural we feel helpless in these situations. But through the Holy Spirit, we can feel the peace and comfort from our Lord Jesus, and have the hope that things will change for the better.
We cannot face these things alone. We cannot come up with the answers alone.  We must trust in our Lord Jesus, have Him in ours lives, and believe He will help us.
This means we need God back in our schools, in our children's lives, in our workplace, and most importantly in our own life. Why shut Him out? He is the only Helper we have at times like these. We need Jesus Christ to guide us through these things.
For myself, I cannot even fathom how I would get through some things without Him. And I don't even want to think of that. I know I need Jesus, and I know you do too.
My friends, be encouraged, be hopeful, because you have someone willing to be with you always. So  let Him in. You will be forever changed.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

I Will Trust in You

This week I have been pondering the topic for this next blog. I was not coming up with anything specific. The more I prayed the more I felt I had a topic but it wasn't coming together. Until this morning.
As you know, I take chemo everyday, which puts me in an immuno-suppressed state. With the dangerous flu and other viruses out there, that keeps me from going out too much, especially in crowds. That includes church. I hate missing church. But I am so thankful for live feeds on the computer. So I watch the church our son and daughter-in-law attend. I really like seeing them playing or singing for worship. More often than not the message preached is very similar to what is being preached in our own church. That is always encouraging and often brings confirmation with many issues.
This week during my devotions I was led to pray specifics for several people. Some for health, some for opportunities, some for clear direction and wisdom. This is what I was feeling for this blog. This morning the message I was listening to on the live feed was about God's perfect timing, and God's perfect will, and God's perfect answers to our prayers. And trusting in Him. This was the confirmation I needed for this blog.
How many times do we pray for something and it doesn't seem as though we are getting an answer? Plenty! The truth is we are praying and wanting it NOW. We seldom are patient with waiting until it is God's perfect timing. This is something I have learned over the years. I must trust in the Lord God and believe He has my needs or concerns in control. His timing is what is best for me and my family. He has the perfect solution to my needs, and even my desires. Yes, God cares about our desires as well. Nothing pleases Him more than being able to give us the desires of our hearts. However, what is best is that we trust in God's timing, we trust in God completely. We must be patient and know that God's plan is a perfect plan. A perfect plan for us.
The best example I can use is my health. I have had very significant health issues since my teens. I was misdiagnosed many times. I would pray to God, Lord please help me, please show the drs what is wrong with me, Lord please heal me. My husband would sit on the floor and hold me in his arms as I was screaming in pain. We both poured out our hearts to God. But we never stopped believing or trusting in Jesus. We knew He had a plan. When I was in my early 30s God gave us the answer. It was the issue with my spinal cord. I needed surgery right a way. It wasn't known if I'd survive the surgery, but it was certain I would not survive if I didn't have the surgery.  I had a little boy at home. I would do everything to be able to see him grow up.
It was at this time someone prayed for me and spoke a promise from God over me. I would see my son grow up, marry, and have children.  I would be able to play with my grandchildren. This is a promise I remind myself everyday of. I am trusting in the Lord.
Then it was 6 years ago I was diagnosed with the leukemia.( I had just had 2 more surgeries on the spinal cord.)This is chronic leukemia. So by taking the daily chemo it will keep the leukemia under control. It could still become a life threatening situation if not treated properly. This means I will take chemo for life. As odd as this sounds, when I received this information, it did not rock my boat. Why? Because I hang on to that promise Jesus gave me 30 years ago. And I have made a choice to trust Him.
I want to encourage you, whatever it is you are struggling with, whatever you are dealing with, no matter how hopeless your situation may seem, as long as you trust in Him, He will take care of you. It may not be at this moment, it may not be this month, but God has perfect timing, and He will take care of you.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (AMP)
5 ) Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart
And do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
6 ) In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him,
And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].
God will provide. He loves you with His all. Trust Him. He is always faithful.
Be encouraged faithful readers. God's promises are true.