Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Power of the Cross

These 2 simple words, "the cross", have more meaning than most of the words we know.
Let's visit this. What does "the cross" mean to me? I guarantee you one thing, it probably means some the same things it means to you but with some different characteristics added.
When I think of the cross, the first thing that comes to mind is our Lord Jesus hanging on that cross.
The picture that comes into my mind takes my breath away. Why did Jesus have to endure that horrific pain and death for us? Well He didn't HAVE to. But He WANTED to. That's right, when Jesus knew He had to save His creation, His children, us, He knew this was the only way.
Jesus hung on that cross, and died, all for LOVE. He loves us so much that He wanted to give us a way to be with Him forever. For eternity.
Jesus walked that long road to the cross, carrying that heavy cross on His shoulders. All of this after being beaten severely, being mocked that whole time, hardly able to stand. He reached that final place where He would be nailed to that cross with huge spikes. And the weight just kept getting heavier with the burdens of our sins on Him. Why did He continue? He could have said no at any time. But Jesus knew we would need Him forever. He knew we needed a way for redemption. Jesus knew we would face sin every day of our lives, therefore needing Him and His strength to fight for the right thing. And at times we do fail, so again we need Jesus to redeem us. The only way this was possible for us to have was Jesus to die on that cross, then in 3 days rise from that grave alive. In those 3 days Jesus went to the pit of hell, snatched the keys to heaven from the devil's hands and took all power and authority from him forever. Jesus rose from that grave victorious, for love's sake, for our sake. He rose in victory for us, that we have a way to be redeemed and forgiven, and that we can walk with Jesus every day of our lives because of His Holy Spirit.
When I think of the cross, that is what I think about. My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ going to battle for me so that I can have victory.
Jesus knows I am not perfect. I am far from perfect. But as long as I seek His face, strive to hear His voice in my heart, and do my best to live to honor Him, I know He is pleased and He will guide me every step of the way.
God didn't create us to be robots. He gave us a heart, a brain, ears, eyes, and our own will. He gave us a choice. That is one reason why the cross is so important. Because we all have our own will, we will fail. We will fall away from a relationship with Jesus unless we ask Him for forgiveness, and allow Him into our hearts. It is sin that separates us from Him. We are weak without Jesus in our lives.
As we approach Easter, I pray for you all, that you think about the cross. I pray you get your own vision in your mind about what the cross means to you. The most important thing is the cross was a vehicle God used, to enable us to have that close and loving relationship with Jesus. That close and personal relationship with Jesus.
Jesus is our strength, our Redeemer, our confidence, our counselor, our healer, and so much more.
Faithful readers, I pray you feel that love from Jesus today.
Take a moment and listen to this song.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Lenten Season

The lenten season, the season leading up to Easter, is a time when most reflect on what was taking place back in the days of Jesus, walking this earth. Or at least we should be reflecting on those times and what actually took place, all for loves sake, for our sake.
During this time so often I hear of those fasting "something" for lent. What does that actually mean? Why are you doing this?  For whom are you doing this for? I will go out on a limb here and be bold. I think most of the time the act of fasting is being done for the wrong reason. Especially what is being fasted from. Sugar, or chocolate, or soda, or alcohol, or snacks, or some other luxury that doesn't really matter in our lives. Does that really glorify Jesus? Does it really bring us to a place of intercession and prayer? I doubt it.
You see when Jesus asks us to fast it is usually because we need a deep cleansing from God, or we need something very specific and important in our lives, or perhaps we need healing.  One thing I know we all need is forgiveness.  Yes, forgiveness. Because none of us are perfect and blameless until we go to be with the Lord for eternity. 
In my opinion, and I repeat, my opinion (yours may be different), fasting from sugar or chocolate or alcohol isn't going to bring me to a closer place with Jesus. What Jesus wants is when we fast to spend that extra time with Him in prayer.  For the hour you may fast from your favorite TV show, He wants us to pray. That is how we get to that closer place to Jesus. 
The lenten season is about us digging deep into our hearts and searching for cobwebs that need cleaning out. It is about us finding a renewing of our spirits from Christ Jesus. It is about us walking in integrity with the Lord.
I know Jesus desires that more intimate relationship with us. But it is up to us to take those steps and dig deep. It is up to us to call out to Jesus and ask for His redeeming love and mercy over us.
Jesus already did the hard part. He walked that road, being mocked, being ridiculed, being spat on, being beaten, being nailed to that cross, suffering the most horrible death on that cross, all for loves sake. All for our sake. 
He then rose from the grave, and went and snatched the keys to hell, defeated the devil, all for loves sake. He then rose to heaven, in victory, and sent His Holy Spirit to be our comforter, our counselor, and to be with us always. We are never alone. 
So let me ask you, why are you fasting, if you do? Why are you celebrating Easter, if you do?
Do you remember what took place that Easter week almost 2000 years ago? Do you remember why?
I can think of many reasons to fast and pray. Desperate reasons. But the most important reason is for our relationship with Jesus Christ to be strengthened, and to be more meaningful in our lives. That is the most important reason. Without that we have nothing. 
I encourage you faithful readers, this Easter season, search your hearts, search the Word of God, search and seek more of the Holy Spirit in your lives. Pray for more of Jesus in your lives. I know you will come away from that being so much more enriched, feeling so much closer to Jesus ,and feeling so much more loved from Jesus. 
That is priceless! That is worth fasting from something more important than sugar. It is worth every moment spent in prayer, and every moment spent worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ. 
Psalm 26:
Prayer for Vindication

1 Vindicate me, Lord,
because I have lived with integrity
and have trusted in the Lord without wavering.
2 Test me, Lord, and try me;
examine my heart and mind.
3 For Your faithful love is before my eyes,
and I live by Your truth.

4 I do not sit with the worthless
or associate with hypocrites.
5 I hate a crowd of evildoers,
and I do not sit with the wicked.
6 I wash my hands[a] in innocence
and go around Your altar, Lord,

7 raising my voice in thanksgiving
and telling about Your wonderful works.

8 Lord, I love the house where You dwell,
the place where Your glory resides.
9 Do not destroy me along with sinners,
or my life along with men of bloodshed
10 in whose hands are evil schemes
and whose right hands are filled with bribes.

11 But I live with integrity;
redeem me and be gracious to me.
12 My foot stands on level ground;
I will praise the Lord in the assemblies.