Tuesday, February 18, 2020

More on Miracles, His Perfect Plan

Last week I wrote about believing in miracles. Do you believe in miracles? Are you expecting a miracle, are you hoping for one? There are so many different scenarios, different ways we wait, and even different ways we ask. We may ask for ourselves, we may ask a friend to pray for the miracle, we also ask to be put on a prayer list through the church--believing the prayers of the body will help us receive the miracle we need faster.
The truth is, we all can have our miracle. It is the timing that we have no control over. The timing is up to our Lord Jesus. He has a plan. In His plan is the manner in which we receive our miracle, the type of miracle we receive, if He so chooses to use someone to help bring our miracle to life, and the timing of our miracle.
Philippians 1:6 (AMP)- I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return].
God has a perfect plan for us. It is not the perfection we have come up with in our own minds, it is the perfection God has planned out for us. Whatever it is we need, physical healing, emotional healing, financial help, our Lord Jesus has a plan. Nothing is too difficult for God.
Many times we think of ourselves as "stained", and not deserving. That is true, we have been stained by our sins. We don't deserve all that God has for us and freely gives to us. But we must remember, we have been washed clean by the blood of Jesus. Our stains have been washed away.
Jesus loves us more than words can express. He has saved His best for us. That best is Himself. He gave Himself up so that we can be washed clean. He gave His all so that we can be washed clean by His blood. And so that we can be healed by His grace and love He has for us.
We all have a need in our lives, we all need a miracle for ourself or a family member. We have an open phone line 24/7 to the Lord. We can call on Him anytime night or day and ask for our needs to be met. He is more than willing to accommodate us.
Can you believe or have faith for your miracle? If not, call on the body. Call on the church to step in and intercede for you or for your family member. There are plenty of times I have had a need and I just could not get the words to pray. My heart could cry out to God but my mind couldn't seem to get those words together. That's why we have the Holy Spirit to stand in for us. And the Holy Spirit to speak to the hearts of the body to intercede for us.
Remember, the Lord God has that perfect plan for us, for our loved ones. He will see to it that our needs are met. He will use His Holy Spirit and the church to bring that perfect plan to life. Or since He is God, He may just see what our heart cries for and touch us right then.
However God chooses, or whenever God chooses, we will receive our miracle. Hang on to that hope. Trust in the Holy Spirit, reach deep down inside and grab ahold of that faith the size of a mustard seed. Hang onto it tightly. Don't let go.
Today I am praying for a miracle for someone very special in our family. I pray that as you read this you are inspired to step out in that faith and hope to stand in the gap for someone you know needing that miracle.
Ephesians 2:10 Amplified Bible (AMP)
 For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set], so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us].

Monday, February 10, 2020

Do you believe in miracles?

Miracles, something we all know or have heard about. They maybe something we have never seen, or we may not even believe in. Miracles are needed by more of us than we can really fathom. As a matter of fact, I will be bold to say everyone of us need a miracle in one way or another, at one point in our lives.
I do believe in miracles. I need a miracle in my life. My husband could use a miracle in his body. Some other close relatives can use a miracle or two.
Does a miracle seem "unreachable" to you? Does it seem "unrealistic" to you? Do you know how to obtain that miracle you need? Actually many believe you just hope for one and that's it.
I am writing this blog today in hopes of making those miracles more realistic to you. Let's look at miracles for a moment.
A miracle my have the face of a financial blessing. Whether you receive a raise at work, or perhaps an extra bonus from work. Perhaps the miracle may appear to you in receiving a new job. Maybe someone blesses you financially because the Lord told them to do so. There are many ways you may receive a financial miracle.
Another look of a miracle may appear to you in renewing an old friendship from years past. Maybe you've been reunited with a childhood friend. I have had that happen. I have found a childhood friend.  I have searched for years for her. And through social media, I found her. Yes, the Lord can even use social media.
And this is a widely needed type of miracle needed. Some are embarrassed to ask for it. Some lack the belief to receive such a miracle. I do believe in this type of miracle, and I need this type of miracle-a physical healing. Yes, I need to be physically healed, I have family members who need to be physically healed. And I believe! So I will focus more on this type of miracle.
For myself and many of you out there, we need some type of physical healing. For me, I know that will not come unless I am obedient. I know this for myself, it may not apply to you. But for me I know I must pray and earnestly seek the Lord's will. I pray and spend time in His Word. I want to know the characteristics of our Lord Jesus. To me, what better way than through His Word.
And His Word spurs me on to sit and talk with our Lord. Or even while I am doing the dishes, or birdwatching, enjoying warm sunshine(which is absent this time of year, where I am located), any time of the day or night I can have a conversation with God. Most call that prayer. That is one way we can pray with our Lord Jesus, have a conversation with Him.
By getting to know my Lord Jesus I realize more and more how much He loves me. And by knowing how much He loves me opens my heart to realizing how much miracles are possible. And adding to that, realizing how much I know the Lord desires to give me that miracle. So why haven't I received my physical healing yet?
Some miracles are instant. My husband received an instant healing. He has an Aortic Aneurysm. One day it began leaking at a rapid pace. I called the emergency squad. They were here with in a couple of minutes. By that time my husband was almost lifeless.  He had no blood pressure. His heart was only beating 2-4 times a minute. They put him in a helicopter and flew him to the nearest trauma hospital.
I called for prayer from our church. By the time I got there, an hour's drive, I ran into his room, He was sitting up. The doctor told me they could not explain it. The blood that had leaked from the aneurysm into his abdominal cavity was gone. There was no evidence of an active bleed. His blood pressure and heartbeat returned to normal. They could not explain what happened. It was truly an instant miracle. And we have actual medical documents explaining that.
That brings me back to my miracle. My complete miracle has not happened yet. But many aspects toward a complete miracle have happened. Let me explain.
My life has been spared many times. I stopped breathing, I couldn't walk, my life was spared during child birth, and the Lord protected me and guided the surgeons hands three different times when surgery was performed on my spinal cord. It was after the last surgery that the leukemia was found. If that had not been found, a diagnosis may have been made too late. Because I was able to receive treatment within a reasonable amount of time, the leukemia is kept under control. My type of leukemia will never go into remission, but it can be managed.  For me, this is another aspect towards my complete healing. I continue to believe, I continue to pray, I continue to talk with my Lord Jesus.
And most of all I continue to persevere. We all must persevere. Never give up. The Lord's promises to us will come to fruition. We must believe.
For all of you that need an instant miracle, or a long term miracle, or stages of a miracle, which ever it is you need, believe. Trust in the Lord.
Also I'd like to add, we may think we know what is best for us. We might think we need that complete healing immediately. But what we see and what the Lord sees may be different. It is a hard thing to do at times, but I'd rather trust in what the Lord sees than what I see.  He knows all, and He sees all. How He chooses to heal me is the best way. I must trust that and believe in that.
I pray for you my faithful readers, trust in our Lord Jesus. Believe in the miracles He promises for us. Get to know Him more by reading His Word, and by having a nice conversation with Him. Whatever way works best for you, use it to get closer to Him. He loves us all in more ways than we can fathom.