Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Are we eating the food set before us?

 When we were babies we relied on our parents to feed us. As we grew, the goal was to become more independent and feed ourselves with what was provided. We began to grow and become even more independent and began to provide for ourselves. And we then ate what we provided for ourselves.And so we then raised our own children to do the same.

The same is true for taking what the Lord has given us, taking it in, digesting it, and let it nourish us and strengthen us. This is what the Word of God is to us. Spiritual food. God's own food for us. 

This never stops. When we are babes in our Christian walk, we rely on Bible teachings, Sunday sermons, teachers, study helps to feed us and nurture us. To make us grow and become stronger. Then we begin to grow and mature in the Word of God. We read the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit speaks to us. We have a greater understanding of God's Word. We use His word in every aspect of our life. 

Then we get lazy. We expect God to hand feed us again. We wait for the spoon to touch our lips. And guess what? We become weak and frail. We lose our concentration. We don't read the Word like we should. Then we are hungry again.

Do we really think this is what God had in mind for us, His children? I don't think so. He wants us to be mature, understand His Word. He wants to speak to us directly. He expects us to grow up and reach out and take those morsels on our own. He has provided them for us. He has placed them out in front of us. All we have to do is reach out and take them.

I honestly do not think any of us intentionally become lazy. I think we just let the business of life, our everyday duties get in the way. We have His Holy Spirit with us to poke us and prod us. Those gentle reminders. 

I encourage you all, faithful readers, reach out. The Lord has placed that food in front of us.Take it, it is yours. And it will make you strong, it will encourage you. 

Matthew 4:4

 But He answered, “It is written:

Man must not live on bread alone
but on every word that comes
from the mouth of God.