Sunday, September 15, 2024

Our World Today and Who Do We Trust?

 It doesn’t take much to determine the shape our world is in today.  First let me say this is NOT a political message nor is it about politics.  Our world, no matter where you live or what country, is surrounded by disasters. Some are weather related. Some are caused by those wanting to harm others.  And some are just plain natural disasters.  Sometimes we just never know exactly what happened or why.  Many see a national crisis. Many of those crises extend throughout many nations.  And some on a much smaller scale.  I live in a very small rural town.  We saw quite an emergent incident occur yesterday in my little town.                  My question to you all is in whom do you trust to watch over you, protect you and your family, and to provide for you and your family? 

In our town yesterday it took several different fire departments in our area to come together, work together, and several hours of that very strenuous work to take care of the serious situation. Yes, many crews, many difficult hours, many different personalities to come together and work along side one another to put the fires out.  So this is one instance that the public had to trust in someone to protect them.

There are many times we rely on men and women to protect us.  However, I believe the strength, wisdom, and knowledge these men and women have comes from our Lord Jesus Christ.  You may be asking yourself at this point “how does she know that?”  I know that because I know that our emergency personnel,  whether paid or volunteers, are prayed for every single day by someone.  As a Christian and believer in Jesus I believe His Holy Spirit encourages me and many others to pray for our first responders.  They sacrifice much of their time for us.  That’s the least we can do, pray for them.  

What about other disasters?  Ones that our emergency personnel cannot help with? Then it’s so much more important to pray.  We need to rely on the promises of Jesus.  Trust in Him to watch over us, protect us, provide for us.  We have to BELIEVE in our God in Heaven.  We need to TRUST in Him.  We must walk in FAITH.  Some of you may be thinking “what does she know?”  What do I know?  I know that God promises He will always be near.  He promises to hear and answer our prayers.  I know He has walked by my side basically my whole life.  I have acknowledged this to all of you.  I have thanked my Lord Jesus publicly.  I know, without a doubt, I am a living miracle.  There should be no natural reason I am still alive.  Many doctors have told me this over and over.  But you see, I believe!  I know it is Jesus by my side.  

I believe Him for my family, my town, my state, my country, and our world.  I trust in Him for providing all of our needs.  (Needs are different than wants). I have faith He will never leave my side.  

I pray this for you, my faithful readers.  No matter where you are in our world, I believe He will protect you. If you need healing, heal you.  Hang on to Him.  Sometimes it’s a bumpy road.  So hang on tight.  He loves you with His all.  

Thank you Jesus for the victories you give us. Thank you for our hope.  

““Behold, God, my salvation! I will trust and not be afraid, For the Lord God is my strength and song; Yes, He has become my salvation.””

Isaiah‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬ ‭AMP‬‬


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Faith, Prayers, Blessings

 Matthew 17:20b

“For I assure you: If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.
This is one of those “faith” verses that we are all familiar with.  I would say it is almost impossible to find someone who hasn’t heard these words spoken before.  Even those claiming they do not believe in the Scriptures have heard this spoken, or read it someplace, or may have even spoke these words themselves.
I say amen to that.  We all need those encouraging words at times in our lives.  It may be for your personal relationship with Jesus, or your relationship with your spouse, maybe for healing in your own body or  a loved ones life.  Then it could be for financial reasons. Or many other reasons we encounter in a lifetime.
Do you think those of us that hang on to this verse more than others are more apt to receive our answers than someone who barely believes in faith?  I don’t believe that.  That would mean the Lord puts your requests ahead of mine because you memorized a verse. I do not believe God does that.  He loves us all equally as the next.  He has made us in His image.  We are fearfully and wonderfully made. He likes your blonde hair as much as my red curly hair. He likes my freckles as much as your pale skin.  Ok, that’s our physical appearance.  What about our hearts?  He desires us to all be filled with His love in our hearts.  But I may have a little bubble in mine, where yours is filled to the brim.  That makes no difference to Jesus.  What He wants most of all is for us to rely on Him, in faith, for all of our needs and wants.  He doesn’t measure our prayers.  He already knows what is in our hearts.  We don’t need to plead with Him.  No matter our need or request, He will be there for us. 
Sometimes we think we know the answer and how Jesus will respond.  Well why would we need faith and trust in Jesus if we knew the answers.  It all comes down to this.  Jesus loves  us more than anything.  He wants to supply our every need.  He wants to answer every prayer.  But those answers are coming from Jesus’ heart and His mouth.  He knows what’s best.  
It comes down to us reading the Scriptures, letting them stick in our hearts.  And having that faith, even if it’s only the size of a mustard seed.  Just sit back, put your feet up, and talk to Jesus.  Let Him hold you in His arms, console you, speak His love to you.  He wants that relationship with you.  It is often in those times that I find my greatest moments of peace and comfort.  For that I am so very grateful.   
As we start a new season, autumn, we get to see God’s magnificent masterpiece of the brilliant colors of the landscape.  But also we can settle down some, rest a little, and prepare for the coming of a new year.  
May you all find your rest and your peace in Jesus.  Be rejuvenated.   

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 Encouragement, what exactly does that mean?   -the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope. -persuade someone to move forward...