In my eyes, looking at myself, I consider myself nothing without God in my life. Some of you may think that sounds harsh. But for me, I know it’s true. This flesh that is my body is just the shell I live in. But who defines me, what defines me is my Lord Jesus alive in me. Jehovah-Tsidkenu, my righteousness. It is His righteousness that breathes life into my lungs. It is everything about our loving God that puts life into my body. Remember, this is how I see myself. But I truly believe God has life for each of us. He has enough righteousness to go around for all of us.
With that said let me tell you more. I believe I am who I am because of who my Lord Jesus is in me. I choose this. I want to be righteous through His mighty hand on my life. I want to be a Christ follower and obey His commandments. I am in no way perfect. But I know God works in my life everyday. And because He forgives me I can continue to follow Him. I can choose His righteousness.
You may see yourself a different way. Maybe He is your peace, your provider, your redeemer. However you see yourself being touched by God, that is who you are.
I also know that God is not limited through my eyes. Today righteousness struck home. Tomorrow Healer may be more vivid to me. The next day my Provider may be more real to me. God is all of those things to us everyday. He isn’t limited to one thing. He is God, He is in charge. And oh my goodness, I am so thankful for that.
So as you have your quiet time with the Lord, I pray for you faithful readers, that He touches your lives in a mighty way, and reveals your identity through He that lives in you.