Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Are you an encouragement to others?

 Encouragement, what exactly does that mean?  

-the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.

-persuade someone to move forward with something, or try something new. 

On the “Biblical “ aspect encouragement is quite the same.  But with some key aspects. 

‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭11‬ ‭HCSB‬‬-

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.”

Others see encouragement as a spiritual gift from God. Encouraging the other person to strive to be the best they can be.  

 Encouragement strengthens others to follow God's will.

Encouragement in Christ gives us the strength to put on our spiritual armor and remain steadfast. 

So as you can see encouragement means the same.  As Christians we definitely have an emphasis on encouraging others as much as ourselves.  We must believe in ourselves and show others it is so vitally important to have that in us, deeply planted.  Then we can pass that on to others.   

We are at the very beginning of October.  October happens to be  Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  This hits me right to the core.  I have reached my 4 year anniversary of being diagnosed with breast cancer.  I knew right from the beginning I needed to use this to encourage others who have been diagnosed, and also encourage others to have that mammogram yearly or as the doctor suggests.  No matter what your age is.  Breast cancer can be well hidden.  It may not even be felt on exam.  Usually no symptoms noticeable unless it has been there for a very long time.  Some women complain that it hurts to have a mammo.  I’m here to tell you, cancer hurts more. 

 Ok, so I’m talking about encouragement. How does that encourage others?  That is where we must listen for the Holy Spirit.  He has to speak to us about who to share with, and how to share.  That is a huge key as to sharing and encouraging to others.  Listen, trust Him, encourage yourself. Be positive, be gentle, be kind. And always be truthful.  

Since I am talking about encouragement let me remind you it is October.  And breast cancer seems to be out there more often than ever.  Men and women, yes both can get breast cancer. I’d like to encourage you all, please start with self exams.  You may be thinking how do I know what to feel?  This is the age of the internet.  There are tutorials on everything. And I mean everything.  So that’s the 1st step.  Next, see your primary care doctor for regular check ups and yearly physicals.  Don’t forget there are other areas that need watching.  Women have their bodies.  Men have theirs.  Both have colons.  That is another very important exam to have.  I share this because it is our responsibility to take care of our bodies.  Inside and out. I know this is about encouragement. I hope it is received that way.  Our Father God created us, He has given us a call of duty to take care of our bodies.  We are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  Let us not disappoint our Lord Jesus.  

I pray for you my friends.  That we can all be more than conquerors.  We can be that person who sends those positive and encouraging thoughts out to others in need. And as we walk boldly in our victories, we can draw others closer to our Lord Jesus.  

“Don’t you know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God in your body.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭19‬-‭20‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Our World Today and Who Do We Trust?

 It doesn’t take much to determine the shape our world is in today.  First let me say this is NOT a political message nor is it about politics.  Our world, no matter where you live or what country, is surrounded by disasters. Some are weather related. Some are caused by those wanting to harm others.  And some are just plain natural disasters.  Sometimes we just never know exactly what happened or why.  Many see a national crisis. Many of those crises extend throughout many nations.  And some on a much smaller scale.  I live in a very small rural town.  We saw quite an emergent incident occur yesterday in my little town.                  My question to you all is in whom do you trust to watch over you, protect you and your family, and to provide for you and your family? 

In our town yesterday it took several different fire departments in our area to come together, work together, and several hours of that very strenuous work to take care of the serious situation. Yes, many crews, many difficult hours, many different personalities to come together and work along side one another to put the fires out.  So this is one instance that the public had to trust in someone to protect them.

There are many times we rely on men and women to protect us.  However, I believe the strength, wisdom, and knowledge these men and women have comes from our Lord Jesus Christ.  You may be asking yourself at this point “how does she know that?”  I know that because I know that our emergency personnel,  whether paid or volunteers, are prayed for every single day by someone.  As a Christian and believer in Jesus I believe His Holy Spirit encourages me and many others to pray for our first responders.  They sacrifice much of their time for us.  That’s the least we can do, pray for them.  

What about other disasters?  Ones that our emergency personnel cannot help with? Then it’s so much more important to pray.  We need to rely on the promises of Jesus.  Trust in Him to watch over us, protect us, provide for us.  We have to BELIEVE in our God in Heaven.  We need to TRUST in Him.  We must walk in FAITH.  Some of you may be thinking “what does she know?”  What do I know?  I know that God promises He will always be near.  He promises to hear and answer our prayers.  I know He has walked by my side basically my whole life.  I have acknowledged this to all of you.  I have thanked my Lord Jesus publicly.  I know, without a doubt, I am a living miracle.  There should be no natural reason I am still alive.  Many doctors have told me this over and over.  But you see, I believe!  I know it is Jesus by my side.  

I believe Him for my family, my town, my state, my country, and our world.  I trust in Him for providing all of our needs.  (Needs are different than wants). I have faith He will never leave my side.  

I pray this for you, my faithful readers.  No matter where you are in our world, I believe He will protect you. If you need healing, heal you.  Hang on to Him.  Sometimes it’s a bumpy road.  So hang on tight.  He loves you with His all.  

Thank you Jesus for the victories you give us. Thank you for our hope.  

““Behold, God, my salvation! I will trust and not be afraid, For the Lord God is my strength and song; Yes, He has become my salvation.””

Isaiah‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬ ‭AMP‬‬


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Faith, Prayers, Blessings

 Matthew 17:20b

“For I assure you: If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.
This is one of those “faith” verses that we are all familiar with.  I would say it is almost impossible to find someone who hasn’t heard these words spoken before.  Even those claiming they do not believe in the Scriptures have heard this spoken, or read it someplace, or may have even spoke these words themselves.
I say amen to that.  We all need those encouraging words at times in our lives.  It may be for your personal relationship with Jesus, or your relationship with your spouse, maybe for healing in your own body or  a loved ones life.  Then it could be for financial reasons. Or many other reasons we encounter in a lifetime.
Do you think those of us that hang on to this verse more than others are more apt to receive our answers than someone who barely believes in faith?  I don’t believe that.  That would mean the Lord puts your requests ahead of mine because you memorized a verse. I do not believe God does that.  He loves us all equally as the next.  He has made us in His image.  We are fearfully and wonderfully made. He likes your blonde hair as much as my red curly hair. He likes my freckles as much as your pale skin.  Ok, that’s our physical appearance.  What about our hearts?  He desires us to all be filled with His love in our hearts.  But I may have a little bubble in mine, where yours is filled to the brim.  That makes no difference to Jesus.  What He wants most of all is for us to rely on Him, in faith, for all of our needs and wants.  He doesn’t measure our prayers.  He already knows what is in our hearts.  We don’t need to plead with Him.  No matter our need or request, He will be there for us. 
Sometimes we think we know the answer and how Jesus will respond.  Well why would we need faith and trust in Jesus if we knew the answers.  It all comes down to this.  Jesus loves  us more than anything.  He wants to supply our every need.  He wants to answer every prayer.  But those answers are coming from Jesus’ heart and His mouth.  He knows what’s best.  
It comes down to us reading the Scriptures, letting them stick in our hearts.  And having that faith, even if it’s only the size of a mustard seed.  Just sit back, put your feet up, and talk to Jesus.  Let Him hold you in His arms, console you, speak His love to you.  He wants that relationship with you.  It is often in those times that I find my greatest moments of peace and comfort.  For that I am so very grateful.   
As we start a new season, autumn, we get to see God’s magnificent masterpiece of the brilliant colors of the landscape.  But also we can settle down some, rest a little, and prepare for the coming of a new year.  
May you all find your rest and your peace in Jesus.  Be rejuvenated.   

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Is This Your Miracle?

 As believers in Jesus Christ, as a follower of Him, our natural self wants to see real life miracles.  When someone is ill, we pray and ask Jesus to heal that person.  And that is what Jesus wants us to do, ask Him.  When our budgets have been stretched too thin we pray to Jesus to help us.   

This is absolutely the right thing to do. Jesus wants us to pray, seek Him, listen for Him to answer.  The problem is us.  Are we asking in faith? Are we willing to accept the answer Jesus gives us?

Answer? What answer?  Isn’t it true that Jesus wants to heal us? What is going on here?  There are so many answers to the questions.  But there is one big answer.  That is the fact Jesus may have healed us in a different manner than we expected.  Here are some examples.

My husband has an aortic aneurysm. It was a beautiful sunny September day.  Paul was sleeping before he had to work that night.  When he got up he yelled out to me in pain.  Upper back pain and abdominal pain.  He then collapsed back on the bed. He was fading very fast.  I could not get any vital signs on him.  I called 911.  Paramedics were here within one minute. (Thank God for small towns).  When the two of  them came in and saw Paul they knew just as I did, the aneurysm was leaking.  They tried getting an IV in, his veins were collapsing.  As not to waste time, they called the helicopter which was at the fire station waiting when we got there.  They packed him up and told me where he was going..  The hospital is one hour from here.  The copter had him there in 14 min.  The paramedics got the IV in, and many other things.  His pulse was beating ONE time per minute.  No BP could be detected. Their ultrasounds confirmed and showed the blood pooling into his abdomen.   I called for prayer. People praying all over the world.  God please heal Paul.  Save his life. That was all I could think of.  I got to the hospital in an hour.  Ran into ER looking for my husband.  They took me to him.  I walked in to his cubicle, he was sitting up drinking some juice.  And he was nice and pink.  He said wow, power of prayer.  I should say so.  

The doctors explained to us they could see him bleeding from the aneurysm .  When they were getting ready for surgery to save his life the doctor decided on one more CT Scan.  They whipped him out of the scanner and put him back in.  3-4 times.  They told us during the CT Scan they visibly saw the blood go back into his heart and the aneurysm close up.  The moment Paul’s miracle occurred.  But wait, the doctor told us the aneurysm is still there and is the same size it was prior to the incident.  They couldn’t explain it.  But they knew something happened. They called it a miracle. 

Well how was there a miracle then if the aneurysm is still there?  We prayed and asked God if we got it wrong. We both clearly heard the Holy Spirit.  The Lord saying “ I did heal him”, “I am healing him”.  

Some miracles can be done instantly and over with.  The Lord  is to be glorified. This isn’t something that can be seen with the naked eye.  Therefore Paul’s miracle is on going.  When he sees his cardiologist every six months they measure the aneurysm.  It has consistently shrunk in size .  It is smaller than it was.  Yes, there is his miracle.  Still going on.  Jesus explained that more people will believe this way.  

You see that is what is important.  That our Lord Jesus Christ is glorified in all of this.  So there are times for that instant miracle that everyone can see.  And then you have a miracle like Paul’s.  It is in stages. 

Either way, when we pray, earnestly seek Him, for His glory, then He will hear us, and give us what we need.  Jesus says believe in Him and trust Him.  He is always with us. 

Jesus is always moving on our behalf. He wants you to receive your miracle, but it may not be time yet.  But don’t give up.  Keep praying to Him.  He says to believe and trust in Him.  

“He has made everything appropriate in its time. “

‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭11‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

Monday, August 12, 2024


 I will begin with a very familiar verse we all have heard at some point in our lives.

“Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.”

‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭4‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

I want to concentrate on verses 2-3 mostly.  Going almost word by word.  “Consider it all joy”.  All joy?  Now why would I consider my trials or hardships all joy?  I must admit, often in the beginning of a great trial, do I seldom consider it joy.  Even going through the process of the trial,  joy is the last thing  that comes to mind.  I’m often on my knees pleading to God to take this trial from me. I am sure if we plead to Him enough, He may give in and take that trial from us.  

Now let’s look at the next verse.  It talks about the endurance we gain from going through the trial.  Our faith increases, then we will gain the endurance we need to continue on.  From there it says how endurance must complete what it set out to do. It sets out to complete the work so that we may mature and become complete so that we lack in nothing. 

WOW!  Does that even sink in?  We mature and become complete, lacking in nothing. Let me remind you, this is for that specific incident.  Our endurance is a work in progress. But to have that victory for that one time is enough to bring me joy.  I want to be dripping with joy being poured all over me.

I want to trust Jesus with my everything. I want His Holy Spirit fill me everyday so that my joy will be made complete for that very need of that moment.  Or that very thing i am praying about or the person I am praying for.  I want my joy dripping all over me. 

Do you think that’s what verse 2 meant when it said “consider it a great joy”  when going through our trials.  Our trial is a work in progress.  We go through it step by step.  Learning , gaining strength, gaining endurance as we go through each step.  Until we reach that final step.  We see the end in sight.  We can see that finish line.  Then we cross that finish line and jump and shout with joy.  It is finished!  It is complete!  

I believe Jesus has that for all of us.  No matter your circumstance, He wants you to have that joy.  


Saturday, July 20, 2024


 A few weeks ago I posted about praying for your country. I used a very familiar Scripture. 

“and My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.”

‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭7‬:‭14‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

This is proven to be so. clear to us over and over again. I am not referring to just my country.  I can think of numerous countries in need of prayer.  Whether you agree with the turmoil of your country or not, the only way to save your country , and protect your freedoms is to pray.  

It was just one week ago that my country experienced a horrific event of an assassination attempt to one of our presidential candidates.  But God said NO! We witnessed this take place on live television.  In a split second it could have all changed our freedom as we know it. But God said NO! It was a miracle before our very own eyes.  Was it a poor shot?  I do not believe that. What I do believe is it was “divine intervention “. Only God could change the path of that bullet.  Only God could hold President Trump’s head in His hands and move it to change the target of that bullet.  And why did God do this?  There are many answers to this question.  One very important answer is in that Scripture above.  “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and PRAY…

Yes, pray! This is not about politics.  This is about good vs evil.  This was a horrible act of evil.  The enemy had its pawns in place. That is clearly visible.  And they failed. Some are asking “how could they miss?”  They missed because God said NO.  He has heard the prayers of His people and answered them.

As I said before, this is not about politics.  This is a battle between goodness and evil. Darkness and light.  Take politics out of this and think to yourself, do I really want my world to change because of some heinous crime?  I certainly don’t.  

We all have our opinions of who is behind all of this.  The truth will be revealed as it has been before.  That is way above me to figure all of that out.  Even though I have my opinions.  But I choose to pray and seek God’s face.  I believe He can save our people and protect us, and heal our land.  Just as He promises in the Scriptures.  

I ask you faithful readers to continue to pray for our world.  Let us all come together with the help of the Holy Spirit, and seek God, and pray.  Let us ask for that incredible peace only God can give us.  Let us ask for divine intervention against the evil that wants to destroy us. Let us pray for His protection over us.  

Sunday, July 7, 2024

What is Your Purpose in Life?

 Have you dreamt all of your life for your purpose in life?  By purpose I mean God’s calling in your life. 

As little children we often dream of what we want to be when we grow up.  Some want to be auto mechanics, some nurses, some singers, some musicians, or some want to be what their Mother and Father are.  We seldom as children know what it means “to be called by God”. Therefore we do not even know to dream or pray in that way.  

My goal, or dream was to be a nurse.  From a very early age when my best friend and I would play with our dolls I was the nurse, assisting the imaginary doctor, my friend was always a hair dresser.  I continued to dream that dream of being a nurse.  I did just that. I became a nurse.  When I became a Christ follower I learned about being called by God.  I thought about that.  I can honestly say I never felt I should be anything but a nurse. So I then prayed everyday how I could honor Jesus through my work. And how could I minister to my patients.  As the world continues to change I knew I had to keep the boundaries placed in my job.  It is very difficult to just ask that patient if I can pray for them.  I could have lost my job.  But I wasn’t going to let that stop me. I had to get creative.  Every time I took a patients blood pressure, or pulse, I was touching that patient.  I called it laying on of hands. So I would pray silently for my patients.  Every time I changed a dressing, gave a bath, had to do some treatment I would pray for that patient.  I saw people’s hearts change.  I saw healing in their lives.  I considered it truly an honor to serve God in this way.  

How do you serve the Lord?  Have you asked him how you should serve?  Sometimes it is totally different than our profession.  Sometimes we may ask God to explain.  You may be thinking “I know nothing about that”.  How can God use me like that?  We forget, God is in charge. 

There was a time when I was in the Creative Arts Ministry in our church. I had no prior experience to anything like this. But I wanted to be used by God to encourage and build up His church. I certainly wasn’t  the most talented.  But I sure had fun.  This was allowing myself to be used by God.  

We all can be used by Him.  Our circumstances do not have to hinder us.  They can make us stronger instead.  I encourage you all, seek God’s face.  Listen for His voice.  Follow His direction.  You will feel so fulfilled.  I promise you that. Don’t be afraid of change. Jesus is with you all of the way.  

“There is one body and one Spirit — just as you were called to one hope at your calling — one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4‬:‭4‬-‭6‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

#Godiscallingyou  #yourcalling  #God’spurpose #yourlifehaspurpose  #obedience  #changedlives 

Are you an encouragement to others?

 Encouragement, what exactly does that mean?   -the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope. -persuade someone to move forward...